There is no justification to murder anyone who is not a threat. Jews were not a threat until they were attacked during that time, thus - there is no justification in attacking them.
In every nation on this planet there is a certain policy toward peoples who are not of that land , immigrants . IMO there should not be , but there is , and as there is elsewhere there ought to be in Palestine .
The colonists settling in the land formed a threat through their existance , because there is no such thing is international anarchy when peoples can go and leave where they please , unfortunatly . Moreover , the zionists came under the protection of the Brittish with obvious political admirations to not live together with Arabs , but create their own zionist state which is founded on the nationalist ideals of
Blut und Boden .
Especially in the days of the great movements and dictators you cannot trust a nationalistic movement with as well socialist as fascist divisions to settle peacefull on your front-yard .
Hell no. The brits were the protectors of general public peace. I will find resources later about the amount of agreesive actions british troops made against zionists. Not to mentions decrees like "the rule of territory" to rule out jewish bought lands.
Im sorry but there were Jewish elements in the British military system as well as profound facilitation for the fulfillment of zionist ideas . There is no compare between the Brittish behaviour against zionist (especially at the so relevant beginning) and against Arabs .
Please consider this article by
Samih K. Farsoun with Christina Zacharia
Creation of circumstances in which unacceptable actions can develop themselves , ought to be considered a threat to indigious existance , and over history as we see it has proved to be not only a threat but an actualization of zionist ideals . And we're not done yet either .
Supposed difficulties regarding "ruling territory" are marginal as land acquisition had no priority over immigration . Israel seized most of its land much later on and through different means .
a classy mistake. The Likud party is not equal to the Irgun in any way.
I aimed at Lehi not Izl . Nor is equality
there , however relevancy is .
The Irgun idealogy was expansionists with no boundaries, and I might quote "Two sides for the Jordan. One is ours, and such is the other". The Likud leader of today talks about two palestinian sides to the Jordan.
Talks do not equal actions especially not when coming from Arik , afterall the man invaded Lebanon and holds responsibility for Sabra & Shatila . What are his ambitions ? Is he as your infamous Begin (ex-Izl leader) and achieves an Arab sell out ? It would look like it with Abbas , but as the rest doesnt follow nothing is accomplished . So what is the alternative , afterall capability is present and is ideology not ? What exactly are Likud's expansionist policy's in theory ? Is there a definit border of Israel ? Afterall its army still occupies territories that are not within these theoretical borders , who are indefinit .
Moreover, the Irgun materialized with many other parties before becoming the current likud. Parties like Gesher, Tzomet, Israel Bea'alya, and many liberal groups. I can't see how former prime minister Bibi Netanyahu, a neo-capitalist, would agree with Jabo's moderately social ideas (which, by the way, were considered highly non-social by that time).
Ehm im starting to think that you are forgetting Lehi , afterall Heirut sprung originally from there . The parties mentioned in forming of Likud obviously have no issues with Likudian politics , Likudian politics that was understood by 1986 ex-Lehi leader Yitzhak Shamir as PM . You do see the deep rooting and relevance I hope . Or did all the fascist become a woos in order to be called Likud ? I dont think so , as you mention Bibi , Ariuk is considered the
moderate one within the fraction . The butcher is moderate , ha ! Bibi is a madhouse , surely his neo-capitalistic ideals would not bind him with Jabo , but his conquer and expell hungry zionist drive does . Its not the share of economical perspective that has importance in judging the moral grounds of the movements in their relation , its how they see their nationalism , equal rights , respect of anothers property and NOT expell democratic chosen leaders .
Check more facts besides whether or not they were under military threat of the Hagana. The Izl had its own ruling sectors, its own medical care, its own employment office, and its own schools. It was almost a state inside a state. Since the Izl also created its own diplomatic groups (the zionist revisionists), I can't see the connection beetwen the zionist and the revision zionists as for who is to blame.
The fact that they have their own ruling and their own communal situation , does not rule out state responsibility after 55 years . Afterall the same is demanded of the Palestinians while not even having any state . You can dismiss the Izl as some independant factor that ought not to be counted , but you share a government and a state , a nation with their decendants and even worse loonies . It is amazing but extremicy in Israel has made Likud appear like some moderat rightwinged party . The same happened for PLO ofcourse as well .
I understand you wish to distant yourself from this wing within zionism , but you are still collaborating as one peoples for one cause that is Israel . You can bring your seperation up if when you're in civil war , before that Izl & Lehi actions and following parties within Israeli state have surely benefitted the zionist ideals and aims . You would not be today what you are without this part of the movement , you cannot deny this .
Hagana actions against the Izl were in progress from before the establishment of the I.D.F and the Altalena threat. The sezon, for example.
In action does not equal to dismantlement . In the same way you see today PA in action against groups .
Moreover , dismantlement of groups when the IDF was established was merely a military one , as political we have (and are still) enjoyed the policy of this part .
What would be much more interesting is to take a look at the part of zionism you do wish to defend , do you think that leftist-centrist zionist policy was morally acceptable ?
Another thing - those riots were not started by any zionist groups. No zionist agression here.
You didnt start the riots , however your existance on anothers ground was what logically caused conflict . Zionist may not started the actual agression , they were most definetly the logical cause of a morally justifyable (in sofar against zionists) reaction .
And again , as relevant as a starting point may be , quantity cannot be excluded . 5000 against 500 is an issue .
Also , not to be excluded is each reaction against an action . A minim action followed by an overreacted action is condamnable as well .
Then are we going to be paid for 55 years of hostility and murder?
I don't remember any of the organizations demanding only such a thing coming into relations with Israel. Moreover, most of the trouble caused to the refugees was by the arab states themselves - by their constant abuse of that population. Does Israel holds fault of their actions?
Im sorry but do we really need to compare casualties on both sides ? There is an actiul ratio going on here , Palestine can pay Israel and even tip it with some change leftovers of what Israel ought to pay Palestine .
As for hostility , how can you even desire such a thing without questioning your own awareness ? Can you expect anything esle than hostility ?
The refugees problem is created by zionist massacres and scare-tactics , Arabs regimes are responsible for the afterward dealing with the problem created . Yes over the years the miserable lives of refugees is in quantity and time the responsibility of the Arab regimes , however the origin of their problem is zionist . And that can never be shoved aside . As long as the issue is psychologically active , the damage of others that are not originators is to be considered secondary .
If it will bo hostile towards Israel in it has a chance (I'm not sure about it, but let's assume so), where here does israel's fault lie?
The fault lies in Israels actions as a state and the actions of its zionist movement , there is the moral consideration to be made . I am aware that Israel cant allow a state to be strong enough because indeed there is a threat as there is already basic hostility . The logic applied onward is correct , and morally not relevant . However the road that reached this situation is a corrupted one , that is why this situation cant be viewed as any other . Israel isnt a state like any other . The situation is not in any sense a natural one , there is no equality .
Does Israel has any other neighbours?
Israel is a democracy in a sea of dictatorships. There is no other choice but trading with those regimes.
The point was that such arrangements do not reflect a peoples opinion as those representatives deals are made with dont represent . As for Israel being a democracy , in this compare it has little value you yourself later on point out the obvious irellevance of peoples wishes within the "democratical" situation in Israel .
And Lebanon is considered a democracy nowadays as well . Please dont judge them any different than you do your state in this respect .
I am not sure Israel has such power, since palestinian organizations do not quite co-operate.
Israel has enough power to construct and create facilities (especially with their USA hookup) not to depend on cooporations with the organizations you speak of .
I also believe Israel's desire is to ensure such a state in two conditions:
1. Righ of return will submit only to that state, whether or not it will recieve economical help.
2. Israel cannot be under that country's military/militia threat.
Both conditions are not a paty of today's reality yet, but it's in progress.
1) IMO there is no case if there is no economic solution .
2) But that country is under Israeli threat all the time . Oh well again this dilemma .....
Up until 1987 (the first intifada), Israel always had bigger issues then the palestinians.
Amazing but true . Can you even imagine , there is not even considered a serious problem unless peoples start revolting .
regimes, such as the ones in Iran, or the former Afgan and Iraqi ones, push people's lives backwards
I dont think you need to push Iraq into such regime compare , you know very well the Ba'athists do not fit the category U wish to conclude as pushing backward .
Anyways I would agree with you on such regimes , but intellectual progression is not always the first priority of a peoples in a given situation .
If my interest is to bring the palestinians to the nagotiation table, I'd rather have them as a country with valid leadership that its concern are for its citizens.
In this current situation at the negotiating table PLO is brought down on the knees even replacing Arafat for PA (85% remember?) , and giving up everything because the complex & infrastructure is messed up and their power diminishes ?
Hamas does alot more for the peoples than they do .
I thought most Kikes were materialistic zionists , no ? Now they're religious ?
They were thrown out of Israel by the Arabs who got sick of their constantly mendacious behavior.
The Holocaust should happen again - send 'em back.
The holocaust did not happen for every Jew in the same way , the Nazi era was not treating all Jews equal . The ones civtimized in the holocaust were poor and simple peoples who did not hold blame for any Kike behaviour . CS you should be gulagged . ARBEIT MACHT FREI :bugeye: