Asexperia's Wonderings

Well, yes. That's why I said it's subjective not objective.

I suppose that's a measurement, after all, even if a subjective one.

Aye :)

All said, I still don't see any reason for, nor cause for, this new pseudo-word "magnitive".
All said, I still don't see any reason for, nor cause for, this new pseudo-word "magnitive".

I mean, Asexperia is welcome to make up all the words he wants. I can't imagine why he thinks anyone else would use them, instead of real words.

After all, the whole point of words is to facilitate common understanding. If I asexperia'd my own words into every asexperia I wrote, that might asexperia my own ego, but I wouldn't exactly be asexperiaing meaningful communication with other asexperias...
Asexperia is Elvis Sibilia.
I realized that from your sign and your previous use of the name Sibilia in context of philochrony.

I wasn't sure that posting your site without your permission was good form. Iam glad you have no objections.
It is a interesting idea and after reading your posts I have given it some tought. Still cannot form a clear picture of how it differs from other descriptions of time as an emergent by-product of change or duration of physical expression (existence).
Yes. I had problems with my Sibilia account. But, James R is going to merge them.

So, then, we can safely say that any attempt to reference the works provided there would be nothing more than a self reference. Excellent.