Displaying equations using Tex

One more time on the equations that aren't coming out:

[ tex] v = v_h(v_t/c +1) [/tex]

[ tex] v_t = v_{ht}(v/c +1) [/tex]

[ tex] v = 2c^2v_h / (c^2 + v_h^2)[/tex]

[ tex] v_t = 2c^2v_{ht} / (c^2 + v_{ht}^2)[/tex]

[ tex] v_h = c(c - v_{ht}) / (c +v_{ht}) [/tex]

[ tex] v_ht = c(c - v_h) / (c +v_h) [/tex]

[ tex] v_t = c/Y = DSR(c+v) = v_{ht}(1+ v/c)[/tex]

[ tex] t_{ps} = xv_{ps}= xYv/(1+Y)[/tex]

[ tex] v_{ht} =cDSR[/tex]

v Y [ tex]v_t[/tex] [ tex]v_h[/tex] [ tex]v_{ht}[/tex] DSR
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It's ok, everything works now. I put a space in [ tex] to solve it and the other problem was with _{ht} which I tried to write as _h_t which was not accepted. My 1st day using tex so.
x(x_{accel}, \tau) = \frac{-1}{\kappa} + \left(x_{accel} + \frac{1}{\kappa}\right)cosh(\kappa\tau)

Formatted formula should appear below.
x(x_{accel}, \tau) = \frac{-1}{\kappa} + \left(x_{accel} + \frac{1}{\kappa}\right)cosh(\kappa\tau)

If I leave the page and come back it is formatted. But when I just enter the formula and save, the formatting is not there. ?? I can work with that I guess.
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More Testing
Trying to have tex in a stream of text.......
A uniformly accelerating system of coordinates S_{accel} (often called

A uniformly accelerating system of coordinates $$ S_{accel} $$ (often called

This works.
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