Tiassa Apr 9, 2023 American high school students achieve new trig proof of Pythagorean Theorem. http://bit.ly/3ZRsaz9
Tiassa Mar 25, 2023 Darcelle XV is dead. Good night, madam, and thank you. Great show. http://bit.ly/3z6ROFe
Tiassa Mar 25, 2023 While the social media experience of watching MIssissippi get destroyed is not like being there, it is both extraordinary and terrifying.
While the social media experience of watching MIssissippi get destroyed is not like being there, it is both extraordinary and terrifying.
Tiassa Mar 6, 2023 Thomas Zimmer, "On 'cancel culture'", the "acute 'free speech crisis'" & "why it's so misleading." https://bit.ly/3SQ1zkd
Thomas Zimmer, "On 'cancel culture'", the "acute 'free speech crisis'" & "why it's so misleading." https://bit.ly/3SQ1zkd
Tiassa Mar 6, 2023 #JustBecause: San Jose bomber is PhD software engineer from Russia. Stick a pin in it, or whatever. https://bit.ly/41KyquF
#JustBecause: San Jose bomber is PhD software engineer from Russia. Stick a pin in it, or whatever. https://bit.ly/41KyquF
kx000 Feb 13, 2023 Faith is the respect for the livelihood of our love, specifically for the compassion of the correlation between one’s love and sex.
Faith is the respect for the livelihood of our love, specifically for the compassion of the correlation between one’s love and sex.
Tiassa Jan 31, 2023 CIndy Williams is dead. Milk & Pepsi for everyone. Oh, wait, I already have Shotz. Good night, madam, and thank you so much for everything.
CIndy Williams is dead. Milk & Pepsi for everyone. Oh, wait, I already have Shotz. Good night, madam, and thank you so much for everything.
Tiassa Jan 3, 2023 In my time, American football has never seen a night like this. It comes close, but we never really believe it will happen this way.
In my time, American football has never seen a night like this. It comes close, but we never really believe it will happen this way.
Tiassa Dec 22, 2022 #InSight retires: NASA probe Mars mission complete; last comms received 15 December. Thank you, dear rover—good night https://bit.ly/3Wj0imr
#InSight retires: NASA probe Mars mission complete; last comms received 15 December. Thank you, dear rover—good night https://bit.ly/3Wj0imr
Tiassa Nov 28, 2022 The author of the Harper's "Cancel Culture" letter apparently just canceled himself. #nevermind
Tiassa Nov 18, 2022 Good news, everyone! Nobody died in what wasn't a mass shooting in a school! http://bit.ly/3EIddIj
Tiassa Nov 16, 2022 It says something about the state of Georgia that voting is called off for a Confederate holiday.
Tiassa Nov 13, 2022 #Twitnote: Thread of someone's favorite Richard Dawkins tweets. [#nevermind] http://bit.ly/3UPzIAn