The Answer

The sex toy is the dark matter of the universe!!! :)

Please see my OP. Along with everything else from premature ejaculation to why AlphaNumeric is so insecure- I have Answered everything. Science is over now, we can all go home.
Dark Matter is the Nothingness.
When a speck of matter moves into a speck of void, the two quantities (both pure energy) destroy each other. The void is filled with matter and is gone. The matter leaves a void and is gone.
They annihilate each other leaving behind pure energy (the new void and the newly filled void).
So, I found the Dark Matter too. :xctd:
It has to be, "the outside source", right, because the spinning mind portals are clear science by now.
You ungrateful wretch.
I've given you the answer to the meaning of life.
Don't bother me with details. I'm Mike Honcho and I like to party.
So you've given me the answer to the meaning of life, I'm just supposed to fill in the details myself? :shrug: So much for providing me with any answers, you cannot answer even a relevant questions.

So I'm a wretch because your mouth wrote a cheque your brain can't back?
Science is over now, we can all go home.
But there's scientists who want to know the answer to the question I asked. Well actually we have had the answer for about 90 years, I just wanted to see your answer. And you couldn't answer it.

Could you give me an analytic solution to the equations of QCD please? It's just that there's a few scientists in my department who'd really like to know that and you have claimed to have put an end to science. I just want you to back that claim or up retract it.

Or I'd accept an apology from you for calling me a 'wretch' when you lied in your first post.
I can ejaculate on my own. Lol

I can do it every day...

....... Oh sorry, where we talking about physics?

.. I warned you about this :)
I don't think he would be interested but it never hurts to ask I always say :thumbsup:.

Oh wait, you didn't mean with him.
:eek: I'm speechless ...

Maybe the sex toy debate isn't the worst thing after all.

Yes, and behold, i am shagging the top notch guy of sciforums, PLAZMA!!!!

He is always for it!! lol

My ass is well shared!
Everyone has a claim to fame. It's just that I was hoping for something less ... informative.
I'm thinking this should go to the cesspool, lol.

We are already in the cesspool my friend (I seem to bat a 1000 in cess anyway).
And Reiku, I am flattered but there are 2 problems:
1. I like girls.
2. I'm in a serious relationship mind fucking Alphie. I don't need the drama. (you know what a bitch HE can be)