Corona Virus 2019-nCoV

I went to one side of the parking lot to the area with grass and trees and pick up a long tree branch about a yard long. I returned back to the truck and with the stick I started to bother the little animal. That little thing became more dangerous than Godzilla, it destroyed the tip of the branch and made so much noise like an invasion of apes. The little squirrel pulled with force the tree branch from my hand and I jumped back afraid that little beast might do the same with me next.

And there we were, for about twenty more minutes... three sissies in silence watching from far away that truck engine.
...and I would bet you taught that squirrel a lesson, like what to do if a small child crosses it's path in the future... well done!
You know there are other more productive ways to confront your obvious fear than poking a tiger with a stick...
Athletes, sport people and fitness dudes usually take lots of additives in order to help them be "healthy".
From the New Hampshire Bulletin:
Inside ICUs and ERs of flooded hospitals, an endless loop of preventable tragedies

A young, unvaccinated mom of three was more fortunate than some after being admitted to Catholic Medical Center’s intensive care unit recently. Before she died, she had time to call home and request that her children be vaccinated. An unvaccinated male patient in his early 50s didn’t have that option.

He needed a breathing tube placed down his throat to his windpipe within 20 minutes of arriving at the ICU. It’s a procedure that requires patients to be sedated, and in some cases medically paralyzed so they don’t resist. They are unable to speak, so his call home fell to ICU resource nurse Lynn Harkins.
Tell us all how young unvaccinated mothers of three regularly take performance enhancing drugs. Go one, I dare you.
From the New Hampshire Bulletin:
Inside ICUs and ERs of flooded hospitals, an endless loop of preventable tragedies

A young, unvaccinated mom of three was more fortunate than some after being admitted to Catholic Medical Center’s intensive care unit recently. Before she died, she had time to call home and request that her children be vaccinated. An unvaccinated male patient in his early 50s didn’t have that option.

He needed a breathing tube placed down his throat to his windpipe within 20 minutes of arriving at the ICU. It’s a procedure that requires patients to be sedated, and in some cases medically paralyzed so they don’t resist. They are unable to speak, so his call home fell to ICU resource nurse Lynn Harkins.
Tell us all how young unvaccinated mothers of three regularly take performance enhancing drugs. Go one, I dare you.
Your posting is bad news for US health statistics, it is showing great number of people in America doesn't have good health.

I'm way more older and getting infected by the virus has caused me troubles but nothing dangerous at all. I'm resting most of the time and between sleeping and weaking up I come here to write in this forums.
Your posting is bad news for US health statistics, it is showing great number of people in America doesn't have good health.

I'm way more older and getting infected by the virus has caused me troubles but nothing dangerous at all. I'm resting most of the time and between sleeping and weaking up I come here to write in this forums.
No doubt you have read or heard that the illness often comes in at least two waves, the first being reasonably light and then shortly after you get hit by a bus...I do hope this will not be the case but we all may have to wait about 7 days to find out I of luck!
Your posting is bad news for US health statistics, it is showing great number of people in America doesn't have good health.

I'm way more older and getting infected by the virus has caused me troubles but nothing dangerous at all. I'm resting most of the time and between sleeping and weaking up I come here to write in this forums.

yes USA health is a big issue
because they cant afford the worlds most expensive health care system which is designed to make you bankrupt... almost.

USA health care is designed to extract the most possible amount of money it can from the patient
for the same reason of un-affordability
it creates millions of drug addicts who then commit suicide & over dose accidentally
the financial crisis & financial abuse the
USA health system causes also causes domestic abuse child abuse & divorces

any good honest christian would support universal health care to stop the death misery & suffering of men women marriages family's & children

the virus has caused me troubles but nothing dangerous at all

how it effects different people is unknown
long covid & other issues is always a risk
fatigue issues may be common
any serious sports person needs to be vaccinated to prevent the damage covid can cause to chronic fatigue issues

often comes in at least two waves, the first being reasonably light and then shortly after you get hit by a bus...

i have been struck by 2 viruses which have done this in the last 10 years
1 which was approximately 6 months ago layed me out in bed for nearly 2 days while i had a massive infection in my jaw
the other approximately 10 years ago
which went around my entire work team of approximately 25 people
started with a small cough sore throat
then went away for a day or 2 then hit like a truck
bed for most people for 2 days or more
half those effected took an entire week off work
then left them with a cough for up to 4 weeks afterward

in the mean time i have died almost a few times
& had the flu maybe twice
& had about 5 colds
all the colds & flu have been mostly in the last 4 years while living in a shared situation while working among some very dirty people in the last 3 years(people who pick their nose & stick their fingers in their mouths chew shared pens & touch shared equipment

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No doubt you have read or heard that the illness often comes in at least two waves, the first being reasonably light and then shortly after you get hit by a bus...I do hope this will not be the case but we all may have to wait about 7 days to find out I of luck!
Hey, thanks.

I'm already suffering the second step, which I know I will overcome the new wave.

My appetite has not diminished at this time, so I will order my Chipotle chicken bowl to start recovering. I reaaly don't feel like cooking, so Uber eats, here I come...
Your posting is bad news for US health statistics, it is showing great number of people in America doesn't have good health.
Nope. It shows that people in good health are dying of COVID.
I'm way more older and getting infected by the virus has caused me troubles but nothing dangerous at all. I'm resting most of the time and between sleeping and weaking up I come here to write in this forums.
I hope your luck holds.
I went to one side of the parking lot to the area with grass and trees and pick up a long tree branch about a yard long. I returned back to the truck and with the stick I started to bother the little animal. That little thing became more dangerous than Godzilla, it destroyed the tip of the branch and made so much noise like an invasion of apes. The little squirrel pulled with force the tree branch from my hand and I jumped back afraid that little beast might do the same with me next.

the squirrel is protected by the truck
it thinks you want to eat it
so if it comes out it is death

you want to eat it ? possibly not ?

there is a different way to get the squirrel out
I still have stuffed nose, some coffing, pain in junctions, but this pain I think is because I have stayed in bed for long periods of time.

joint pain can also be caused by cramp
when muscles want to move & get chemical signal but do not move
the chemical signals build up inside the muscle & start to eat it like acid

the pain can be loss of water in the body & loss of water in the joint/junctions
so when you go to move
the cartilage rubs on bone & has no internal support
(&/or your blood pressure is low all muscles & tendons relaxed joints & bones are not sitting tight into where they need to be for proper weight movement load bearing, & you move & the joints are out f place slightly & hurt & can damage)

there is also a strong tendency of humans to stop drinking enough water when laying in bed sick

you must force more water in
measure how much you are drinking & make sure you are drinking 3 liters per 24 hours minimum of plain water on top of anything else you drink

this way forcing in water 3 liters per day
protects your kidneys & liver & urinary system(VERY important & often ignored)

Sarah (BSN, RN) graduated from nursing school in 2009 with honors (magna cum laude). She passed NCLEX on her first try & has worked as a bedside nurse in a variety of settings, including progressive care (PCU), telemetry, and medical-surgical. In addition, she has worked in non-invasive cardiology as a stress lab nurse and charge nurse.

interesting how sarah mentions diabetes
sugar in urine
excess sugar in urine is bad
it causes many problems

note india
total carnage in their middle class obese diabetes demographic
note usa
comorbidity obesity diabetes very high
probably compounded drugs clogging kidneys increasing urinary issues like sugars etc

scented or perfumed sanitary item and tampons
can cause allergic reactions causing urinary tract infections
probably also a small risk for men who use adult diapers
use of adult diapers will steadily increase
but also be balanced against increased health in aging modern populations
they need to be perfume free & as organic & neutral as possible
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I'm already suffering the second step, which I know I will overcome the new wave.

the 2nd wave is not as obvious as what you might think
the 2nd wave is more chronic level
serious fatigue
low blood pressure
some type of hematological issue(blood problem)
possibly some type of protein dysfunction with metabolizing things so your stomach may suddenly stop processing critical vitamins & nutrients etc

anything carried & transported by red & white blood cells might be effected
it may take time for you to replace all your blood before you start to recover properly.

(if you have the money & 100% safe trusted medical i would recommend a blood transfusion during recovery stage of catching covid & having serious symptoms)

casual reading
it looks like it will take several months to replace all your blood naturally
possibly 4 months

COVID attacking blood cells on a genetic level will be the knife to the heart from behind
IF it happens

it will be nothing short of staggeringly devastating
IF it evolves along that path

long covid with life time fatigue syndrome may become normal as a high % outcome
leading to MASSIVE medical costs
early death & MISSIVE waste of medical resources

for sure that will soft the wheat from the chaff

this subject is not a warm fuzzy feel good bullshit story

its facts & science
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This is at least the 5th wave.
My bad.. the term phase would have been better than wave.
Dang it... I knew the words second wave would cause a problem...I was referring to the infection sometimes taking at least 2 "phases". The initial being reasonably mild symptoms but the second one being quite extreme.
My bad.. the term phase would have been better than wave.
Dang it... I knew the words second wave would cause a problem...I was referring to the infection sometimes taking at least 2 "phases". The initial being reasonably mild symptoms but the second one being quite extreme.

i knew exactly what you meant :)

there is probably some semi latin word use to clinically define the genus of symptomatic injury

late stage secondary phase intensification/mutation/maturation etc

conjoint symbiotic genetic endocrine prolapse
(i made that up[but i mean like a cell dividing spreading mutation at the same time in te endocrine system making an extra genetic coder/gene])

long covid causing for example
frequent blood noses/bleeding sinus or lungs with cold virus symptoms
Just a note:

All indicators here in Australia highly suggest a sh*t storm of covid infections over the Festive season. NSW today reported more than 3000 new cases, a dramatic stat when considering where they were less than a week ago. Hospital admissions are also increasing and while growth at present is fairly moderate, it is expected to grow significantly over the next few days.
The Omicron variant, vaccine unreliability(*), combined with a reduction in restrictions etc. and the festive season appear to be adding up to the perfect storm for January 2022 and beyond.

(*) there is much debate as to the efficacy of vaccines regarding the Omicron variant going on.
Because people are relying on their vaccination and boosters to prevent serious infection, if infection does occur, risk taking behavior increases leading to multiple super spreader events being most likely over this festive season.