There is one set of chemical reactions that happens while an organism is alive and another set of chemical reactions that takes over after the organism dies. There is no exact "moment" of death - and the time can be further blurred by cold temperatures, etc., so the"process of death" can sometimes be reversed if the second set of reactions has not yet taken hold.
theory question
assuming the advancement of science was capable
i assume the brain would need some type of IV line to feed it basic nutrients to keep it alive ?
where do those waste nutrients go in normal life ?
urine & poop & sweating ?
so the person would need to have some type of waste pipe or urinary function and pooping in stasis capability ?
im guessing it would be easier to keep them in a tank of liquid with their bums pumped up with liquid up their bums to keep their stomachs in an operational manner to prevent the stomach intestine walls from sticking together and shrinking too much etc
and maintain skin elasticity of their bums so they didn't split their bum holes the moment they woke up and did a poop
i guess they would have nano bot robots by that stage
that are like a robot snake
that crawl up their bums and then open out like a stent to keep their bums & intestines stomach & esophagus open to a certain size
AI Robot bum snakes
you would need AI Robot whackachanga snakes for women to climb up their you know where to keep their uterus and ovaries operating
that would be a whole new level of technology
probably be several levels of complicated above keeping lungs alive
would make AI Robot bum snakes look simple.
how would you keep the lungs open without smashing all the tiny hairs etc ?
separate pressure
but then you would destroy the skin on the pressure seal point unless you had super good
skin grafting technology and could simply re-grow skin to make a new grafting seal
AI Robot bum snake future ....