Bubble Theory Again... Revenge Of The Bubble

Pincho Paxton

For many years I have been posting my Bubble Theory or Black Hole Theory On the internet, and on this site too. I started my theory on bubbles in 2004. I also posted that I can't do maths. This starts debates on my theory being a waste of time. But I feel that I have predicted so many things now that I should be taken at least a bit seriously. Afterall, my Bubble Theory is a Theory Of Everything.. with no maths.

I know that I am in for some flak, I am used to flak. This is the real Theory Of Everything...

First.. the Aether exists.

Second.. Gravity is a push from outside the Earth, a bump between Aether particles.. very small.

Third... Atoms are holes in the Aether.

Fourth... Magnetism is the release of pressure from Gravity pushing into those holes. opposed pressure.. a bubble.

Fifth.. The Aether uses negative mass in its construction. It is 50% positive mass, and 50% negative mass. This means that in a relaxed state it equals zero. In a negative mass state it is a hole, and the hole gets filled by more Aether.. this hides it under a false mass attribute which also equals zero. This is also Gravity. The filling of negative Aether is the filling of our atoms with Aether, the atoms are negative mass holes. The holes fill with Aether, the Aether travels to the next holes in the atoms, and finally the Aether travels into the Earth. When combining all of these results with the outflow of Magnetism, the Aether through our body is hidden inside pressure equality. But the extra pressure towards the Earth remains. So on the moon, two weights will fall to the moon at the same speed, because only the moon pressure is part of the result.

Sixth... My theory eliminates the Big Bang, and replaces it with an Aether bump. Aether can bump Aether even if it is zero.. flat lining. The bump is how the Aether is propagated. It's neighbor bumps it, but the Aether does not have its own propulsion. Newtons Cradle style. The Aether is therefore bumped into holes, and the holes are in atoms. This creates the bending space time illusion. A flow into the Earth, is the same as a dip towards the Earth.

Seventh... so a Galaxy can form anywhere that there is enough Aether to cause a big enough bump. The Aether will then be folded into negative mass, and more Aether will fall on top of it. The Black hole at the centre of a galaxy. The Aether will then need a way out of the hole, the opposite force to Gravity... Magnetism. This will create a huge bubble around the Galaxy.. the Flattened Beach Ball. More bubbles will come from the Black hole.. already discovered. finally the new Voyager Bubbles which I predicted in 2004.

Finally, if my theory is true, it makes many new predictions.

That a flow is required into the sun to power it, and the flow causes the Mercury orbit to fluctuate, and moves its magnetic field away from the centre.

That the Big Bang never happened, but was in fact just pressure variations in the Aether.

That the Universe expands because the bubbles around Galaxies are a repellent magnetic force. But should you have the inertia to break through them you can get through them.

Anti-Matter is just pressure holes in the Aether. And matter is the pressure release.

It's a theory of Everything.. I could post for years, but I'm ready to stop for awhile.
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While special relativity showed that Maxwell's equations do not require the aether, there were some early modern aether theories, however, the early modern aether has little in common with the aether of classical elements from which the name was borrowed and the aether theories are scientifically obsolete

This starts debates on my theory being a waste of time.
Your 'theory' is a waste of time.

But I feel that I have predicted so many things now
None of which you have any evidence for. Nor a working model of. Nor any ability to make testable predictions. Nor any concrete logic behind it.

No science full stop.

that I should be taken at least a bit seriously.
You're just another crank who desperately wants to be taken seriously by people who understand things you don't. Try to validate your existence some other way, because you're bound to fail here.

Afterall, my Bubble Theory is a Theory Of Everything.. with no maths.
It's a theory of nothing, since it describes nothing, models nothing, formalises nothing, provides nothing. It is nothing.

Just like your grasp of science.
Some of your concepts are basically valid. It is always possible to describe physics inversely. Heat can be described as lack of cold, pressure can be described as a lack of vacuum, the planets and the sun can be described as circling the Earth in very complex orbits, etc. etc.

In the old days, fire was speculated to consist of Phlogiston.


So things that were combustible contained Phlogiston, which burned away as fire. This worked fine, the math was OK, till it was discovered that if you considered all products, things that burned did not become lighter, they became heavier. So, Phlogiston turned out to have negative weight! Reconsidering, scientists of the time realized that they had it upside down, and instead of loosing Phlogiston, a burning substance attracted Oxygen. Suddenly the whole thing made sense.

Your 'theory' is clearly an attempt to put things on their head. If you could do math, you would soon discover that something was amiss.

Finally, what makes you believe that you, who, by your own admission can't do math, and who consequently has no scientific education, should be able to discover something that has so far eluded the best minds on the planet?

Quite frankly, forget it, and get on with your life.

For many years I have been posting my Bubble Theory or Black Hole Theory On the internet, and on this site too..
The internet has brough us many benefits, in some cases transforming the way we do business and engage socially. We should not be surprised that there are some negative consequences.

Pincho, there is no polite way to say this. You are full of shit and have less idea of the fundamentals of science than an overbleached Amish quilt. Please give it a frigging rest and get an education. There are many knowledgeable people on this forum who would be willing to point you in the right direction for either a formal educaiton, or an informal one. Until you take advantage of that then the purile drivel you serve up in threads like this will be treated with the contempt it deserves. Please grow up.
Yeah, but I'm right. My theory is the correct theory of everything. You can all play with your maths all day long, but whatever that is supposed to prove is being argued against in all of my threads. So your maths is failing in a gargantuan way. To have the maths, and yet argue against the truth is proof that maths is a mental illusion. I'm not stupid anyway, I can program computer models, I write Neural Networks. I believe that reality is to use physics as actual physical interactions without formulas.. just like Neural Networks. My theory of the Aether is based on the bumping of particles, and they bump into negative mass holes. It is the holes that evade the discovery of the Aether. The holes hide it as a zero result. You add mass, and negative mass together, and you get a flat-line result. You can't detect flat-line results, but you can detect their interactions with the surrounding materials. Electrons are the bumps of the Aether together. All of the maths is based on Aether results, but ignore the actual Aether itself. The Aether is a Turing Machine, and it works as a trinary code type medium.
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Pincho, do you have a job? I ask because you seem so utterly naive about reality I wonder how you can function in the real world.
Pincho, do you have a job? I ask because you seem so utterly naive about reality I wonder how you can function in the real world.

I'm not out of touch with reality. I'm very in touch with it. Since 2004 most of the things that I have said have been discovered.

1/ The bubble around the Milky way.
2/ The multiverse bubbles.
3/ The Voyager Bubbles.
4/ Antimatter around the Earth

I know what is happening out there...

I have been the best predictor of Universal phenomena of our time.
1/ The bubble around the Milky way.
2/ The multiverse bubbles.
3/ The Voyager Bubbles.
4/ Antimatter around the Earth

None of these things have been observed.

I have been the best predictor of Universal phenomena of our time.

Classic crank.
I have been the best predictor of Universal phenomena of our time.

Truly a legend I your own mind. I think you should not sell yourself short and say that you are best predictor of ALL TIME. I mean, all things considered, whether you say "our time" or "all time" they are equally as childishly silly.
For many years I have been posting my Bubble Theory or Black Hole Theory On the internet, and on this site too. I started my theory on bubbles in 2004. I also posted that I can't do maths. This starts debates on my theory being a waste of time. But I feel that I have predicted so many things now that I should be taken at least a bit seriously. Afterall, my Bubble Theory is a Theory Of Everything.. with no maths.

I know that I am in for some flak, I am used to flak. This is the real Theory Of Everything...

First.. the Aether exists.

Second.. Gravity is a push from outside the Earth, a bump between Aether particles.. very small.

Third... Atoms are holes in the Aether.

Fourth... Magnetism is the release of pressure from Gravity pushing into those holes. opposed pressure.. a bubble.

Fifth.. The Aether uses negative mass in its construction. It is 50% positive mass, and 50% negative mass. This means that in a relaxed state it equals zero. In a negative mass state it is a hole, and the hole gets filled by more Aether.. this hides it under a false mass attribute which also equals zero. This is also Gravity. The filling of negative Aether is the filling of our atoms with Aether, the atoms are negative mass holes. The holes fill with Aether, the Aether travels to the next holes in the atoms, and finally the Aether travels into the Earth. When combining all of these results with the outflow of Magnetism, the Aether through our body is hidden inside pressure equality. But the extra pressure towards the Earth remains. So on the moon, two weights will fall to the moon at the same speed, because only the moon pressure is part of the result.

Sixth... My theory eliminates the Big Bang, and replaces it with an Aether bump. Aether can bump Aether even if it is zero.. flat lining. The bump is how the Aether is propagated. It's neighbor bumps it, but the Aether does not have its own propulsion. Newtons Cradle style. The Aether is therefore bumped into holes, and the holes are in atoms. This creates the bending space time illusion. A flow into the Earth, is the same as a dip towards the Earth.

Seventh... so a Galaxy can form anywhere that there is enough Aether to cause a big enough bump. The Aether will then be folded into negative mass, and more Aether will fall on top of it. The Black hole at the centre of a galaxy. The Aether will then need a way out of the hole, the opposite force to Gravity... Magnetism. This will create a huge bubble around the Galaxy.. the Flattened Beach Ball. More bubbles will come from the Black hole.. already discovered. finally the new Voyager Bubbles which I predicted in 2004.

Finally, if my theory is true, it makes many new predictions.

That a flow is required into the sun to power it, and the flow causes the Mercury orbit to fluctuate, and moves its magnetic field away from the centre.

That the Big Bang never happened, but was in fact just pressure variations in the Aether.

That the Universe expands because the bubbles around Galaxies are a repellent magnetic force. But should you have the inertia to break through them you can get through them.

Anti-Matter is just pressure holes in the Aether. And matter is the pressure release.

It's a theory of Everything.. I could post for years, but I'm ready to stop for awhile.

Well, what a load of rubbish!