Iran a few points to consider before invading

Brian Foley

Valued Senior Member
Iran Speeds up Nuclear Program
Despite being reported to the United Nations Security Council, Iran announced earlier today to accelerate its Uranium enrichment program and to restrict International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspection.
Iran is not talking about an Atomic weapons programme .

a ] Iran is building a power station, and the enrichment process is needed to make fuel for that power station.

b ] The more nuclear power Iran has, the more of their oil they can sell. The more oil for sale, the lower the price we in the West pay see the benefit ;)

c ] Iran is NOT a threat to the United States. They are hardly going to attack the US , as America is a potential lucrative market for the oil they want to sell.

d ] Iran will NOT attack America because the America has 7,000 nuclear warheads and the means to deliver them anywhere on Earth.
Brian Foley said:
Iran is not talking about an Atomic weapons programme .

a ] Iran is building a power station, and the enrichment process is needed to make fuel for that power station.

b ] The more nuclear power Iran has, the more of their oil they can sell. The more oil for sale, the lower the price we in the West pay see the benefit ;)

c ] Iran is NOT a threat to the United States. They are hardly going to attack the US , as America is a potential lucrative market for the oil they want to sell.

d ] Iran will NOT attack America because the America has 7,000 nuclear warheads and the means to deliver them anywhere on Earth.
1) You are making the assumption that the Iranian leaders are rational - clearly they are not.

2) Iran would love to have an atomic bomb – if anything for bragging rights and also to have a balance to Israel.

3) People who believe that anything that is done is done by the will of God are really quite capable of anything.
Michael said:
1) You are making the assumption that the Iranian leaders are rational - clearly they are not.
They must be rational afterall they have been in power since 1979 and the Persian people seem happy wit them . That and the EU , Russia send high level delegations to meet with Iranian leaders , this current president met with the leaders of Germany anfd France at the UN they must take the Persian leadership seriously to make such contacts .
Michael said:
2) Iran would love to have an atomic bomb – if anything for bragging rights and also to have a balance to Israel.
No proof , again no country has said Iran wants the A-Bomb not even America all that has been said is that they have suspicions of Irans Atomic energy programme .
Michael said:
3) People who believe that anything that is done is done by the will of God are really quite capable of anything.
You must be talking about Israel here , Sharon constanly refers to the Jews of Israel as Gods chosen and Eretz Israel is a gift divinely given to the Jews by God .
1) You are making the assumption that the Iranian leaders are rational - clearly they are not.
Typical racist bitching from a bigot.
Merely because their culture differs radically from yours does not mean that they are irrational. There is no way in hell that the leaders of Iran would engage in actions which could threaten their regime.
There is no way in hell that the leaders of Iran would engage in actions which could threaten their regime.

By speeding up the enrichment process, they already have.

AmishRakeFight said:
By speeding up the enrichment process, they already have.

Ya and I hope as the attacks begin Iran slips out all their WMD out of Iran for future use.

Think about it, Iran captured, millions die, democracy restore, regime changed and one day, on 07/07/07 7 cities of USA are nuked and 77 millions US citizens die, will that be worth it ?
Like Iraq, An invasion of Iran is not necessary.
Unless of course, they wish to be greedy as usual, and take the oil and gas.
I wouldn't be surprised.
"Oh we have to uhhh... liberate... uhhh the iranian people, by uhh taking their natural resources. We'll call it "operation irani freedom"."
Brian Foley said:
They must be rational afterall they have been in power since 1979 and the Persian people seem happy wit them .
Many Iranians are anything but happy with them. Since objecting too strongly could lead to undesirable personal consequences, most remain silent. You are simply wrong on this point Brian.
The Solution is simple. They put out a world tender to manage the nuclear power plant...either give it to GE or Westinghouse or even the thing we know, Iranians and Americans become brothers breaking bread and wind too...

While at it, please do NOT say...we are going to nuke Israel...that does not sit well with American's Masters. :D

Out of all people, Iranians claim to be civilized Aryans...why they think Israel in their butt...I do not get it.
Anomalous said:
Pakistan has Nukes , Pakistan has AlQiada, get the picture ?
Israel has nukes , and Israel is leading the charge against Iran , get the bigger picture ?
Ophiolite said:
Many Iranians are anything but happy with them. Since objecting too strongly could lead to undesirable personal consequences, most remain silent. You are simply wrong on this point Brian.
I dont think so , where I work in Brisbane my firm does business with a lot of Middle eastrn nations , particulary Iran . I have met these Iranians on several occasions when they vist the factory . I have talked to them and they are happy with the way it is , one group of buyers is Christian , they told me they can buy beer and wine as well as spirits , its just prohibited to muslims . I amj no fan of the current Iranian goverment as its theocratic , but we must accept it that there have been no mass uprisings or mass dissent against this goverment like there was aginst the Shah .
Brian Foley said:
I dont think so , where I work in Brisbane my firm does business with a lot of Middle eastrn nations , particulary Iran . I have met these Iranians on several occasions when they vist the factory .
I hear a different story sitting in their living rooms in Tehran.
Ophiolite said:
I hear a different story sitting in their living rooms in Tehran.
Yeah well when I see these disgruntled Iranians take to the streets as in 1979 I will believe it , until then what I hear and see about Iran is a nation going from strength to strength . I simply do not see any groundswell against the Iranian goverment , reforms are being made and it looks like this theocratic goverment will simply fade away in a few years and Iran will resort to what is was under the Western orientated Mossadegh years until America overthrew him and placed the Shah in charge .
I may well be in Tehran again in a couple of months. I'll let you know what I find, unless I am mistaken for a Dane and don't make it back. ;)
Remember it is possible to be against the current regime and that of the Shah. Not an either/or.
Brian Foley said:
They must be rational afterall they have been in power since 1979 and the Persian people seem happy wit them . That and the EU , Russia send high level delegations to meet with Iranian leaders , this current president met with the leaders of Germany anfd France at the UN they must take the Persian leadership seriously to make such contacts .
I’m sure they hire some people that seem sane enough – but I think the leadership is insane in the sense that they really take Islam seriously.

Anyway, all of my Iranian friends say that they are insane. Some also say that until the rest of the world gives up N-bombs then Iran has a right to have a N-bomb - but also that the leadership is crazy.

Brian Foley said:
No proof , again no country has said Iran wants the A-Bomb not even America all that has been said is that they have suspicions of Irans Atomic energy programme .
Really, until someone makes and test an N-bomb no one can say you have one. So if your plan is to stop Iranians from gaining an N-bomb then you’d have to stop them before they made one.


Brian Foley said:
You must be talking about Israel here , Sharon constanly refers to the Jews of Israel as Gods chosen and Eretz Israel is a gift divinely given to the Jews by God .
Yes, they are crazy too.

That’s why I keep harping on the need to educate using archeological evidence. Come one, we have enough to do a good job showing that all monotheistic religions are derived from past polytheistic religions. If this were then combined that information with a class in social studies - we could then show how people believe what they are taught to believe.

Simple really.

Why are we paying for all of this research if we’re not going to then teach it in class?!?!?
mountainhare said:

Typical racist bitching from a bigot.
Merely because their culture differs radically from yours does not mean that they are irrational. There is no way in hell that the leaders of Iran would engage in actions which could threaten their regime.
Those are the words straight from my Iranians friends mouths.

They were born in Iran.
They grew up in Iran untl their last 20's early 30s.
They were brainwashed in Iran.
And if anyone should know it must be them?
So those words are from my many Iranian friends mouths. What? Are they bigots against themselves?!?!?

Anyway, I do think that any people that STRONGLY believe in a supernatural deity that is leading them to do the things they do and have an inbuilt hate of other religions are irrational and frankly a little scary.

So these people, in my view, are irrational:
Fundamental Christians
Iranian Ayatollahs.
GW Bush
Fundamental Jews
Arial Sharon
Fundamental Muslims

Well, that’s just my position on the matter,


Lastly, I can’t be a bigot because I do not believe in Race full stop. It’s an antiquated term with little to no meaning in today’s world.
arnoldmiro said:
In the name of Allah, the All-Merciful, the Ever-Merciful. All praise be to Allah and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.
arnoldmiro, your start here says a lot.
Which is worse:
1) To slander Allah?
2) To slander Muhammad?
3) Neither, they are equal?

Secondly, as Muslims you make the choice to come and live in our Western societies. We used to live in about the same conditions as the ME is in now. That was when Christianity was in charge – sometimes this period is called the Dark Ages. Then we had what is called the Renascence, this is a time when Religion was kicked to the side and secularism reigned supreme. During this time our societies gave women freedom, freed slaves, and protected many freedoms – one of which being the freedom to tell Religions that their Prophets can go screw themselves.

Whether that be Zeus or someone else.

As we do not want to go back to living in the Dark Ages. So we need to flex that freedom, even if it means pissing off some Muslims. And if you think that is bad, I propose we demonstrate that Islam is a branch of Judaism mixed with Arabic nature worship. And to teach that many of the religious practices held onto today in Islam are just continuations of Pagan Arab practices from when Allah was widely worshipped as a Moon God.

So? Is this going to piss of some Muslims?
Am I not allowed to propose that we teach this information to ALL children?


Honestly now, am I allowed to ask the questions:
- Why is it that moons adorn the very top of Mosques?
- Why is it that moons adorn the very flags of Islamic nations?
- Is it a direct link with a time when Arabs worshipped Allah as a moon God?
- As Muslims easily live with the desecration of GOD (as we in the West do that daily) then is their vehement towards desecration of Muhammad a knee-jerk reaction because it is taken as a slur against Arabs?

How many Arabs have I met that say Arabs invented zero. If it weren’t for Arabs then Europe would be a backwater. Will it be OK to teach that Greeks used to debate zero a thousand years earlier? That zero was used, out of necessity, by Greek astronomers? Not to mention Hindu and Mayan use of zero. I mean this might take glory away from Arabs and Islam?

So you see Arnoldmiro, there are many things that go out the window when one starts cow toeing to the Religionists. And we are NOT going to cow toe so you had best get used to it.


can you answer this last querstion:

Should Muslims have the right to say something negative towards Kim Jung Ill II?

In case you didn't know, Kim Jung Ill II is worshipped as God by the North Koreans. To say he isn’t a God is to deeply offend the North Koreans.

Should YOU have that RIGHT – to say Kim Jung Ill II is not GOD?
