Dreamlog Interpretation

Well, this morning the phone rang. I answered. It was my dad. I had to talk loudly so that he would hear, but he spoke in a normal voice. We didn't mention that fact that he was dead, because that's obvious, and we didn't talk about that he could call from the other side either, because that has happened before ( to me with another person), instead we talked about what has to be done.
- A list. You have to make a list.
- A list?
- Yes, a list.
- A list of what?
- Of all the things, an inventory list.
Then I woke up.

I forgot to ask why.
When you interpret dreams, you need to think in terms of all the characters being part of yourself. The details of the characters in terms of colors, directions, actions, etc. , give us more detail about our inner world. This is subtle so let me explain.

Say you are in a good relationship with someone special, and you feel happy and light when you are around that person. One day, they go away and you never see them again. This can make you depressed. The person that made you happy, in real time, pushed certain buttons within your mind and heart, which is why you felt that happy lightness. When they left and the these buttons were no longer being pushed, the emotions change. These triggers and memories are all within your mind. In a dream, that person would reflect that consolidated part of your own personality/brain, that is being activated, due to the impact of that person. The person in the dream symbolizes their own impact within you; reflection in the mirror of your mind.

In the dream, the dad who was dead, and appears in the dream. He symbolizes those old feelings and reactions, which were once activated by dad. These dynamics appear again, since they are in memory and never really die. They only lack the external trigger needed to remain active. In the dream, dad is talking normal since he is there in memory, yet you feel the need to speak loud, since he appears a distant memory. Taking inventory means to make note of the buttons being pushed, since his image of love and joy is still there within you. If you think back at a good time and thereby trigger the memory grid yourself the buttons are pushed again since dad is part of you.
When you interpret dreams, you need to think in terms of all the characters being part of yourself. The details of the characters in terms of colors, directions, actions, etc. , give us more detail about our inner world. This is subtle so let me explain.

Say you are in a good relationship with someone special, and you feel happy and light when you are around that person. One day, they go away and you never see them again. This can make you depressed. The person that made you happy, in real time, pushed certain buttons within your mind and heart, which is why you felt that happy lightness. When they left and the these buttons were no longer being pushed, the emotions change. These triggers and memories are all within your mind. In a dream, that person would reflect that consolidated part of your own personality/brain, that is being activated, due to the impact of that person. The person in the dream symbolizes their own impact within you; reflection in the mirror of your mind.

In the dream, the dad who was dead, and appears in the dream. He symbolizes those old feelings and reactions, which were once activated by dad. These dynamics appear again, since they are in memory and never really die. They only lack the external trigger needed to remain active. In the dream, dad is talking normal since he is there in memory, yet you feel the need to speak loud, since he appears a distant memory. Taking inventory means to make note of the buttons being pushed, since his image of love and joy is still there within you. If you think back at a good time and thereby trigger the memory grid yourself the buttons are pushed again since dad is part of you.

You obviosuly do not believe in life after death, hence your very "dry" and "logical" interpretation, but thank you for trying and some of the things you do make sense. :)
Except the part that he would appear a distant memory. He died 3 years ago, so not that distant, and I think I had to speak loud just to make sure he could hear me to the "other side".
I had a dream about him again last night.

I wrote it down in Swedish. LINK. You can run it through google translate if you are interested.
Life after death, and dreams are two different things, with dreams common enough to infer generalizations. When I was younger, I kept a dream journal for about two years and through reading and practice learned to analyze dreams down to the tiniest details. It was all part of research to map the collective unconscious. I already had an idea of how it was laid out, with the dreams helping me to detail the map via hands on experience. It was my own Lewis and Clark expedition to see it for myself and map out the details. Since it is collective, translating dreams is universal.

I translated your dream from Swedish to English and will attempt to explain part of it. The keyboard to a computer is an input device that allow you to express/interface the ideas what occur within your mind to an output; creative expression. Lack of a keyboard could mean writers block or loss of interest in what you had been doing. Your dad providing the new keyboard would suggest his influence in your creative expression. At first, this influence is a little limited and cramps your style. Later he becomes a more open source of inspiration that fits you better. The larger keyboard suggested going beyond your comfort zone, but then realizing this new approach is perfect for you.

For a female, a male figure in her dreams is her masculine side, called her animus. In your case, your dad symbolizes your masculine side since he played a role in programming your masculine side. He would symbolize thoughts, beliefs and meaning in terms of how you view and interpret the world around you. Being an older male, instead of a younger male, he symbolizes the wise old man; tempers the female intellect with wisdom of age.

I would guess the fire symbolizes a change as the past ends; phoenix. This represents a new beginning; water=thoughts.
Life after death, and dreams are two different things, with dreams common enough to infer generalizations. When I was younger, I kept a dream journal for about two years and through reading and practice learned to analyze dreams down to the tiniest details. It was all part of research to map the collective unconscious. I already had an idea of how it was laid out, with the dreams helping me to detail the map via hands on experience. It was my own Lewis and Clark expedition to see it for myself and map out the details. Since it is collective, translating dreams is universal.

I translated your dream from Swedish to English and will attempt to explain part of it. The keyboard to a computer is an input device that allow you to express/interface the ideas what occur within your mind to an output; creative expression. Lack of a keyboard could mean writers block or loss of interest in what you had been doing. Your dad providing the new keyboard would suggest his influence in your creative expression. At first, this influence is a little limited and cramps your style. Later he becomes a more open source of inspiration that fits you better. The larger keyboard suggested going beyond your comfort zone, but then realizing this new approach is perfect for you.

For a female, a male figure in her dreams is her masculine side, called her animus. In your case, your dad symbolizes your masculine side since he played a role in programming your masculine side. He would symbolize thoughts, beliefs and meaning in terms of how you view and interpret the world around you. Being an older male, instead of a younger male, he symbolizes the wise old man; tempers the female intellect with wisdom of age.

I would guess the fire symbolizes a change as the past ends; phoenix. This represents a new beginning; water=thoughts.

Thank you for taking the time to do this. I've also been analyzing dreams alot, read books about it etc, and some symbolism seem universal, like fire for example.
Allthough, it's "tradition" in my family to talk to the dead in dreams. My grandmother did this all the time and always told me about her dreams too. We never doubted that it was the actual dead person connecting and took what they were saying literally. She got told a lot of stuff from her dead sister that turned out to be the exact truth. So perhaps the dreamstate is a common meetingground for the living and the dead?
I had a dream that I was shooting demonic fire effigies that would reanimate almost instantaneously...

I woke in a fright and soon become aware that arguing with morons over internet science forums was a dead end street. They always come back stupider than before. (But a specific someone is suspended somewhere right now. Also banned here lol.)
Allthough, it's "tradition" in my family to talk to the dead in dreams. My grandmother did this all the time and always told me about her dreams too. We never doubted that it was the actual dead person connecting and took what they were saying literally. She got told a lot of stuff from her dead sister that turned out to be the exact truth. So perhaps the dreamstate is a common meetingground for the living and the dead?

Say you sincerely believe your dreams are connected to a departed loved one. What that belief does is make you much more receptive to the dream, because now there is a hopeful connection attached. This attitude is enhancing the experience and the need to understand. If you did the opposite and said all dreams mean nothing, there is nothing to see so the door closes.

This receptive attitude is the same attitude the faithful have. Their belief opens doors deep within their minds, which would close and lock if one was a sceptic to this. To me, it is not important how one is able to open the door to the collective unconscious, but rather being able to open it. Some people have that knack. I do this by working under the assumption the unconscious mind is the mainframe part of the brain and it has better data crunching capacity than my ego.

When I first got into unconscious mind, it was indirect and more based on spiritualism. This was back in my teen years and it would have contained ghosts of the dead and other occult phenomena. These semi-tangible things of faith were used to open the door. If you go into an old haunted house thinking there is a ghost in there, the unconscious mind is more open causing heightened awareness. These door openings created an interest, which I then attempted to define in a more scientific way using the ideas of psychology. The experience was real in the sense of opening a door, so it was now, let me explore the other side of the door.

If you look at the brain as computer, the command lines to open the door are done with thought. This is not done via the willful thoughts of the ego, but a humbled receptiveness to something beyond the ego; other side.
Say you sincerely believe your dreams are connected to a departed loved one. What that belief does is make you much more receptive to the dream, because now there is a hopeful connection attached. This attitude is enhancing the experience and the need to understand. If you did the opposite and said all dreams mean nothing, there is nothing to see so the door closes.

This receptive attitude is the same attitude the faithful have. Their belief opens doors deep within their minds, which would close and lock if one was a sceptic to this. To me, it is not important how one is able to open the door to the collective unconscious, but rather being able to open it. Some people have that knack. I do this by working under the assumption the unconscious mind is the mainframe part of the brain and it has better data crunching capacity than my ego.

When I first got into unconscious mind, it was indirect and more based on spiritualism. This was back in my teen years and it would have contained ghosts of the dead and other occult phenomena. These semi-tangible things of faith were used to open the door. If you go into an old haunted house thinking there is a ghost in there, the unconscious mind is more open causing heightened awareness. These door openings created an interest, which I then attempted to define in a more scientific way using the ideas of psychology. The experience was real in the sense of opening a door, so it was now, let me explore the other side of the door.

If you look at the brain as computer, the command lines to open the door are done with thought. This is not done via the willful thoughts of the ego, but a humbled receptiveness to something beyond the ego; other side.

This is exactly what I've been trying to shove down peoples throats for ages. :D
A good apprentice you have been, yes,
I personally don't like seeing my deceased father in my dreams.

I wake up and want to kick myself to grow up already.
Allthough, it's "tradition" in my family to talk to the dead in dreams. My grandmother did this all the time and always told me about her dreams too. We never doubted that it was the actual dead person connecting and took what they were saying literally. She got told a lot of stuff from her dead sister that turned out to be the exact truth. So perhaps the dreamstate is a common meetingground for the living and the dead?

Thats interesting Bebelina as I had a dream about my late mother approximately 6 months after she passed away.

I was in the passenger seat of a car being driven by my father and we turned into a narrow alleyway. I got out to guide my father around the tight corners and I noticed that the car was a Rover 3500, the model my parents would always hire when they visited Ireland. There were strange red and white signal boxes at bumper height at each corner and the fit was very tight but we finally managed to get the car around two corners and back onto the main road. I went to get back in the passenger seat and was surprised that my late mum was sitting in there when I opened the door. As she got out of the seat I said "You're not supposed to be there" and she gave her usual reply "I know that" and gave me a big hug.

While I can not recall having talked to other late family members in my dreams, it may be something to do with Swedish tradition as I have just as many relatives with my mothers maiden name in Gotland, as I have in Australia.