Film/Movie Recommendations

"Stranger Things" on Netflix. I'm halfway through S.2. Good fun, even if the hobbit has gotten rather fat. Lots of '80s references and "in jokes". Never thought I'd see "Dragon's Lair" again.
"Arrival" with Amy Adams, Jeremy Renner and Forest Whitaker.
Superb film.
Slow, compelling, and despite a number of plot holes, and caricatures, it comes across as a suitably intelligent film.
Not what I expected at all, as I went in not knowing too much at all about it.
Highly recommended if you want something more cerebral than your typical sci-fi fare.
"Arrival" with Amy Adams, Jeremy Renner and Forest Whitaker.
Superb film.
Slow, compelling, and despite a number of plot holes, and caricatures, it comes across as a suitably intelligent film.
Not what I expected at all, as I went in not knowing too much at all about it.
Highly recommended if you want something more cerebral than your typical sci-fi fare.
But how much of a problem could it be if they only need one Avenger and Superman's girlfriend?

Seriously, good movie. Reading the source material might be done before the movie?
I would suggest not reading the source material, for the simple reason that I didn't know that it was based on a book, and I think had I known the story from the outset it wouldn't have been so enthralling.

It would be like watching the film "Sixth Sense" the second time round... where you watch not for the twist itself but to see the more technical aspects of the filmmaking that keeps you from seeing the twist until the end.
It would be like watching the film "Sixth Sense" the second time round... where you watch not for the twist itself but to see the more technical aspects of the filmmaking that keeps you from seeing the twist until the end.
I just rewatched The Sixth Sense again last week. :smile:
"Arrival" with Amy Adams, Jeremy Renner and Forest Whitaker.
Superb film.
Slow, compelling, and despite a number of plot holes, and caricatures, it comes across as a suitably intelligent film.
Not what I expected at all, as I went in not knowing too much at all about it.
Highly recommended if you want something more cerebral than your typical sci-fi fare.
I don't follow your logic, but then I don't have to. To each his own.
Okay, have you seen "The Sixth Sense"?
If you had read the book (had there been one) and knew the ending, you wouldn't get the same buzz out of the great reveal at the end of the movie.
Alternatively, I guess if you had seen the movie then you wouldn't get the same kick out of reading the book, given that you already knew the reveal.
But since this is a move thread, and since I'm more of a movie fan than book fan, I'm suggesting you don't read the book first, as that will ruin the surprise of the film.
Not that it's much of a surprise (in "Arrival"), truth be told, but it is slowly revealed and done in a great way.

Well, if I've read the book (eg. LOTR) then I go to the movie(s) to get the visuals, expression, tone of voice, etc., that they didn't have room for in the book. Helm's Deep, for example, or Minas Tirith. Rivendell was prettier in the movies than in my head.

If I see the movie first and feel compelled to read the book (The Martian) I hope to get nice surprises from the material they didn't include in the movie.

Either way, I don't worry about spoilers.

The truth is always ironic that the true monsters exist unpunished and even accepted by society while it's victims pay the price. I"ve seen this theme all throughout life. When i was young, i used to think people did not deserve to die but now i know that most do deserve to die or don't really deserve life. one thing was true when i would hear sermons and pastors say that people don't deserve life because of sin which i didn't understand before and thought it was too harsh but i know now why because people are filthy, immoral, corrupt and disgusting creatures overall, even your everyday, regular so-called normal and acceptable person is full of malice, jealousy, spite, lies, perversion and wrongs done or wished upon someone at sometime in their life or often unnoticed. this is why i suppose religion stresses even if others don't know, god does and sees all.

as far as her story, it's ironic that those men she killed probably did deserve to die in the true sense they were scum but that's an existential truth, not a practical one. you can't go around killing all scum as there would be very few actual people left. you don't think so? ha! you think scum are all in prison or in trailer parks? they exist everywhere and in every place in society. i can also understand her hatred of men also.

she wasn't really a monster, she had absorbed the filth and evil from others and she took revenge. monsters are the ones who abuse and use others with impunity , because they are victims either, it's because they are selfish rotten people underneath and they usually not only get away with it throughout their whole fuking LIFE but also while society accepts them as one of their own, which proves real scum rises to the top right along with those who earn it honorably.
Alien Covenant

Includes the most tenacious Alien/monster youv'e ever seen which will keep you on the edge of you'r seat.!!!

I rate it ---> "Go see it -- 7 stars out of 10.!!!"
Good show.!!!

this is the part that is laughable when this prosecutor states that these men who she killed had wives, children, friends and family. so? and? as if that gives their lives more importance or negates they were scum. what were these men who had wives doing with a prostitute or being predatorial then if they were such good men anyways? does this mean that because someone has a wife or kids, they can't be scum or predators? that is just the biggest superficial bullshit ever.

what's even funnier is how they complain that the families were not contacted as if knowing your husband, father, brother or son was involved in seedy activity is something they want to be known. what do they want to tell about their side of the story? how the victim was an upstanding or good person? GIVE ME A BREAK. yeah, that would have been a contemptible contradiction watching some wife defend her husband along the lines of 'he was a good husband etc'. LMFAO.

what the movie illustrates well is the reality of how she was disgusted and angered, also triggering her ptsd. when you are in the moment alone with someone and with no prying eyes, the ugliness, evil, perversion and hideous character is when they reveal or try to push it on you. this is not something that is revealed to everyone and that is what society is naive regarding the general character of people. people generally are more sneaky than they admit, as it can be as simple as someone leaving the room or no ears in hearing range at a moment when something rude or nasty is said or done etc. it doesn't even have to be as pre-planned as it's just opportunism too. people who are vulnerable are the ones who have a more true inside look at a general consensus of society, not to those people they are literally acting for in public. there are certain basic criteria that will reveal who the scum are and that is the victim is known to be alone and usually female. this means that there are more scummy people than those who are not vulnerable realize and when those who tell this truth are not believed. when i was even renting a room, this guy was saying some strange things to me because he knew i was alone. this is not someone who would do that to just anyone. people are opportunistic and just because someone is not doing that to you, doesn't mean they are not capable of perversion or evil or have those urges.

people suss out those who they feel they can do certain things to or have condescending or derogatory attitudes toward. the wrong thing said or attitude etc is what triggered certain murders even if it was serial.
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what i disagree with about her case was that she was labeled a monster very typically by that prosecutor tanner which i dislike. as if one of the johns she killed that poured alcohol into her anus and vagina and then her nose after brualizing her is not scum or a monster. she started to scream and he was degrading her saying how he liked seeing her cry and in pain etc. she said she was in extreme pain, angered, got up and spit in his face and then he said 'you are dead bitch etc'.

there is something so hideously wrong about how unfairly and even illogically people in society are judged and labeled, meaning it's often biased. that piece of shit scum didn't deserve to be breathing literally, not that she should have killed him, but that the man was evil himself. killing is not the only form of evil, actually it's not even a form of torture. those who like to inflict pain or distress are the real monsters and evil because they get off on the suffering.