Is illegal drug use immoral?

Descibe what you mean by illegal drugs expanding your consciousness. What actual abilities do you only possess when high on drugs that you otherwise would not possess? Let's get concrete here.
Descibe what you mean by illegal drugs expanding your consciousness. What actual abilities do you only possess when high on drugs that you otherwise would not possess? Let's get concrete here.

agreed. I always thought it was an excuse to get f%^&ked up.
It means that you are literally able to be conscious of more things at one time, more perception, more connections made between perception and memories, more everything. This can lead to insights into your life, or life in general that are unlikely to happen any other way. Some of these hallucinogenic substances are legal, like Salivia Divinorium.

The fact that these kinds of drugs are not addictive and many people find them worthwhile in a spiritual context means that they are not immoral. They are not simply hedonistic pleasure-seeking.
When you young guys are older (over 40) you will probably regret/change most of your choices about drugs, women, and God. ;)
Like William S. Burroughs said, in response to the question, " there anything in your life that you regret?". He said, "I can't go a single day without doing something I regret, and you're talking about a whole lifetime?".
If you regret absolutely nothing - you've made no mistakes. If you've made no mistakes, you have learned nothing. I wouldn't be proud of admitting this - even though it obviously isn't true.
If you regret absolutely nothing - you've made no mistakes. If you've made no mistakes, you have learned nothing. I wouldn't be proud of admitting this - even though it obviously isn't true.

Well said in this situation, but not necessarily true.

If you actually reach a point in life when you have no regrets, it means you achieved a level of consciousness that a only few people manage to obtain. If you have no regrets, you will be freed from the demons of your past, and you can be “reborn” in the real sense of the word. Meaning you start living your life in the present time, but this is deceiving, because living in the future is just as damaging as living in the past.
I just figured if you are happy with who you are, then why have regrets. Every decision you have made, has made you the way you are.
It means that you are literally able to be conscious of more things at one time, more perception, more connections made between perception and memories, more everything. This can lead to insights into your life, or life in general that are unlikely to happen any other way. Some of these hallucinogenic substances are legal, like Salivia Divinorium.

The fact that these kinds of drugs are not addictive and many people find them worthwhile in a spiritual context means that they are not immoral. They are not simply hedonistic pleasure-seeking.

Not only that, but some drugs like cannabis help you focus on your present actions. It actually free your mind from anxiety of results, even if is a temporary thing, we can actually learn from that.

I cannot possibly see that as immoral.
Ah, the old "live in the present" Buddhist philosophy again. Let's dump the ego. How can one make a mistake without an ego? There is nothing propelling you forward. This was my exact point about not taking the engine out of the car, except this time you agree with me.
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wouldnt the answer have everything to do with morals any person answering choses to abide by? Sure for people who think using illegal drugs, is wrong... its probably immoral. For people who dont think its wrong, well.....

Personally I dont think its wrong. Its a personal experience if you chose to have it. Illegal drug use historically has obvious positive and negative effects on different people.

Or, just because there are laws saying some drugs are illegal, doesnt mean using them is morally wrong, it means its against the law. Like driving too fast. Or taking a piss outdoors.
For a while, Ecstasy was legal. Did the users suddenly become immoral just because the law changed? Is government legislation the final arbiter of morality? What about the differences in laws between nations?
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It means that you are literally able to be conscious of more things at one time, more perception, more connections made between perception and memories, more everything. This can lead to insights into your life, or life in general that are unlikely to happen any other way. Some of these hallucinogenic substances are legal, like Salivia Divinorium.

The fact that these kinds of drugs are not addictive and many people find them worthwhile in a spiritual context means that they are not immoral. They are not simply hedonistic pleasure-seeking.

yeah but the toll on a person physically and mentally is too high. I watched a movie where the main character was addicted to a drug that i supposed to enhance creativity. He was a painter or rather just wanted to be a great he got high put up a blank canvas. In the next scene they show him waking up and looking at the canvas and it was still blank. I just said...'man isn't that the truth?' If only it was that easy, most creative\famous drug abusers would have been famous no matter what and if drugs do one thing good it is making losers out of the people who use\abuse them.

Except maybe smokin weed...but thats about it-LOL
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With most hallucinogens, the cost is not nearly as high as you suggest, and the vast majority of them aren't addictive at all. With DMT, it only lasts 5 minutes and, since it's already present in the body, it gets metabolized readily. Mushrooms aren't non-toxic, but you would have to eat your bodyweight in them in order to experience any toxic effects. Most of the time, the aftereffects are pleasant. LSD lasts about 12 hours, so it can be mentally exhausting, but the effects are so profound that many people find the experience worthwhile. Salvia Divinorium lasts 5-30 minutes, and there are virtially no side effects. An entire genre of music was inspired by these drugs, psychedelic music. Most rock musicians are inspired by their drug experiences. Using hallucinogens is not abuse, and they should not be lumped in with dangerous and unhealthy things like coke, heroin, and meth.

Personally, I find the experience too harrowing, and I don't feel the need to trip again anytime soon. That means that it is the opposite of addictive.