Grammer Nazi and other English Teacher nicknames


Registered Senior Member
This is a thread where you can post what you English or language teacher's nickname was and how they got it. For me, its Mr.Stick. We called him that simply because he was extreamly thin and tall. He also was what would be considered a grammer nazi.
This is a thread where you can post what you English or language teacher's nickname was and how they got it. For me, its Mr.Stick. We called him that simply because he was extreamly thin and tall. He also was what would be considered a grammer nazi.
I can see that there is a correlation between respect for one's English teacher and how much one learns in his class. Please look up "grammar," as in "grammar school."

I sometimes proofread posts as a favor, since this is the Linguistics subforum and people come here to learn. But I'll just leave yours the way it is because it makes such a profound statement. :)
Great idea for a post.

"Teacher nicknames" would be a valid subject for Linguistics.
So I think it would be a shame to restrict it to just English teachers.
They didn't aalways have the best nicknames.

We had an English teacher called "Mad Mac"
At his previous school he had had the same nickname.
He probably thought that moving school
would lose him the title, but it was not to be.

We also had a fat teacher we called "Piggy"
History, I think.
The Dean of Discipline didn't ned a nickname.
His name was Richard, and he went by "Dick".

Show up to the Dean's office, "What do you want, DICK?"
My english made us call him caesar .......and we would always warn him to "beware the ides of march"
The deputy headmaster of my grammar school had the surname Bates - guess what his nickname was...
We also use to call our math teacher "Skinny White Boy". I don't think that needs explaining, does it?
The only english teacher I can remember giving a nickname to was this old lady(I forget her name) who we used to call Ms. Lady in 7th grade. Now that I think about it, that's the only grade from which I can ever remember giving any teacher a nickname.
We had a maths teacher with a rather "ample" chest - she was known as Miss Whoppas (after the ice lolly of the time).
I can only think of my Art teacher..."Sniffer"..err..he'd sniff and er whats the term for clearing an eccentric, he was also known for wearing the same shirt. When it was dirty he would merely turn it inside out..with the label on full view.

Also known as "Crispy Bread"..not by pupils but his fellow Art teacher who was the precise opposite and dressed in a cream 3 piece suit and a a self made 'dandy'. He was called Crispy Bread because

1) The Art College was entirely separate from the main College and was run on a very informal basis...therefore whilst painting the 3 Art teachers would make tea and use an old toaster to make .er..toast..and then eat it all day.

Crispy Bread liked his toast burnt to a crisp hence the title.

2) the teachers name was Darbyshire...i caught the other teacher writing down letter and mumbling..hmm interesting..Darbyshire spelt backwards, Billy...spells Crispy Bread! doesn't.
I can only think of my Art teacher..."Sniffer"..err..he'd sniff and er whats the term for clearing an eccentric, he was also known for wearing the same shirt. When it was dirty he would merely turn it inside out..with the label on full view.

Also known as "Crispy Bread"..not by pupils but his fellow Art teacher who was the precise opposite and dressed in a cream 3 piece suit and a a self made 'dandy'. He was called Crispy Bread because

1) The Art College was entirely separate from the main College and was run on a very informal basis...therefore whilst painting the 3 Art teachers would make tea and use an old toaster to make .er..toast..and then eat it all day.

Crispy Bread liked his toast burnt to a crisp hence the title.

2) the teachers name was Darbyshire...i caught the other teacher writing down letter and mumbling..hmm interesting..Darbyshire spelt backwards, Billy...spells Crispy Bread! doesn't.

Your teachers seem like a rare bunch of eccentrics.
Any other teacher tales?

There is a name "Mye"
so it could be double barrelled
but even Mye is rare