Ghostly Denial

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So there's no good reason for me to believe that this is anything but a fantasy or hallucination of yours.

Got it.
There is a church in approximately every ten city block radius. You are actually in the minority of people that don’t believe in the supernatural. There is a high probability of the majority mostly being correct.

The Boltzmann Brains told me that the time traveler goes by the name Mr. Hawn. They were astonished that I never heard of him. He reportedly works as a preacher in my home town of Hobbs, New Mexico. He seems to be marketing this from it apparently making most citizens feel the effects of spiritual energies from this time travel event.

It was reported that he discovers how to create a rip in spacetime and how to time cross people between realities. He was given rights to manage a time ship designed to create and manage multiple timelines at once. He reduced the amount of computational power it used and instructed it to hold back any time management systems, so they would only affect this timeline.

Every motive for every action he does or tells is driven by the desire to violate the Grandfather Paradox. He is a highly dangerous individual, which should be considered always at large even after capture.

Recently, the timeline has been breaking in the future from a black couple performing a magic trick to cut a black man in half and watch him reform back together. I don’t know of their whereabouts, names, or location.
The Boltzmann Brains told me that the time traveler goes by the name Mr. Hawn. They were astonished that I never heard of him. He reportedly works as a preacher in my home town of Hobbs, New Mexico. He seems to be marketing this from it apparently making most citizens feel the effects of spiritual energies from this time travel event.
Have you ever been diagnosed with any mental disease?
I don’t know if you ever watched ghost hunters, but they came to the conclusion that the paranormal activity they witnessed was due to other people in parallel universes. I believe they are correct in making that assumption.

After my first experience of witnessing Boltzmann Brains, I was haunted by an alternate version of my x-wife. In that universe, she came back home with me instead of us separating when I moved away. She became trapped between realities somehow with another individual I did not know that was trying to kill me and take her away from me.

I spoke with her telepathically for years, as she was trying to help save me from being killed by another demented individual that couldn’t take no for an answer. It became an everyday experience. She would travel with me everywhere I went and never left my side. She used some kind of sticky substance she found to make handles for her on my legs. I would carry her around while she held on to my leg.

One day she just couldn’t take dealing with the other ghost around me anymore and she decided that she would just try to fade away as much as possible. She somehow figured out to make herself appear as a ghost to other ghost. Then I never heard from her again, besides the version of her that was still alive and well the entire time.

I was able to learn a lot about them during that time. I am fairly certain that the veil that separates them from us is ruled by the Schrödinger Equation. It is like they are the cat in the box that is both alive and dead at the same time. For example, by not believing in ghost the probability of see them or them interacting with you greatly diminishes. Simply thinking about them more increases how well they can interact with you.
I’ve watched a few episodes of Ghost Hunters, but they didn’t mention alternative universes, etc..

That show definitely can leave one feeling afraid - there are some very creepy ghost stories on there. But, I find that show to be more about entertainment than “education.”

There have been quite a few scientific studies done that have suggested and in some cases concluded, that most of what our brains interpret as ghostly activity is really stemming from an alternate state of consciousness - like lucid dreaming, hallucinations from sleep deprivation, drug side effects, and so on. My mind isn’t closed to the possibility that ghosts may exist, but I’d say there are probably mundane explanations for the majority of claims.

Having said that, I’m not volunteering anytime soon to spend a night alone in an alleged haunted house/prison/hospital. lol
I've watched just about every ghost hunting show ever aired on TV over the years, and I have to say they capture some pretty compelling evidence. I don't believe they're faked. If they were it would be all over the news. From voices and footsteps in empty rooms to glowing lights and moving objects and shadows and scratches on investigators' backs, I feel there are just some things that are beyond explanation. I don't profess to know what a ghost exactly "is", but I do believe in paranormal phenomena. Just my 2 cents..
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I've watched just about every ghost hunting show ever aired on TV over the years, and I have to say they capture some pretty compelling evidence. I don't believe they're faked. If they were it would be all over the news. From voices and footsteps in empty rooms to glowing lights and moving objects and shadows and scratches on investigator's backs, I feel there are just some things that are beyond explanation. I don't profess to know what a ghost exactly "is", but I do believe in paranormal phenomena. Just my 2 cents..
I think if we knew how ghosts “materialize,” it would make it easier to determine if certain events were paranormal or not. Many people don’t believe in ghosts because if they do exist, if some eyewitness claims are true, what exactly are they?

Our minds can play tricks on us though, but Ghost Hunters does a good job of investigating certain claims and they’re able to record sounds and visions they themselves have experienced, so that is creepy. Sometimes I feel though that we let fear and awe of the macabre, blind us to exploring if there could be mundane reasons behind what we believe we’ve experienced.

I’ll admit that I’ve stopped watching that show because it was scary af. lol Ghost ‘lore has trickled down throughout the centuries enough to make you wonder. . .
I’ve watched a few episodes of Ghost Hunters, but they didn’t mention alternative universes, etc..

That show definitely can leave one feeling afraid - there are some very creepy ghost stories on there. But, I find that show to be more about entertainment than “education.”

There have been quite a few scientific studies done that have suggested and in some cases concluded, that most of what our brains interpret as ghostly activity is really stemming from an alternate state of consciousness - like lucid dreaming, hallucinations from sleep deprivation, drug side effects, and so on. My mind isn’t closed to the possibility that ghosts may exist, but I’d say there are probably mundane explanations for the majority of claims.

Having said that, I’m not volunteering anytime soon to spend a night alone in an alleged haunted house/prison/hospital. lol
If you stay at a Motel 6, they will leave the lights on for ya! I have noticed more light actually prevents them from becoming more visible. I normally leave a light on while I sleep. Too much lighting can begin to give them a more glossy appearance. Then decreasing the amount of light can help prevent their emergence. Also, dark strands can appear if you normally use too little light.

Have to remember that it use to be people from a reality that may no longer exist by being prevented in time or succumbing to a large scale Schrödinger’s Paradox. They can be capable of anything in that situation. Most of them end up eating each other alive.

They can also be easily confused with people astral projecting, since that is a lot more common. I believe now I am haunted by astral projection more than I ever use to be. I don’t try to fight with them, and that is what they want you to do in order to gain a larger grasp on reality.

I normally try to respect them and give them their space. You can actually injure yourself by injuring someone astral projecting onto you if your souls have merged with each other. One time I accidentally burned someone with a cigarette and it ended up also burning my inner thigh, which burned as a freckled brown spot instead of a typical burn mark.
There is a church in approximately every ten city block radius. You are actually in the minority of people that don’t believe in the supernatural. There is a high probability of the majority mostly being correct.
How did you go about estimating that probability?
The Boltzmann Brains told me that the time traveler goes by the name Mr. Hawn. They were astonished that I never heard of him. He reportedly works as a preacher in my home town of Hobbs, New Mexico. He seems to be marketing this from it apparently making most citizens feel the effects of spiritual energies from this time travel event.

It was reported that he discovers how to create a rip in spacetime and how to time cross people between realities. He was given rights to manage a time ship designed to create and manage multiple timelines at once. He reduced the amount of computational power it used and instructed it to hold back any time management systems, so they would only affect this timeline.

Every motive for every action he does or tells is driven by the desire to violate the Grandfather Paradox. He is a highly dangerous individual, which should be considered always at large even after capture.

Recently, the timeline has been breaking in the future from a black couple performing a magic trick to cut a black man in half and watch him reform back together. I don’t know of their whereabouts, names, or location.
Do you tell people about all this in real life too, or just on the internet?
I’ve watched a few episodes of Ghost Hunters, but they didn’t mention alternative universes, etc..

That show definitely can leave one feeling afraid - there are some very creepy ghost stories on there. But, I find that show to be more about entertainment than “education.”
This is one of the downsides of believing in the woo. You can end up scared by stuff that just isn't real.

Ghost Hunters, and other pseudo-documentaries like it, is made for entertainment. If they need to fake things to make the show seem more interesting than it is, they will do that. What matters is to keep the paying viewers (and/or advertisers) coming back for more.
This is one of the downsides of believing in the woo. You can end up scared by stuff that just isn't real.

Ghost Hunters, and other pseudo-documentaries like it, is made for entertainment. If they need to fake things to make the show seem more interesting than it is, they will do that. What matters is to keep the paying viewers (and/or advertisers) coming back for more.
That show definitely has a following and I’m skeptical of “reality shows” in general, mainly because you come to learn that not much of it is “real,” and is basically scripted.

But, it’s still a creepy show. Like you could totally believe in ghosts after a few episodes of haunted prisons. lol Have you ever watched it?
I find it interesting that (apparently) you have to be in a "scary" environment or in a frightened state before you can observe a ghost.
How did you go about estimating that probability?
You are supposed to create a model and then see if it results in Boltzmann Brains. If it does, then it certainly proves that it is a self consistent model. It can actually be solid physics. This is a common practice is discovering new physics.

Honestly, I don’t really know much about the psychology side of it, because I never studied it. That is what I heard of as a reliable method to solving that kind of problem using psychology.

Do you tell people about all this in real life too, or just on the internet?
Just the internet. I must have some psychological problem to have experienced this and be able to go unnoticed as having any psychological problems.

I mean seriously, if I just completely turned 180 degrees right now I could convince a majority of people here that any solid scientific fact is false. I figure you guys would undoubtedly end up trolling me about every slightest detail, until I never can get to a single point I am ever trying to make.

This forum seems like a practical joke. I honestly can believe you guys even added a forum over this topic on ghost, UFO’s, and monsters.
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