The Answer

Because there is nothing in the world that i would do, that would oblige you in any kind of way.
And so I will continue calling you a liar whenever you make unsubstantiated claims and you provide evidence that you are lying.

If you're unwilling to defend yourself and you continue to post things you just made up or incorrectly copied and pasted from somewhere then you'll still get me saying "That's wrong and that and that and that!"
Your inability to have a scientific discussion in a rational and coherent manner doesn't mean you 'mind rape' me. It means you make a fool of yourself by exposing your ignorance in both asking a stupid question and failing to understand the answer.

1. I asked you where you'd mind ****ed me before. No reply.
2. You were asked where either Ben or I denied that photons could be emitted and absorbed by electrons. You couldn't provide.
3. You claimed that you've finished science, scientists can go home. I asked you to provide an analytic solution to the equations of QCD. You ignored me.

You have been caught lying before and I'm sure you'll continue to lie in the future.
You haven't replied to that one.
You think asking you to back up your claim you've solved all of science by asking a science question is 'flying off the handle' and irrelevant?
When someone says "I've got the answers to every question" it's generally a good idea to check. You failed.

Thank you.
Now let me explain what just happened.

1) I said I was going to mind rape you:
You felt violated. So you went out of your way to disect this and consider that and post this and mention that. You went over old posts... Mike Honcho, Mike Honcho, DAMN, Mike Honcho, oooooooh, Mike Honcho...

2) I mind raped you:
That was me in your brain. Fucking it. Exacly as I intended (for those following along please read my prior post in this thread).

3) Now, I'm telling you about how I mind raped you.

You are so FUN. Like playing a Banjo. With one string.
You are so FUN. Like playing a Banjo. With one string.
You're still just making things up without any evidence. :shrug: Where have I said I've been 'violated'? You lied. As I've just said to Reiku, tons of people on these forums lie. It's nothing new. You're not the most incoherent, bald faced liar I've come across on these or any other forum. You lied, you were exposed, you were shown to be ignorant.

You haven't 'mind raped' me. I hardly went 'out of my way' in having to show you lied, you did it all the time. Your very first post in this thread was based on a lie. The only person you've ****ed if yourself. Must be embarrassing to be shown to be such a pathetic liar infront of everyone. And now you're having to lie again in an attempt to dig yourself out. And like all cranks, you dig yourself deeper.

I like seeing you post, because it means there's another example of your delusions for me to point and laugh at. Hardly the mind ****ing you think you've done to me. :roflmao: I'm still waiting for you to answer the science question I asked. You claimed you'd answered all my questions, I proved you wrong. I pointed you to it again, you have ignored it again. Ashamed to admit you were wrong? Want to apologise? You tried to mind 'rape' me but you are ashamed to admit you got stopped and caught before you could do it. :roflmao:
You're still just making things up without any evidence. :shrug: Where have I said I've been 'violated'? You lied. As I've just said to Reiku, tons of people on these forums lie. It's nothing new. You're not the most incoherent, bald faced liar I've come across on these or any other forum. You lied, you were exposed, you were shown to be ignorant.

You haven't 'mind raped' me. I hardly went 'out of my way' in having to show you lied, you did it all the time. Your very first post in this thread was based on a lie. The only person you've ****ed if yourself. Must be embarrassing to be shown to be such a pathetic liar infront of everyone. And now you're having to lie again in an attempt to dig yourself out. And like all cranks, you dig yourself deeper.

I like seeing you post, because it means there's another example of your delusions for me to point and laugh at. Hardly the mind ****ing you think you've done to me. :roflmao: I'm still waiting for you to answer the science question I asked. You claimed you'd answered all my questions, I proved you wrong. I pointed you to it again, you have ignored it again. Ashamed to admit you were wrong? Want to apologise? You tried to mind 'rape' me but you are ashamed to admit you got stopped and caught before you could do it. :roflmao:

Your apology is accepted.
Your apology is accepted.
Your delusions and attempts to troll are obvious but not accepted.

Must be why you lie so much.
This is too easy. I think I'll toy with you in an entirely different way for a while.
By trying to be coherent and rational?

I notice you couldn't back up anything I asked you to. What do you plan to accomplish by more posting? Digging yourself deeper?
I hate those rolling heads.
Do people laugh at you a lot?
Your delusions and attempts to troll are obvious but not accepted.

Must be why you lie so much.
By trying to be coherent and rational?

I notice you couldn't back up anything I asked you to. What do you plan to accomplish by more posting? Digging yourself deeper?
Do people laugh at you a lot?

Please forgive my discourtesy. I'll try to be smarter and more considerate of your sensitivity in the future.
Please forgive my discourtesy. I'll try to be smarter and more considerate of your sensitivity in the future.




Are you back??!!??


Entertainment returns....if I wasn't so freakin' tired right now I'd read up on this post, I will subscribe and catch up the moment my head is buzzing from some experiments I did yesterday using linear high speed rotational motions and the walls are crackling all around me...I also have to learn so much tomorrow, life is coming at me faster and faster...I must wind down and get my sleep...'s good to see you back...I thought I'd have to wait a flipping year....

I can't wait to see what your up to this time...

It is, it is...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sorry, I really must go and rest my head...I am very happy and excited to see your return...soon tomorrow I will be reading up on everything you've posted...!!!



Boom! Big Bang.
The debates regarding Evolution, Atheism, Theism, Big Bang Theory, String Theory, Grand Unification, Spinning Mind Portals and Sex Toys may end.
(actually the Sex Toy debate should go on but the rest are settled)

You are welcome and your apologies are accepted.

I have quoted the Mind Portal...

I am not going to debate it as much as I have in the may notice I become increasingly quiet about the whole thing as I push with the will power required to actually enter, while struggling to maintain the stability so needed to tread its depths. It's a lot like flying a plane...stability needed...