Did Nothing Create Everything?

Xelasnave, you look like Santa Claus. :D:p:)
I have told the story before so forgive me if you have heard me tell it earlier.
Years ago I was Santa in the local small town. The beard started back then. I would only wear black and the little Aboriginal kids would spot me at Mac Donalds and run around screaming black santa black santa leaving all very confused.
But the kids would come up to tell Santa they wanted a dirt bike ..whatever..and I would say sure just to see the look in the parents eyes.
But I am not one who enjoys attention but I must say it was fun riding on the back of the fire truck with literally everyone in the town waving to you.
Perhaps infinity would be a better word for my predicament (without finish.)
We need new words.
Infinity is digging a deeper hole.
Infinity implies...no start, no end, no sides, no bottom, no top, that there will always be something smaller than the smallest thing you can conceive, and no end to the reduction in size, and same for getting bigger, also we each could be replicated to an infinite extent, in multiple variations rather infinite variations, and you could create a huge number, say eleventh million trillion squared times one hundred billion trillion zillion and call it cubic miles and subtract that from infinity and not make a dent...infinity is way past big and small and coincidence...and try thinking about that when you lay down to go to sleep.
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There's no point in bringing up Moses' early life. It has no bearing on the route that the Israelites took.

Does He? Chapter and verse, please.

If you wish, read Exodus chapter 3, it explains why Moses brought the Israelites to the Mountain of God. God told Moses to bring the people there. And Moses simply did what God asked him to do.

Perhaps because God is real, just a hypothesis.

Horeb, Mt Sinai, and the Mountain of God are all names for the same Mountain Range. The Mountain is massive and sits on the East edge of Midian, which is also the West side of the Wilderness, just as described in the Exodus account.

Horeb is the highest peak on the Mountain, Sinai is a secondary peak on the same Mountain. They both share the same base.

When you are at Mt. Sinai, you are also at Horeb, it is all the same Mountain which has multiple individual Peaks.

The highest peak is Horeb, and so the name “Horeb” is often used to describe the whole Mountain.

We still use similar methods to describe locations today.

Most countries on Earth have more than one city.

If I say I am going to Paris, people know I am going to a specific area of France.

The parallel here would be...

If I say I am going to Mt. Sinai, people know I am going to a specific area of Horeb.

Hope you are doing well!
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Nothing has no fundemental dimensionality within its self , in which to manifest , create any thing , that has physical properties .
If you wish, read Exodus chapter 3, it explains why Moses brought the Israelites to the Mountain of God. God told Moses to bring the people there. And Moses simply did what God asked him to do.

Perhaps because God is real, just a hypothesis.

Horeb, Mt Sinai, and the Mountain of God are all names for the same Mountain Range. The Mountain is massive and sits on the East edge of Midian, which is also the West side of the Wilderness, just as described in the Exodus account.

Horeb is the highest peak on the Mountain, Sinai is a secondary peak on the same Mountain. They both share the same base.

When you are at Mt. Sinai, you are also at Horeb, it is all the same Mountain which has multiple individual Peaks.

The highest peak is Horeb, and so the name “Horeb” is often used to describe the whole Mountain.

We still use similar methods to describe locations today.

Most countries on Earth have more than one city.

If I say I am going to Paris, people know I am going to a specific area of France.

The parallel here would be...

If I say I am going to Mt. Sinai, people know I am going to a specific area of Horeb.

Hope you are doing well!
I have read an earlier thread of yours which tells me why there is a lack of participation in this thread.

It seems to me now that you are not interested in the truth and in fact incapable of recognising the problem you have that of a complete inability to be rational in considering facts.

But know this if you were to present what you claim to be evidence in court or in a paper for peer review it would be rejected., and of course you would not accept that result from a court or a peer review which must tell you something and the fact that you would take no message from such rejections is perhaps most supportive of a proposition that you are in fact delusional and so obsessed by your belief that you have entirely lost touch with reality.

And again you will brush that off because in your delusional state you believe you are cleverer than all the scientists, archeologists and scholars who find against your position.
Now pretend humility but you will not fool me.
And sadly you are one of many who present as nice people but who are indeed fanatics capable of doing anything at all if they take it in their head that they are obeying their made up god.

But please go on and on because the longer you deny reality hopefully the more folk passing by will appreciate the damage religion does to otherwise normal people.

The reality you cite as authority a book full of errors and horrible morality but thru an unsupported notion that it is the word of your made up god you are totally blind to any flaw which is odd for I can find several in each and every page in the bible that I have read cover to cover.
Yet you can via your delusion not find not one error not one example of horrible morality...so tell me why are you not out on the Sabath killing folk gathering sticks on their front lawn or keeping a couple of slaves as your good book clearly permits you to do...and of course you will have the answers to defend the indefensible that is always a telling sign of delusion one umoungst many you exhibit.

And now here is your opportunity to feel smug...your response must be polite so you can feel good about yourself and in keeping with the message you acknowledge and follow in contrast to the message on slave ownership and management or the list of folk who should be put to death which you conveniently ignore...hypocrite be you.

It's a joke and happily after my anger, that such stupidity and ignorance still plagues the human race, subsides I do sit back and laugh and start to think of the faith healers, the private jets, the talking in tounges, the talking snakes,the dress ups and then the starvation and inequity in the world seems ok because obviously there is no god to fix it just fools playing make believe too fearful to embrace reality.

You have nothing to offer but I know that won't stop you..your kind are not content to suffer your illness alone but want to infect all around you...bugger off and keep away until you get better.
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Your point being "Religion" as a worldwide phenomena, my answer answered in that context.

Removing religion from the world would create geniuses magically do you think?

Well forget this magic notion because you won't need it...one must conclude that if all the minds engaged in religious nonsense were released from such meaningless pursuits the opportunity of worthwhile contribution to humanity could only become much greater.
If these folk who read only one book were suddenly free to read science history and generally books describing reality one could think we would experience a huge leap forward.
The key to the world getting smarter may well lay in recognising that religion is an unproductive road block to moving forward. If we could remove religion we could see an end to this flat Earth nonsense ... Just how many flat Earth believers are out there when in US 20% of the population take the bible literally.
Imagine if we took the time devoted to bible study and replaced it with engineering science or real history.
Nothing has no fundemental dimensionality within its self , in which to manifest , create any thing , that has physical properties .
Hi river hope you are well. I tend to agree with what you say.
Please tell me do you think there is anything to the notion that the universe can only be eternal.
My quote is broke again. "I didn't know these people existed".
Well they may not but it is not up to me to prove they exist it is up to you to prove that they do not exist. Do you deny that the sort of folk I describe do not exist and what is your evidence.
Why do you ask ?
Because I am interested in what you think about the proposition and you tend to think about things without seeming to be confined to any other prevailing view. Many dismiss the idea because it does not fit their preconceived ideas perhaps before they even consider the proposition in any way at all.
Because I am interested in what you think about the proposition and you tend to think about things without seeming to be confined to any other prevailing view. Many dismiss the idea because it does not fit their preconceived ideas perhaps before they even consider the proposition in any way at all.

Where does this leave you then and why ?
Where does this leave you then and why ?
In the chair that I was sitting in because I haven't moved you see...as you may tell from me being here I need to rest my legs.
However going out very soon...not that I find such exciting realising there must be so many crazy folk running around....but the beard and long hair keeps them away as anyone can tell from my appearance that I am the crazy one...different means crazy we all know that...going to the shopping centre but actually need my wheelchair cause legs are real crook ...did you know a wheelchair and a beard makes you invisable...I never knew...
In the chair that I was sitting in because I haven't moved you see...as you may tell from me being here I need to rest my legs.
However going out very soon...not that I find such exciting realising there must be so many crazy folk running around....but the beard and long hair keeps them away as anyone can tell from my appearance that I am the crazy one...different means crazy we all know that...going to the shopping centre but actually need my wheelchair cause legs are real crook ...did you know a wheelchair and a beard makes you invisable...I never knew...

I have long hair ( not many guys have long hair any more ), not crippled to your point , but I have physical limitations .

It pisses me off !!!

I have seen people who hate God for allowing evil. And also hate God for punishing it. They just seem to hate God period, no matter what He does!!!

Then they claim that He doesn’t exist. So they are apparently hating, you can even see it in their face, a being that does not exist!
What kind of sense would it make to hate a non-existent being? Either these people - whoever they are - secretly believe that God exists after all, but pretend they don't, or else they have hatred but no actual target for it. In the first case, those people wouldn't be atheists - they would be theists who hate God. In the second case, those people would be hopelessly confused, because who has hatred for "nothing"?

You've seen people like this, have you, SetiAlpha6? Where did you come across them?