Dear Sigmund, what are you trying to say?

If Freud and Nietzsche fought each other in the Ultimate Fighting Championship, who would win?
Are you a nihilist, then?

From the Dictionary definition I would say no

As a nurse in various aspects of the profession I helped many people and worked for free in a few volunteer positions

I enjoy life and while I don't treat my body as a temple I also don't treat it as a rubbish dump

Never done any drugs, don't smoke, don't drink, well at least in Australia.

Currently in Bali for two weeks and each night have 2 beer over two to three hours with a meal and watch the night life of Kuta go past

Happy with my own company. This and another forum keep my grey matter ticking and learning

Those who are not into discussion this forum provides a opt out and I haven't looked recently I think my last Iggy count was between 40 and 50

So you are welcome to find another label which covers a
  • nice person who
  • enjoys life and
  • learning who
  • helps others
  • when he can and is
  • 100% modest about abilities :)

Well his views on suffering appear to be somewhat twisted (my call) and in need of assistance

But as mentioned different times, different views
Exactly. With modern medicine, he might have lived a longer, happier life, at the Sorbonne, or Cambridge or Princeton. He would still be brilliant, but would apply his mind to different subjects - the ones that he thought need addressing now. Well, religiosity might still be a target if he lived in the US, but social mores have changed considerably - in part because of his very influential writing.
But when one is in physical pain, as well as psychological distress, through most of one's life, things look very different. As you probably know from your work.