Asexperia's Wonderings

- Transitive form: Paul measured the table.
- Intransitive form: John measures one meter seventy.
I think you'd better review what transitive and intransitive mean. I would say that both "the table" and "one meter seventy" are direct objects.
Verb to Measure

- Transitive form: Paul measured the table.
- Intransitive form: John measures one meter seventy.

Your second example there (regarding John) is saying that John is one meter seventy (seventy what? centimeters?), but has the implied word "height" in there (eg, John's height measures one meter seventy centimeters.)
I think you'd better review what transitive and intransitive mean. I would say that both "the table" and "one meter seventy" are direct objects.

I've understood that in intransitive sentences the action of the
verb stays on the subject.
Moved to PseudoScience since it is obvious that this is not a linguistics and/or science question, but merely an ill-guided attempt to redefine words for no apparent gain.
Magnitive stablishes the relation between the observer and some physical
magnitudes like time, force and gravity.
Objective and subjective are relations between the observer and reality.

How do you explain the nature of time, force and gravity?
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Pain CAN be measured and is measured

A well known low level pain relief medication has a name made from a combination of a Greek word for pain and the unit of pain on the pain scale

Pain CAN be measured and is measured

It can be reported.

There is no objective measurement for pain.
A simple proof of this is that there is no way to determine that my 2-out-of-10 is the same as your 2-out-of-10.


Four properties that are commonly ascribed to qualia:

  1. ineffable; that is, they cannot be communicated, or apprehended by any other means than direct experience.
  2. intrinsic; that is, they are non-relational properties, which do not change depending on the experience's relation to other things.
  3. private; that is, all interpersonal comparisons of qualia are systematically impossible.
  4. directly or immediately apprehensible in consciousness; that is, to experience a quale is to know one experiences a quale, and to know all there is to know about that quale.

In 1940, James D. Hardy, Harold G. Wolff and Helen Goodell of Cornell University introduced the first dolorimeter as a method for evaluating the effectiveness of analgesic medications.....

........They developed a pain scale, called the "Hardy-Wolff-Goodell" scale, with 10 gradations, or 10 levels. They assigned the name of "dols" to these levels.

A well known low level pain relief medication has a name made from a combination of a Greek word for pain and the unit of pain on the pain scale

........They developed a pain scale, called the "Hardy-Wolff-Goodell" scale, with 10 gradations, or 10 levels. They assigned the name of "dols" to these levels.
Yup. And it is the patients that grade themselves. No one - including Hardy and Wolff - know what any given patient actually feels, only what they say. And the patients have no way of rating their 2 to someone else's.
Yup. And it is the patients that grade themselves. No one - including Hardy and Wolff - know what any given patient actually feels, only what they say. And the patients have no way of rating their 2 to someone else's.

The machine I am a little bit more familiar with has a small heating pad and subjects are asked to report when they feel a change in temperature

It might be my 2 is your 1½ or 2½ indicating a lower or higher pain tolerance

After the medication under test is given the subjects are tested again. Effectiveness is measured against the lowering of the tolerance

If I go from 2 to 1 and you from 2½ to 1½ that equates to a objective measure of 1 DOL

With pain we make an estimation, not a measurement.
Pain is subjective.

Many things are subjective, and still have a measurement. Even an estimation is a measurement, it just has lower accuracy...
The machine I am a little bit more familiar with has a small heating pad and subjects are asked to report when they feel a change in temperature

It might be my 2 is your 1½ or 2½ indicating a lower or higher pain tolerance

After the medication under test is given the subjects are tested again. Effectiveness is measured against the lowering of the tolerance

If I go from 2 to 1 and you from 2½ to 1½ that equates to a objective measure of 1 DOL

That is not objective. It is subjective.
Many things are subjective, and still have a measurement. Even an estimation is a measurement, it just has lower accuracy...

The estimation isn't a measurement, it's introspection in the case of a pain.
A 3/10 for one person can be a 4/10 for another.
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Both are still a measure of pain.
I disagree. Pain is not being measured; it is being purported.

Pain is a quale (pl. qualia)
"Examples of qualia include the perceied sensation of pain of a headache, the taste of wine, as well as the redness of an evening sky."

Now look at the definition of qualia:
ineffable; that is, they cannot be communicated, or apprehended by any other means than direct experience.
private; that is, all interpersonal comparisons of qualia are systematically impossible.

No person knows how another experiences pain. We can draw comparisons, based on subjectivity, but our own qualia exist in a vacuum.

I say 'm feeling a 2 out of 10.
But you have no idea what my 10 is.
And I have no idea what yours is, so I have no way of calibrating mine.

I posted the XKCD comic above, not just for larfs, but because it makes the very point I'm saying.
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A comparable measure (even one that is subjective) is still a measure. It doesn't mean it's a GOOD measure, but it is still quantified in some way.

Case in point - if one were alone on an island, and they used their stride to measure out timber to build a hut, it is a measure. Sure, it is one that would not be the same for others due to differences in stride length, but it is a useful measure in the instance all the same.
A comparable measure (even one that is subjective) is still a measure. It doesn't mean it's a GOOD measure, but it is still quantified in some way.

Case in point - if one were alone on an island, and they used their stride to measure out timber to build a hut, it is a measure. Sure, it is one that would not be the same for others due to differences in stride length, but it is a useful measure in the instance all the same.
Well, yes. That's why I said it's subjective not objective.

I suppose that's a measurement, after all, even if a subjective one.