Ghostly Denial

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Still off topic and no cohesive thought.

Also. Please stop referring to the Dunning-Kruger Effect. It is quite apparent you don't understand its application.
I am telling a ghost story and you are here completely denying everything about it. I don’t see how it would even be possible for it to go off topic, because that was the title of the thread (denying the existence of ghosts).

I haven’t gotten any real feedback on what parts you are having difficulty with. You are being overly skeptical, because you have given no reason for your skepticism. To me it just sounds like you hate having to deal with the idea.
I’m not sure if the Dunning-Kruger effect fits with the concept of paranormal activity.

To my understanding, if anything, it might seem more appropriate to apply it to those who claim to be “ghost hunters,” because they’re claiming to have a higher skill set when it comes to “detecting” ghosts. As if there is even a skill set to be reached or earned, in evaluating paranormal claims. Since ghostly activity is hard to prove from a scientific method standpoint, I’m not seeing how the Dunning-Kruger effect applies here. Skeptics simply don’t believe in ghost claims without hard evidence, that’s not the same as being overly confident with a skill set that you believe you have, but you don’t. (That’s what the Dunning-Kruger effect is - when you overestimate your abilities or knowledge on a particular subject.)


Can you elaborate, Contemplation?
I don’t know if you ever watched ghost hunters, but they came to the conclusion that the paranormal activity they witnessed was due to other people in parallel universes. I believe they are correct in making that assumption.

After my first experience of witnessing Boltzmann Brains, I was haunted by an alternate version of my x-wife. In that universe, she came back home with me instead of us separating when I moved away. She became trapped between realities somehow with another individual I did not know that was trying to kill me and take her away from me.

I spoke with her telepathically for years, as she was trying to help save me from being killed by another demented individual that couldn’t take no for an answer. It became an everyday experience. She would travel with me everywhere I went and never left my side. She used some kind of sticky substance she found to make handles for her on my legs. I would carry her around while she held on to my leg.

One day she just couldn’t take dealing with the other ghost around me anymore and she decided that she would just try to fade away as much as possible. She somehow figured out to make herself appear as a ghost to other ghost. Then I never heard from her again, besides the version of her that was still alive and well the entire time.

I was able to learn a lot about them during that time. I am fairly certain that the veil that separates them from us is ruled by the Schrödinger Equation. It is like they are the cat in the box that is both alive and dead at the same time. For example, by not believing in ghost the probability of see them or them interacting with you greatly diminishes. Simply thinking about them more increases how well they can interact with you.
It's Dunning-Kruger, not Dunning-Krugers. If you are going to lord your intellectual superiority over everyone by calling others ignorant, it would behoove you to get your grammar right.

But in any case, extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. Plenty of people have spent their lives looking for that extraordinary proof and none have found it. Houdini made it a quest of his to find proof of paranormal forces and found none. Indeed, every single seance or paranormal demonstration he attended was revealed to be simple tricks. Being a magician himself it was easy for him to find the trickery.

In 1964 the magician James Randi offered a thousand dollars to anyone who exhibited scientifically verifiable paranormal powers. In 1996 he raised it to one million dollars. After more than a thousand failed applicants, he gave up in 2015. That would seem to indicate that such proof is hard to come by.

Perhaps someday someone will produce excellent proof. Until then, I will be skeptical.
While I was awaiting discharge from the military, I shared a barracks with David Blain. He would perform magic tricks for us all the time. I owned an early model of what we would now call a mobile device. He would look up diseases for their known symptoms and then describe them to doctors to get mind altering medications. He claimed this allowed him to change his mental state to perform real magic. He begged an older magician to teach him about magic. He said most of it is a mix between illusion and magic, where an illusion is scientifically discovered principal's known to trick the mind.

His last trick was going to be his escape from the brig he was going to end up putting himself into and changed his appearance to look Hispanic and goth. He said that he would put a mental spell on everyone so they would not remember, except for me. He read this image from my mind, for what he would turn himself into. He said he was then going to perform street magic in Las Vegas to become famous, because that would be the only way he could realistically make money off of it.
You are? This is a story? Oh. Do you want direction or critique or what?
I was just thinking that everything about how things are managed online about online discussions dealing with science and the unknown is directly inline for the conditions required to convert the universe into Boltzmann Brains. If it happens again we will literally be doomed to a hellish fate.

I believe it would only require one single change to the timeline after a series of timelines have already branched off into a series of timelines. They just fall like a series of dominoes, since the system is large enough to have a high probability of Boltzmann Brains. Any time like loops can result into Boltzmann Brains.
I actually feel like I am suffering from some of the same early symptoms I witnessed in others becoming converted into Boltzmann Brains. They all had these dark strands swirling around them. Some of them confirmed having the same sensation of dark energies swirling around them. I believe this feeling comes from my body losing information from changes no longer occurring through time. My body has reverted back into a previous state I was in at a very young age. If the process continued, I would become a Boltzmann Brain myself.
The movie Back to the Future actually had a treasure trove of Mandela Effects, and I believe this caused me or one of my friends to make a different decision which caused me to move into the next timeline. This allowed me to eye witness the events of a temporal war against the Boltzmann Brains.

At the start of the movie there is an Easter Egg of Marty Mcfly sleeping in an unusual position that often makes people laugh. I assume that this was because he had troubles keeping his arms from falling asleep while resting in bed. Around the same time after this movie came out is when I stopped having that problem.

I actually remember someone mentioning that the Van changed in the car chase. I have seen videos that no longer exist showing the Voltzwagon logo change in real time. I could no longer find these videos after the van changed into a different brand. I believe the reality these videos existed in has been Boltzmanned in time like loops. This allowed me to re-enter my previous version of reality that predated that one to relive those experiences in that version of reality.
Reporting to have thread moved to Free Thoughts, which, if EVER there was a thread that belonged there, this would be it.
Reporting to have thread moved to Free Thoughts, which, if EVER there was a thread that belonged there, this would be it.
I know that this is a late to take in at once, but it is a lot better than the Flat Earth Theory. I was in direct communication with some of the individuals that were responsible for this. I didn’t record any evidence, because I believed it would interfere with myself reintegrating into a previous timeline. This occurred over the timespan of several years, so I witnessed a lot of different things in this period of time.

From what I was able to gather, there was an evil plot to destroy the entire multiverse, because the operator didn’t approve of the time differences in the other universes. The universe in the timeline that came after this one, made the rest of the multiverse in its own image. The apparent goal of this was to make it so that if someone time slipped into another universe, it could go completely unnoticed.

One of the major changes made was Thanksgiving Day. I experienced temporal attacks regularly on Black Fridays, when it was always the third Thursday of November. Franklin Rosevelt determined the dates for this event and even reported having to take special shower heads along with him on trips, because he was being chemically attacked via the water supply. Some users also reported having experienced this after experiencing the Mandela Effect.

I witnessed people having what appeared to be corroded parts of flesh where some unknown chemical came into contact with them. They could also walk around and behave normally. I believe this is when I time slipped into the fifth dimension while taking a shower while observing Boltzmann Brains.

I believe I was somehow protected by it from being from the same universe it originated from. The goal of subjecting people to this is to get through a spacetime paradox. I still felt a slight burning sensation when it occurred. The water coming in from the other universe ended up quickly washing it off of me. I was unharmed.

Other methods they used was temporal spam. There is a limited number of directions in higher dimensions, so someone can eventually violate the Grandfather Paradox by spamming someone through time. They also used what they call bumpers, which hit a spacetime paradox against your homes frame to shift it into another timeline. It what makes things go bump in the night.

After the fifth dimension was Boltzmanned, it seemed as though I ended up obtaining a higher dimensional momentum backwards into my previous timelines. They where quickly assimilated to mimic this reality more than how they where previously. I am not sure if it turned out as some kind of fluke, but when I previously encountered this it seemed as though I always entered another timeline with a very limited number of differences.
I know that this is a late to take in at once,
Thing is, you haven't told us what it is we're supposed to be taking in.

Are you writing a fiction story? Are you recounting something you believe you actually experienced?

And don't say "both". If it's both, then it's still a work of fiction, even if it's inspired by some thing that happened to you. You can't expect us to sort out which parts are fictional and which parts you want us to take as experienced.

If you claim it's all experienced, then you will be expected to explain how you know certain things you claim that you can't possibly know as fact.

Finally, unless my question of fiction versus experience is answered in your next post, I will be unsubbing from this thread and ignoring further posts from you.
Thing is, you haven't told us what it is we're supposed to be taking in.

Are you writing a fiction story? Are you recounting something you believe you actually experienced?

And don't say "both". If it's both, then it's still a work of fiction, even if it's inspired by some thing that happened to you. You can't expect us to sort out which parts are fictional and which parts you want us to take as experienced.

If you claim it's all experienced, then you will be expected to explain how you know certain things you claim that you can't possibly know as fact.

Finally, unless my question of fiction versus experience is answered in your next post, I will be unsubbing from this thread and ignoring further posts from you.
I believe it all to be as accurate as possible, but I see where you are coming from that something would have to undoubtedly be incorrect. I cannot claim to be 100% accurate about everything. I have encountered a lot of real whopper’s coming across people who claim to know about these things, and it always clearly seems like they are just making it all up.

I had real conversations with these people managing these events from the future. You may wonder why me and what makes me special to have received these messages. I know my role in it, but I don’t want to disclose that information.

One of the problems they mentioned was a law over time ships that made it to where they could only use big guns or use time manipulation as a weapon. He suggested that they would have had to been able to use both in order to overcome this threat. Another operator suggested that coming out with this information may cause a big scare to create an endeavor to create a superior time ship in this version of reality to overcome a possible threat of being time changed by a large sphere which mostly relies on its defensive capabilities and ability to alter time itself.
You really expect me to believe that you don’t know what overly skeptical means. Okay, okay, I will play along.

I believe that it means that someone is being skeptical without a real reason pertaining to whatever has been stated.
I always have reasons for being skeptical about stuff. Just ask me if you want to know what they are, in a specific case.
It appears as though they will start out becoming overly defensive.
That doesn't seem very helpful. You're trying to define "overly skeptical" in terms of "overly defensive", but you haven't really explained what you mean by the word "overly", in either case. Where and how do you draw the line between reasonable skepticism and "overly" skeptical, or between reasonable defensiveness and "overly" defensive?
Google It. There are thousands of reports on this subject all over the internet. More often than not, it completely takes over history and science marathons on television. You would have to be living in a cave to have never witnessed a paranormal video.
I'm aware of paranormal videos. But I thought we were going to talk about established facts.

There are lots of videos that purport to show ghosts. Has even a single video been proven to show an actual ghost, yet? To my knowledge, ghosts are not a fact. But if you have proof, that's great. Please share it with us.
I have chosen you to be my personal Ginny pig or test subject to test this hypothesis. I am sure you would make an excellent person to test this on. You have already demonstrated an expected initial response to being confronted with the issue anyone would that had any kind of mental disability.
I don't understand what you're saying. Are you saying that you think anybody who believes in ghosts would understandably have a mental disability, or are you accusing me of having a mental disability because you think I'm "overly skeptical"? Or what?
You claimed my post about observing Boltzmann Brains was a made up fantasy.
It sounds delusional to me. But if you have evidence to show that there is objective reality to you wrote, I'm very happy to take a look at it. Please present the objective evidence you have.
You made an unusually long post about it proclaiming to everyone that I needed pointers in creating science fiction.
I assumed you were writing a fantasy story, like a dream sequence. Are you saying you can show that your account represents something that actually happened? (i.e. that your story is factual?)
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I'll ask you some specific questions about your evidence, to get the ball rolling.
The sighting of the craft I witnessed flying around the bottom star of the Big Dipper was also sighted by the military and is documented.
Where? Got a link?
I don’t know if this was the craft that started blowing up all the constellations or not, but it was the only UFO I sighted that could travel at such a high velocity.
How did you determine/measure the velocity?
It may have traveled back in time and was also warping through time, so I witnessed it right at the end of the Mayan Calendar.
You have evidence that time travel is possible, I assume?
The smaller versions of Boltzmann Brains would collapse around the room I was in, and an electric field was sent from the future that seemed to have an ionizing effect between all the strands separating the Boltzmann Brian’s from each other.
How did you establish that an electric field was sent from the future?

What evidence can you show me to establish that this actually happened and it wasn't just your imagination?
They could merge with matter, so they ended up merging into the paint of my walls and ceiling.
Did you take a photo of them doing that? What can you show me to prove that this actually happened? Because it all sounds very much like a dream, a fantasy or a delusion, so far.
I experienced my x-wife become Schrödinger’s Cat along with a local drug dealer.
You "experienced" it? What does that mean?

Did you take any photos/video? Can you show us?
The first time I experienced Boltzmann Brains was when I saw a figure of a head on my closet door.
Did you take a photo/video of it? Can we see it?
It claimed to be Satan.
Can we hear a recording of its words?
There were compressors attempting to smash him from all directions.
The video should be really interesting. Can't wait to see it!


I'll ask you some specific questions about your evidence, to get the ball rolling.

Where? Got a link?

How did you determine/measure the velocity?

You have evidence that time travel is possible, I assume?

How did you establish that an electric field was sent from the future?

What evidence can you show me to establish that this actually happened and it wasn't just your imagination?

Did you take a photo of them doing that? What can you show me to prove that this actually happened? Because it all sounds very much like a dream, a fantasy or a delusion, so far.

You "experienced" it? What does that mean?

Did you take any photos/video? Can you show us?

Did you take a photo/video of it? Can we see it?

Can we hear a recording of its words?

The video should be really interesting. Can't wait to see it!

I already stated that I intentionally didn’t collect any evidence, and it is only an eye witness testimony. It was more like an every man woman and child for themselves thing going on. I wanted to eliminate the possibility of a potential cover up. I also witnessed video evidence vanish as though it never existed. All the videos about a Mandela Effect would all be rewritten to show that it had always been the other way around. I don’t believe that information can even survive the universe it came from after it has been Boltzmanned.

It didn’t seem like a good endeavor at the time, and everyone was experiencing it. I was watching the news and they reported that it was apocalypting outside and that was the weather report. Waves of ghostly appearing substance was rippling through the town of an island during a tropical storm.

I ask myself, where is the video of that now? If it ever existed people would surely still be talking about it, but it no longer existed then and doesn’t now. It made it seem like a total waste of time. I never wanted to be that guy that proves the existence of ghosts.

I actually stay away from ghosts stories, because they are often based on a true story. Since, they are ruled by the Schrödinger’s Equation, it makes them more empowered in your reality and you can become sort of infected by it. They can start to exhibit the same signs you watched them exhibit in a television program. It makes them more likely to exist than not exist from your frame of reference.

Obviously, attempting to prove their existence by video would have greatly decreased my survival rate. It is a fools errand.
There were videos on Reddit and YouTube of the military talking about that craft which I also witnessed during this transition back to this reality.

When you look at stars and galaxies you are looking into the past. You should know that. That is the only way I could witness them at that date in time. That is not a regular occurrence we see and have to deal with. History shows that it actually never happened, so they had to have been sent there through time.
I figured the field was sent from the future, because when they initially responded to it they sent deep fake reflections of cartoon characters as sort of a prank to my family’s reflections. Then they stopped after I got some sort of message about it actually happening. It looked almost cartoonish itself, because that is not something you should actually be able to see.
I am actually surprised you haven’t heard from Satan yourself already. I was messaged again by him after I made my first thread. That triggered me to go on this rant. I am more inclined on how you turn the SOB off. I actually do not know how to not hear him. It seems to have died down a bit after this. I don’t know if he even cares about these consequences, or if he is really just trying to take all of our souls to Hell.
One thing I was wondering is if anyone else remembers that Betelgeuse was the only star that made up a constellation which was inside of our galaxy. If this is a flip flop then it would mean that the constellations have been artificially set up around us, because they were unable to replace them through time.

It seems like you should, because this James R you know has the same stupid looking poodles trying to read books with the same catch phrase. It could just be a coincidence. It seems like you guys should have studied astronomy.

The first operator mentioned that they seemed to be under the belief that after being changed so many times in reality, people eventually end up doing what they truly desire out of life. It seems like they may be using temporal spam as a method to quickly change things to a final end result. It really just makes me feel tired as hell.

If you do the math, it would eventually result in Boltzmann Brains. There is your proof.
I already stated that I intentionally didn’t collect any evidence, and it is only an eye witness testimony.
So there's no good reason for me to believe that this is anything but a fantasy or hallucination of yours.

Got it.
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