Ghostly Denial

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Registered Senior Member
I have noticed amongst many users which are overly skeptical about the paranormal or paranormal activities exhibit an ultimate state of denial. They program themselves to believe a lie that they didn’t witness it. They can never be convinced otherwise. A state of Dunning Krugers sets in and they cannot believe any statement that conflicts with those lies.

Your opinion belies your own bias.

Who says users are overly skeptical - as opposed to just skeptical enough?

What is wrong with denying things if they aren't true in the first place? Or do you have proof of your beliefs?

What do you mean by "overly skeptical"?

What are the observable characteristics of an "overly skeptical" person?

If you think that skeptics are "in denial" about certain paranormal activities (or about the paranormal in general) you should perhaps start by producing some of the facts that you claim are denied. A few denialist quotes would be helpful, too. Identify a specific denier, if you can, and show us what he or she has denied and how you know that thing is actually a true fact.

Why is my name at the bottom of your opening post?

If you are claiming that I am one of these "overly skeptical" deniers you mentioned, please provide at least one example of an established fact which I have said is not true.
A state of Dunning Krugers sets in and they cannot believe any statement that conflicts with those lies.
It's Dunning-Kruger, not Dunning-Krugers. If you are going to lord your intellectual superiority over everyone by calling others ignorant, it would behoove you to get your grammar right.

But in any case, extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. Plenty of people have spent their lives looking for that extraordinary proof and none have found it. Houdini made it a quest of his to find proof of paranormal forces and found none. Indeed, every single seance or paranormal demonstration he attended was revealed to be simple tricks. Being a magician himself it was easy for him to find the trickery.

In 1964 the magician James Randi offered a thousand dollars to anyone who exhibited scientifically verifiable paranormal powers. In 1996 he raised it to one million dollars. After more than a thousand failed applicants, he gave up in 2015. That would seem to indicate that such proof is hard to come by.

Perhaps someday someone will produce excellent proof. Until then, I will be skeptical.
I’m not sure if the Dunning-Kruger effect fits with the concept of paranormal activity.

To my understanding, if anything, it might seem more appropriate to apply it to those who claim to be “ghost hunters,” because they’re claiming to have a higher skill set when it comes to “detecting” ghosts. As if there is even a skill set to be reached or earned, in evaluating paranormal claims. Since ghostly activity is hard to prove from a scientific method standpoint, I’m not seeing how the Dunning-Kruger effect applies here. Skeptics simply don’t believe in ghost claims without hard evidence, that’s not the same as being overly confident with a skill set that you believe you have, but you don’t. (That’s what the Dunning-Kruger effect is - when you overestimate your abilities or knowledge on a particular subject.)


Can you elaborate, Contemplation?
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What do you mean by "overly skeptical"?
You really expect me to believe that you don’t know what overly skeptical means. Okay, okay, I will play along.

I believe that it means that someone is being skeptical without a real reason pertaining to whatever has been stated.

What are the observable characteristics of an "overly skeptical" person?
It appears as though they will start out becoming overly defensive. They may start out creating a simple question to bait the other user into losing the argument by putting them in a bad light.

If you think that skeptics are "in denial" about certain paranormal activities (or about the paranormal in general) you should perhaps start by producing some of the facts that you claim are denied. A few denialist quotes would be helpful, too. Identify a specific denier, if you can, and show us what he or she has denied and how you know that thing is actually a true fact.

Google It. There are thousands of reports on this subject all over the internet. More often than not, it completely takes over history and science marathons on television. You would have to be living in a cave to have never witnessed a paranormal video.

There is even a sub forum on Science Forums on the subject that you are the moderator off….
Why is my name at the bottom of your opening post?
I have chosen you to be my personal Ginny pig or test subject to test this hypothesis. I am sure you would make an excellent person to test this on. You have already demonstrated an expected initial response to being confronted with the issue anyone would that had any kind of mental disability.

If you are claiming that I am one of these "overly skeptical" deniers you mentioned, please provide at least one example of an established fact which I have said is not true.

You claimed my post about observing Boltzmann Brains was a made up fantasy. You made an unusually long post about it proclaiming to everyone that I needed pointers in creating science fiction. It continued to build on this theme in a very unusual way, before that was even established rather that was the case or not in a self consistent imbedded theory on science fiction writing.
One thing I felt like I needed to mention bout said brains is that they appear to become larger when they time slip from another universe that has been “Boltzmanned”. I noticed from my research on theoretical physics is that the Planck Scale of these Boltzzmanned universes was larger and consecutively different in each passing universe. Until, it eventually returned to its original starting value. These brains appeared to become larger in size and manifesting themselves into the sky and clouds. The Boltzmann Brains that seeming appeared to originate from universes that predated my current one appeared to shrink the person into a smaller size, which has smaller Planck Scales. These universes appeared to be placed in an extra two dimensional plane curled up into a higher dimension, from contacting visions of spiritual energies while navigating this inter dimensional manifold.
The sighting of the craft I witnessed flying around the bottom star of the Big Dipper was also sighted by the military and is documented. I don’t know if this was the craft that started blowing up all the constellations or not, but it was the only UFO I sighted that could travel at such a high velocity. It may have traveled back in time and was also warping through time, so I witnessed it right at the end of the Mayan Calendar.
The smaller versions of Boltzmann Brains would collapse around the room I was in, and an electric field was sent from the future that seemed to have an ionizing effect between all the strands separating the Boltzmann Brian’s from each other. That seemed to prevent them from coming into my bedroom. They could merge with matter, so they ended up merging into the paint of my walls and ceiling. This prevented them from merging with me, since they seemed to be capable of implanted themselves into my skull. They would then be capable of speaking to me telepathically.
The sighting of the craft I witnessed flying around the bottom star of the Big Dipper was also sighted by the military and is documented. I don’t know if this was the craft that started blowing up all the constellations or not, but it was the only UFO I sighted that could travel at such a high velocity. It may have traveled back in time and was also warping through time, so I witnessed it right at the end of the Mayan Calendar.
I think this is a an absurd delusion. If you think that is over skeptical, then by all means include my in the overly skeptical group.:D
My first encounter with Boltzmann Brains occurred after I was discharged from the military on September 10th, they day before 9/11. Where I was discharged from the military the day before and was threatened to have my marriage sabotaged temporarily by the US Navy.

I experienced my x-wife become Schrödinger’s Cat along with a local drug dealer. I later experienced my best friend’s doppelgänger become a Boltzmann Brain, and he didn’t take it very well.

Good Day
I think this is a an absurd delusion. If you think that is over skeptical, then by all means include my in the overly skeptical group.:D
We have only met in the fifth dimension, but I guarantee you that goes without said.

Hello, this is Prof.Layman and my reality that we met seems to be Boltzmanned, and no longer exists.
We have only met in the fifth dimension

I don't remember you at the concert.
The first time I experienced Boltzmann Brains was when I saw a figure of a head on my closet door. It claimed to be Satan. There were compressors attempting to smash him from all directions. He also had wires poking his eye. All he could think about was how he hated compressors.

I believe it is an outdated technology, and somehow the future was able to completely surround an individual temporarily to create a spacetime paradox that turned Satan into a Boltzmann Brain on a rack to be to tourchered for the rest of eternity.
The second time I was attacked by Boltzmann Brains, I experienced an alternate version of those events being transplanted into my field of vision as being floaters as an alternative version of those events.
You really expect me to believe that you don’t know what overly skeptical means.
"Overly" is
- a relative term,
- a judgement call,
- subjective

It is only relative to the person who says it.

For example, I find most rational people to be just skeptical enough.
Reported as off topic.
Or the only bit that is on topic.
Or just the ramblings of a thousand monkeys with internet access.

Regardless, thread has no discernible subject. Recommend Cesspool.
I originally came up with the idea while talking to other users about the Mandela Effect. It was common for the biggest deniers of the effect to self reportedly claim that they had a bad memory and often had to cross-check their memories with the correct actual facts.

I found that it is impossible to convince these people that those alterations to the timeline actually occurred. If they had to regularly do this, then they expect everyone else to have to complete the same process in their ways of thinking.

They would often end up using some kind of downvoting tactic or reporting tactic to eliminate everyone else from the subreddit that actually believed it was real. I can assert that there is a good chance you have had some type of paranormal experience which you have convinced yourself that it was a problem that only occurred in your mind.

Since you cannot possibly conceive of the real possibility you expect me to do the same thing. Then you are incapable of actually being convinced otherwise due to the Dunning-Kruger Effect.
Still off topic and no cohesive thought.

Also. Please stop referring to the Dunning-Kruger Effect. It is quite apparent you don't understand its application.
There seemed to be a link between the Mandela Effect and paranormal activity. I noticed that after I was hit by a lot of paranormal activity that is around the same time I noticed flip flops occurring in different cases of the Mandela Effect.

I believe that this is actually the original universe I grew up in before the age of five. I remember thinking to myself at that age how dumb it seemed that I could lose blood flow to my arms by resting in bed from the veins in my elbows being under pressure. One day, this problem seemed to vanish, and I haven’t experienced it again until the past few years after I had this experience.

I believe that the human race one day evolves to be able to more comfortably rest their arms on arm rest and in bed, and everyone that has this problem will one day die out. The next universe over ended up having a different variant of the human species from someone from the future entering into the past human genome.
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