Does time exist?

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May be 'time' is related with our 'consciousness'.

Is no. What you get by consciousness is the state of awareness of yourself, your surroundings, anything and everything that exists that you comprehend that EXISTS, consciousness is also related to rationality, but let's not get further into that.

Time does exist, it is a mass that generates energy and is affected by gravity.
That's the reason why in space it has a different "feel" (slower or faster).

That's for the practical time. There's also the time as we comprehend it. As we can measure with hours, days, weeks, months and so on...
The latter is a little bit more complicated as it is influenced by a bunch of factors that I don't seriously want to go thru'.
Is no. What you get by consciousness is the state of awareness of yourself, your surroundings, anything and everything that exists that you comprehend that EXISTS, consciousness is also related to rationality, but let's not get further into that.

Here everything in our surroundings is in motion. Our consciousness observes this motion. Time plays a role in the making of a 'motion'. So some co-relations can be made between time and consciousness.

Time does exist, it is a mass that generates energy and is affected by gravity.

If time is mass, its unit should be in terms of grams or pounds and not in seconds.

That's the reason why in space it has a different "feel" (slower or faster).

Slower or Faster is a quality of speed and not time.

That's for the practical time. There's also the time as we comprehend it. As we can measure with hours, days, weeks, months and so on...

What is practical time? Is it different from the time, as is measured by a clock?

The latter is a little bit more complicated as it is influenced by a bunch of factors that I don't seriously want to go thru'.

Does time depend on other factors or other factors depend on time ?
Without any kind of counsciousness alive. Time will still flow, here on earth it will still be measured as it nominaly is according to our known elements.
Nihilism apart, it is ok to question such thing but time, is totally independent of comprehension. It runs by itself.
Bigger Question

Without any kind of counsciousness alive. Time will still flow, here on earth it will still be measured as it nominaly is according to our known elements.
Nihilism apart, it is ok to question such thing but time, is totally independent of comprehension. It runs by itself.

Unless we define consciousness as interfering lines-of-relationship that configure as integral wholes with lines-of-relationship to other integral wholes, wherein those are integrated as a greater whole, that is listed in our cosmic heirarchy as either;

1) quasi-physical gravity,

2) fermionic matter, or

3) bosonic forces, that, interrelate and defined as a minimal consciousness state of awareness the does not involve biological nervous system.

Gravity( mass attraction/pulling-inward/contraction ) is the minimal force ergo it is the minimal line-of-relationship felt/sensed/emoted/interactive etc....

The bigger question to me, is whether the biological map evolves disintegrates and revolves over eternity, or,

does the biological map exist eternally somewhere in Universe?

My feeling is, that it may be possible,that such and eternally existent biological map or blue print is etched in the gravitational membrane/fabric.

One of the examples I give uses Fullers OS-jitterbug, that transforms into many exotic shapes, but it also configures as an Euclidean version of the EM double-sine wave and from that position-- of 4 triangle waves ---with a 90 degree twist, it has a basic quadrapedic blueprint for complex;

1) the side arms( appendages ) and tail flukes of whales cettaceans etc..that are parralllel to its side appendages and with a another perpendicular twist, it becomes,

2) the side fins with tail fin being perpendicular to side fins of fish.

Of course the more complex humans have two arms and two legs.

But what of the many other kinds of less complex animals, plants etc....

That gets into a much more detail and longer discourse, so for the moment, just consider what may be the oldest known animal ancestry to exist on planet.

Jellyfish. Fullers OS-jbug is based on the cubo-octahedron-- think truncated cube --- which has a list of associated #24's, and 48's.

There is a least one box-- think cubical ---jelly fish, that has 24 eyes or is it 48 eyes. I forget.

Another point I'm trying to make here, is that even if the mapping for the whole biological pattern is not eternally existent, enough of some basics exist in our known set of geometric patterns, that is relatively easy to make a more complex leap to more complexity, if the basic package exists eternally.


Time does exist, it is a mass that generates energy


So having a mass I am guessing scientists have examined said mass and been photographed doing so

Can you provide any link to such photo(s)?


If this is going to be the "type to ghosts from 2013" midnight haunting hour...

May be 'time' is related with our 'consciousness'.

Language-mediated understanding is extended over or through multiple, specious instants by necessity. Which is to say, an expression by one's private, audible narrator like "That shadow belongs to a cat" certainly isn't going to fit into a single, milliseconds long "now" that human experience of change is limited to.

But OTOH, the non-experienced version of cognition might accomplish its non-verbal equivalent within the span of one of those irregularly measured, fraudulent objective present moments:

Cognition and Perception: Is There Really a Distinction?: "Findings from this study provide new insights on how the most basic components of visual perception, like shape or color, lead to higher-level cognitive processes related to categorization and memory. In a 2014 paper published in Nature Neuroscience, Oliva and colleagues found that the flow of brain activity from seeing the object to recognizing and classifying it as either a plant or animal all occurred with blistering speed — just 160 milliseconds."​

On the third page at #46, at least by the way my browser is rendering the topic.

Sorry I am not going to hunt through a thread to find a third page of a post

And what is with the way my browser is rendering the topic.

You are sounding like a bot

Sorry I am not going to hunt through a thread to find a third page of a post

And what is with the way my browser is rendering the topic.

Uh... knock, knock. Your very post is on the 3rd page. That you're mystified by that seems to indicate some kind of strange divergence that I didn't literally expect.

You are sounding like a bot:)

Oh, the irony, after the above.

I didn't know bots had gone into the business of hijacking existing members' accounts. Now that you've been spotted as a pod person, please return the real Michael 345 and end this bizarre attempt to mimic him. Nix that, he's doubtless been assimilated by now...

Terminating weird conversation before the question "Who is this Michael 345 you are referring to?" arises...

Dazz was last seen here back in 2013, so it seems unlikely he, she or they will be popping back in soon to check how this discussion is going.

Meanwhile, I think we already have enough threads going on Michael's unsustainable ideas about the non-existence of time. So, I'm closing this one.
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