At what age sleepovers stop?

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I think there's a transition point where a "sleepover" becomes "crashing at someone's place". Other than that, not sure why sleepovers have a childish connotation to them...

My daughter still goes to slumber parties, by son just goes to...hmmm, I don't know what they call them.
For my son's 17th birthday, we had about 8 guys over here. We set up 4 TVs upstairs, set up a buffet of snack foods in the kitchen and we left for the day. When we got home about 6 of them were still here. They all brought a change of clothes and toothbrushes over in their backpacks and they spent the night. I suppose it was a slumber party.
My daughter still goes to slumber parties, by son just goes to...hmmm, I don't know what they call them.
For my son's 17th birthday, we had about 8 guys over here. We set up 4 TVs upstairs, set up a buffet of snack foods in the kitchen and we left for the day. When we got home about 6 of them were still here. They all brought a change of clothes and toothbrushes over in their backpacks and they spent the night. I suppose it was a slumber party.

thats what we did for my eldest sons birthday, but i didnt leave the house!

i made sure that there was plenty of food, they had the run of the conservatory, and they had plenty to drink soft and harder drinks!!
I tell my boys either they can have a big party with their friends or have just a family thing and get something (big) that they really want. I think my older one is going to go for the PS3 instead of having a party with his friends.
I tell my boys either they can have a big party with their friends or have just a family thing and get something (big) that they really want. I think my older one is going to go for the PS3 instead of having a party with his friends.

yeah my son this year is having the game "rock band"
Well I'm sure the world was different in the 50's, but how much of what you say is statistical and how much is antidotal. For example 50% of house wives were committing adultery in the 50's, statistically teen pregnancy rates were higher in the 1950's then today so I honestly don't believe the 'american pie, atomic family, happy days' 1950's facade.
Sorry, I should not have said "teen pregnancy" since that includes 18 and even 19-year-olds, as the chart in your citation clearly states. Unlike today, very few kids went on to college, so when high school was over they moved out and became "emancipated minors," in fact if not in law. When I went off to college in 1960 it was not remarkable for 18-year-olds to have sex and rather common for 19-year-olds, so I'm sure the stats were the same or even higher for the demographic that didn't go to college. But for the 17-year-olds who were seniors in high school and living with their parents, the numbers were far lower, low enough that pregnancies in that age group were indeed remarkable. And virtually zero in the lower grades.

The demarcation was: Do you live with your parents? Kids who did, for the most part, did not have sex. We didn't have the freedom kids have today. Nowhere to go and no cars to get there. Working mothers were not the norm and neither was divorce, so most kids had one parent at home at all times.
so an eighteen or nineteen yr old getting pregnant wasn't considered a teen pregnancy?
It is in the stats he provided at the URL he gave. Sorry, I was talking about high school-age. Even in the 1950s adolescence was sort of finished at 18, unless you went to a weird all-boys university for geeks like I did, where growing up was not part of the curriculum.
I was going to say that. It's like when you're a kid you have sleepovers because it's fun and exciting and you get to see your friends longer and play with them when you wake up. When you're older, it's more crashing because one or several of you are drunk. I think after a certain age, if they are able to, people prefer to wake up in their own place instead of someone else's.
In "the sixties," that misnamed twelve-year period from the first Beatles record to the dawn of Disco, there were a lot of people who really didn't have "their own place." They generally didn't have jobs either, or at best were struggling musicians, so they survived by sponging off of the rest of us. Life was cheap and easy back then so those of us who had jobs and places to live were pretty generous to our friends. For one thing, the hippies always brought dope.
Sorry, I should not have said "teen pregnancy" since that includes 18 and even 19-year-olds,

Semantically speaking I don't think we mean 18-19 years old when we talk about teenagers....At least I don't... Once you are in college you are not a teenager... :)
Fraggle Rocker,

15-17 year olds still had more pregnancies back in the 1950's then today.


You can count it or not both groups (15-17, 18-19) were higher then, then today.
I got my answer:

Sleepovers stop, when the police arrest the moms because they get involved with the boys...

"Honeycutt is charged with statutory sexual assault and other crimes after two boys, 15 and 14, accused her of engaging in sexual activity with them April 11 and 12 at Long-Higham's house."

Hey, her name is Honeycutt!!!!

I know when my son's friends come over they usually sit on the couch and talk to me a while before they ask if my son is home. A few of their fathers now do the same when they come over to pick them up.
I think it has a lot to do with me sending choc chip cookies, apple dumplings, cupcakes, etc home with them.
Sex....that's just....uck. a 14 yr old? How could that possibly be worth it?
I know when my son's friends come over they usually sit on the couch and talk to me a while before they ask if my son is home. A few of their fathers now do the same when they come over to pick them up.
I think it has a lot to do with me sending choc chip cookies, apple dumplings, cupcakes, etc home with them.
Sex....that's just....uck. a 14 yr old? How could that possibly be worth it?
Some moms offer visiters cookies, other moms ................................
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i find it sad that people are treating that as a joke. if it was the other way around that artical would be in ethics with a how discusting is this, i hope he gets life ect
i find it sad that people are treating that as a joke. if it was the other way around that artical would be in ethics with a how discusting is this, i hope he gets life ect

Humm, you mean if it was a father loving up his daughters sleep over companions, yes i do see a difference in response: when its a women the commits statutory rape it is consider laughably weird and the women is considered mentally disturbed, but when a man does it it's consider evil and the man is considered a pedophile.
i find it sad that people are treating that as a joke. if it was the other way around that artical would be in ethics with a how discusting is this, i hope he gets life ect
Back in high school a girl I knew told me about how this lady I'd babysat for (and whose niece I later went out with) had gone into great detail about her plans to seduce me. I was a bit incredulous about the whole thing, and don't really know to this day whether or not she was just putting me on, but I assure you that fear of being molested never entered my mind. The only thing I was afraid of if her plan had come to fruition was her biker husband.

Men and women aren't the same. That's just the way it is. A male "get's lucky". A female "puts out". A male "becomes a man", a female "loses her virtue".
what a load of crap. The law says you cant concent till you are 16 (or 18 in some area's). There for wether you "want it" or not is compleatly and UTTERLY irrelivent. IF she did it she is a criminal and should be treated EXACTLY the same.

Also i find your coments compleatly sexist, who ever said women dont want sex for christ sake? Its got NOTHING to do with wether the under age person wants it or not only wether they can LEGALLY CONCENT.

Mad as a doctor if your pt hit on you would you go for it because "she wants it"?
HELL NO, its a breach of trust and medical ethics. This is no different
I am not sure whom Asguard is addressing but I agree with Mad, there is a double standard in this case, even if the law treats them as same..
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