Is it wrong to have sex for fun, knowing it might possibly lead to an abortion?

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I was just looking at the Pew survey data linked above.

It's striking that the views of Americans on abortion are mostly split along lines of religion, political inclination and education. Factors such as age or gender don't really matter that much. There appears to be some effect of race, with Hispanics being less likely to be pro-choice than black or white people. I would like to think that this could be an effect of religion disguised as a racial or cultural difference, but I assume that Pew controlled for that in their reported data.

To summarise, the results suggest:
  • The more dogmatically religious you are, the more likely it is that you will think that abortion should be illegal. Conversely, the more relaxed you are about religion, the more likely you are to be pro-choice.
  • Conservative Republicans are a lot more likely to believe that abortion should be illegal than liberal Democrats, and vice versa for the pro-choice position.
  • The higher your level of education, the more likely you are to be pro-choice.
It is interesting to speculate on what the "main" factor at play might be here, if we were to try to reduce it to one (which may or may not be possible). I would tentatively suggest that the determining characteristic is a person's conservatism vs liberal outlook.

It seems to me, as an outside observer, that if you hold conservative views you're (a) more likely to be religious, (b) more likely to vote Republican than Democrat, and (c) less likely to have a college (liberal arts) education.

I also find it fascinating to think about causation on this. For example, perhaps religion makes a person more conservative, which means they are more likely to vote Republican and less likely to think outside the box. Or maybe being exposed to Republican views, at the expense of Democrat ones, makes a person more conservative and hence more likely to become (or stay) religious. Or maybe having a low level of education makes it more likely that a person will be persuaded by the arguments of religion and/or Republicans. It's complicated.
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So now I am being socially profiled.

OK, fine!

I am a white, male, married, with 3 adult sons one with an Associates Degree in Civil Engineering, one with a Bachelors Degree in Mechanical Engineering, and my youngest will be finishing his Masters in Civil Engineering in the fall. I have two college degrees, Bachelors of Fine Arts, and later went back to school to get an Associates in Civil Engineering Technology. My Wife as previously stated, after being profiled earlier, has a Masters Degree and is a Speech Pathologist.

I am not a Republican or Democrat or anything else they all have some things right to me and some things very wrong, just my opinion. I live in the US.

Almost forgot, I have two very loving and sweet Labrador Retrievers. They also have no political affiliation.

We are all Christian by evidence first and faith second. So obviously we are all stupid, mindless, crazy people.

Does that help you all profile me better?

P.S. I enjoy Star Trek, Star Wars, Sci-fi in general, follow UFO research, am interested in archeological research outside of the dominant atheist biased perspective, enjoy board games (that is probably why I think abortion is a problem).
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So obviously we are all stupid, mindless, crazy people.

Well you are being a bit hard on yourself

Stupid - no

Mindless - no

Crazy - ummmm bit of a toss up because "Christian by faith" is not on the "qualifies as crazy" list

Remarkable how many in the padded room population have "Christian by faith" in their admission notes but very rarely is it part of their reason for admission

Usually it is some other delusional reason

Well you are being a bit hard on yourself

Stupid - no

Mindless - no

Crazy - ummmm bit of a toss up because "Christian by faith" is not on the "qualifies as crazy" list

Remarkable how many in the padded room population have "Christian by faith" in their admission notes but very rarely is it part of their reason for admission

Usually it is some other delusional reason


Any chance that...

The resurrection of Jesus gives hope to those who have no hope? The Shroud of Turin is pretty good evidence for the resurrection, and so is pretty good evidence for hope.

As opposed to atheism, which ends in hopelessness and unrelenting despair?

No, that can’t be it, I must be a Fruit Loop, or a Cocoa Puff, or something!
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Most of the time women consent to have sex, and so shouldn’t they be held responsible for their own choices and actions?
They consented to sex, not childbirth. To force them into childbirth is not only ethically wrong, but anti-woman. Sex has many other functions than procreation. Typical human beings that had sex only a couple times in their entire life, relationship, or married life, would not be mentally healthy. To top it off, anti-choice advocates are often anti-contraception, and anti-sex education too.

And please stop with the biased propaganda about the aftermath of abortion, the vast majority do not feel bad about it. But I'm sure you wish they would.
We are all Christian by evidence first and faith second.
What evidence?
The Shroud of Turin is pretty good evidence for the resurrection, and so is pretty good evidence for hope.
Holy crap. Even if I assume it's real, and it's not, how is that evidence for anything other than Jesus was killed and wrapped in a cloth?

And atheism is not without hope. I'm very hopeful I will pass away at some point and not be forced against my consent to live forever.
No, that can’t be it, I must be a fruit loop!
Such a martyr! So humble! (You could just be wrong, but I'm sure that's never happened to you, right?)
Any chance that...

The resurrection of Jesus gives hope to those who have no hope? The Shroud of Turin is pretty good evidence for the resurrection, and so is pretty good evidence for hope.

As opposed to atheism, which ends in hopelessness and unrelenting despair?

No, that can’t be it, I must be a Fruit Loop, or a Cocoa Puff, or something!
Do all zygotes go to heaven?

A zygote is the union of the sperm cell and the egg cell. Also known as a fertilized ovum, the zygote begins as a single cell but divides rapidly in the days following fertilization. After this two-week period of cell division, the zygote eventually becomes an embryo.Nov 19, 2018
The Importance of the Zygote Phase Prenatal Development

It's not even an embryo.
As opposed to atheism, which ends in hopelessness and unrelenting despair?
Nonsense. While I'm confident that pulling the rug out from under your false hope would cause you despair, I was never a believer. I never have to fear hell. Or sin. I get to decide what is moral, using my brain.
By the way, why would any loving atheist ever want to sell his or her’s hopeless and despairing world view to anyone else?

It seems irrational at the very least to me. Evil at the worst.
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By the way, would any loving atheist ever want to sell his or her’s hopeless and despairing world view to anyone else?

It seems irrational at the very least to me. Evil at the worst.
Well, do you believe all zygotes go to heaven. Like that Disney doggie movie of course. Do you believe in heaven I should ask too. You mentioned the resurrection of Jesus and that could open up boundless possibilities to what you believe.
Nonsense. While I'm confident that pulling the rug out from under your false hope would cause you despair, I was never a believer. I never have to fear hell. Or sin. I get to decide what is moral, using my brain.

Right, hell is not in your world view and neither is God, so of course it would be nuts for you to fear either of them.

That is not what I am talking about.
Do all zygotes go to heaven?

A zygote is the union of the sperm cell and the egg cell. Also known as a fertilized ovum, the zygote begins as a single cell but divides rapidly in the days following fertilization. After this two-week period of cell division, the zygote eventually becomes an embryo.Nov 19, 2018
The Importance of the Zygote Phase Prenatal Development

It's not even an embryo.

I don’t know, do you?
By the way, why would any loving atheist ever want to sell his or her’s hopeless and despairing world view to anyone else?

It seems irrational at the very least to me. Evil at the worst.
I think false hope is not a virtue. I think atheism is rational. I think the Bible is immoral. Where does this hopelessness and despair come into it? Another Christian myth? Are you going to share a (Christian) website where former atheists talk about how atheism made them miserable?
Right, hell is not in your world view and neither is God, so of course it would be nuts for you to fear either of them.

That is not what I am talking about.
I think false hope is not a virtue. I think atheism is rational. I think the Bible is immoral. Where does this hopelessness and despair come into it? Another Christian myth? Are you going to share a (Christian) website where former atheists talk about how atheism made them miserable?

Well said...
Do you love death?
Do you love death?
Yes. I think it has an appropriate place in life on Earth, and I'm perfectly fine with it. Doesn't mean I'm happy when someone I love dies, or that the process of death can't cause suffering. But you deny that it even exists.
Yes. I think it has an appropriate place in life on Earth, and I'm perfectly fine with it. Doesn't mean I'm happy when someone I love dies, or that the process of death can't cause suffering. But you deny that it even exists.

Of course death exists, my mother died about a year ago. And yes I have hope that I will see her again. And it is certainly not a false hope by any stretch.

There is no hope in Atheism, only despair. Why do you sell it to others?
Of course death exists, my mother died about a year ago. And yes I have hope that I will see her again. And it is certainly not a false hope by any stretch.
Hence, it is certainly not a false hope by any stretch for zygotes to be in heaven too?
Of course death exists, my mother died about a year ago. And yes I have hope that I will see her again. And it is certainly not a false hope by any stretch.
What evidence do you have?
There is no hope in Atheism, only despair. Why do you sell it to others?
I find a rational worldview to be not only superior to one based on faith, but necessary to survival. I don't know where you get the despair from it.
What evidence?

Holy crap. Even if I assume it's real, and it's not, how is that evidence for anything other than Jesus was killed and wrapped in a cloth?

You should never assume it is real... please don’t do that! I know you would not do that.

There is rational, scientific evidence, for the resurrection of Jesus embedded in the Shroud.

But it requires careful study and critical examination. It is one of the most scientifically scrutinized artifacts of all time, and it has survived all of it.

It provides very convincing evidence that Jesus rose from the dead.

Study it for yourself or don’t, your choice.
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