The Answer

Mike Honcho

Shut up and calculate
Registered Senior Member
E=mc², so everything can be resolved to energy.
Energy can be resolved to a photon.
A Photon can be resolved to waves in an electromagnetic field.
An electromagnetic field is a potential. It has the ability to exert force on a charged particle if that particle happens to exists within the field.
A Potential. Something that could be. Nothing. See? Everything is Nothing. Simple.
Potential Energy is never realized unless acted upon by an outside force.

As such, I, Mike Honcho the Honchoest, have answered everything.

The will of God acted upon the infinite potential energy contained in the primordial Nothingness.

Boom! Big Bang.
The debates regarding Evolution, Atheism, Theism, Big Bang Theory, String Theory, Grand Unification, Spinning Mind Portals and Sex Toys may end.
(actually the Sex Toy debate should go on but the rest are settled)

You are welcome and your apologies are accepted.
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Thank you. You just screwed up my whole personal cosmology :D. Are you sure of all of this? I mean, where was God while there was nothingness, and what was God thinking making all of those different cell phones? Wouldn't one be better? And why math? Couldn't we get along without it if God did it?
Thank you. You just screwed up my whole personal cosmology :D. Are you sure of all of this? I mean, where was God while there was nothingness, and what was God thinking making all of those different cell phones? Wouldn't one be better? And why math? Couldn't we get along without it if God did it?

Everytime I figure out the meaning of life some a-hole comes and completely destroys my buzz with math:mad:.
Dumb math.
So with your 'theory' can you provide the emission spectra for Hydrogen? If you cannot, how can you have explained everything?
You can't deal with a wholesome rant by talking spectra unless it is the spectrum from the deep dark recesses to elation since we are talking enlightenment here, realization, a catharsis, something entirely human, finding meaning where there was none until now, something totally out there, no hidden agenda, no wasted words, no care for what you or anyone or I think, just a wrap up of all that is into a nice neat package that will then get put somewhere and no one will remember where it was put, but someone else will find it and experience it all over again while the hapless world looks on in bewilderment, awe and anguish, thinking how it could have been us to find it, but no, it was the other guy this time, so we will have to keep struggling with what is reality for now while the lucky ones escape into the light that only they are granted vision too, a place from which everone returns a different person, you know, a rant.
Well the opening post says he's explained everything, his words. So then I would expect that he can explain any and all observed phenomena to the same level or beyond mainstream physics. There's more to physics than saying "Throw a ball up and it will come down", the important question are where and when. If I apply a magnetic field to a stream of electrons, their path is altered. By how much? It's important if you wanted to say build cathode ray TVs. Or if I add in particular chemicals to a silicon lattice, I alter the electrical properties of the silicon. Why, by how much are the next two questions because that's what got us electronics.

Mike thinks answering a question with an ill defined, unsupported and vacuous paragraph is 'solving physics'. Physics is about "Given this physical system, how will it behave? How can I model that? What can I predict if the parameters are then change? How can I test these predictions? What experiments can be done?". Mike addresses none of them.

And how does anything he say even relate to evolution? And if he's sorted out GUTs then can he provide me with the Lie group which breaks down to the Standard Model gauge group but which doesn't suffer from the well known problem that SU(5) does?
Well the opening post says he's explained everything, his words. So then I would expect that he can explain any and all observed phenomena to the same level or beyond mainstream physics. There's more to physics than saying "Throw a ball up and it will come down", the important question are where and when. If I apply a magnetic field to a stream of electrons, their path is altered. By how much? It's important if you wanted to say build cathode ray TVs. Or if I add in particular chemicals to a silicon lattice, I alter the electrical properties of the silicon. Why, by how much are the next two questions because that's what got us electronics.

Mike thinks answering a question with an ill defined, unsupported and vacuous paragraph is 'solving physics'. Physics is about "Given this physical system, how will it behave? How can I model that? What can I predict if the parameters are then change? How can I test these predictions? What experiments can be done?". Mike addresses none of them.

And how does anything he say even relate to evolution? And if he's sorted out GUTs then can he provide me with the Lie group which breaks down to the Standard Model gauge group but which doesn't suffer from the well known problem that SU(5) does?

You ungrateful wretch.
I've given you the answer to the meaning of life.
Don't bother me with details. I'm Mike Honcho and I like to party.
Nuance, acceptance of people for who they are, diversity, the hidden meaning, the hidden agenda, reading between the lines, moving forward in a positive way, avoiding the urge and the thing you wish to ram down someones throat, letting go of ego, not taking offense, all of these things are lost when literal interpretation is the only avenue ever taken.
You can't deal with a wholesome rant by talking spectra unless it is the spectrum from the deep dark recesses to elation since we are talking enlightenment here, realization, a catharsis, something entirely human, finding meaning where there was none until now, something totally out there, no hidden agenda, no wasted words, no care for what you or anyone or I think, just a wrap up of all that is into a nice neat package that will then get put somewhere and no one will remember where it was put, but someone else will find it and experience it all over again while the hapless world looks on in bewilderment, awe and anguish, thinking how it could have been us to find it, but no, it was the other guy this time, so we will have to keep struggling with what is reality for now while the lucky ones escape into the light that only they are granted vision too, a place from which everone returns a different person, you know, a rant.


(shhh... you'll wake him up)
Great, now I'm nothing.
You know, Mike is not so far from the actual interpretation of physics itself. The idea that everything is energy, and energy in its largest form is in fact potential, and out of a potential states the universe could have had in fact an infinity of them, only one of these states seems provident.
You know, Mike is not so far from the actual interpretation of physics itself. The idea that everything is energy, and energy in its largest form is in fact potential, and out of a potential states the universe could have had in fact an infinity of them, only one of these states seems provident.

Welcome back.