Maths to explain time.

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In Physics , time is it's measurement , so mathematically can we define


This would define the frequency of time Δt=c

This would also state that time is dependent to decay and that space-time was absolute.
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Because all you've done is post an equation without defining the terms or explaining how they're derived (or applied).
Oh, and time is not "dependent to [sic] decay" nor does your claim that "space-time is absolute" follow from that equation.
Because all you've done is post an equation without defining the terms or explaining how they're derived (or applied).
My apologies, I assumed you would know what the symbols meant and could see how it is derived.


hf=high frequency photon
c=the speed of light

I derived this from considering time dilation and why the frequency of the Caesium atom changes when the Caesium is in motion. I derived that a change in frequency was a change in the Caesium's state of entropy.
I also considered time as discrete wave packets
and as an absolute continuous variable where Δx→0.

I also considered ageing and that objects age but space apparently does not age, so considered objects do not age the same as space and came up with Δt≠k(t ) where k is a volume of space. More simply t≠t'

Hence my conclusion Δt=
≠ Δt'(k) and that relative time t exists relative to an absolute time t'.
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My apologies, I assumed you would know what the symbols meant
Why would I know, since you've obviously pulled the "definitions" out your a**.

hf=high frequency photon
c=the speed of light
Means nothing.

I derived this from considering time dilation and why the frequency of the Caesium atom changes when the Caesium is in motion. I derived that a change in frequency was a change in the Caesium's state of entropy.
More unscientific drivel.
Why would I know, since you've obviously pulled the "definitions" out your a**.

Means nothing.

More unscientific drivel.
You quite clearly do not want to discuss, you know very well what the symbols represent. They are all present math use symbols.

However I will not just ignore you, you can now explain yourself and explain why as you say it is rubbish, give your reasons and just saying so does not count.

start here please:Δ=change

are u saying the triangle does not mean change?


change / difference


t = t1 - t0

P.s I think I understand, you think I have made up this equation and I do not understand it?

I assure you I understand the full function of my own equation and what it represents.
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ΔS=Δhf A system changes in state by the change of hf in the system at any given time at c?

To anyone who may not know this subject

hf = The energy carried by any photon is given by plancks constant (h) multiplied by its frequency (f)

In statistical mechanics, entropy (usual symbol S) is related to the number of microscopic configurations Ω that a thermodynamic system can have when in a state as specified by some macroscopic variables

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They are all present math use symbols.
Please quote me a source that states "hf = high frequency photon".
Likewise explain how the UNITS of hf (kg.m[sup]2[/sup]/s[sup]2[/sup])/S (kg m2 s−2 K−1) = t (seconds). (I.e. dimensional analysis shows you to be wrong - the unit of the result turns out to be K[sup]-1[/sup] not s). Joules/ Joules per Kelvin does NOT = seconds.

you can now explain yourself and explain why as you say it is rubbish, give your reasons and just saying so does not count.
And yet we're supposed to just take your word for it without explanation?

I assure you I understand the full function of my own equation and what it represents.
No, you don't.

hf = The energy carried by any photon
Exactly: hf is NOT a "high frequency photon".
No, you don't.

Exactly: hf is NOT a "high frequency photon".

huh? The energy carried by a photon is defined hf , so it is a hf photon . Please do not turn the discussion into a discussion about definitions.
When a photon is absorbed by an entropy the hf is divided by the entropy of the system.
huh? The energy carried by a photon is defined hf , so it is a hf photon .
hf is the energy (it can apply to electrons, photons...). Merely saying "it's a photon" does nothing.
hf is the energy (it can apply to electrons, photons...). Merely saying "it's a photon" does nothing.
Then I will change my wording just to satisfy your misunderstanding of the content.

hf=high frequency

This does not alter the equation in anyway.


Then I will change my wording just to satisfy your misunderstanding of the content
Wrong - it's nothing to do with "my misunderstanding" it's about your sloppy (or ignorant) definition.

hf=high frequency
Still wrong. Go back and read my posts that state what hf is.

This does not alter the equation in anyway.
That's right, it doesn't alter the fact the equation is made up bullsh*t and is wrong.
Wrong - it's nothing to do with "my misunderstanding" it's about your sloppy (or ignorant) definition.

Still wrong. Go back and read my posts that state what hf is.

That's right, it doesn't alter the fact the equation is made up bullsh*t and is wrong.
Made up and wrong ? yet I am using scientific symbols of present use, I am still waiting for you to explain why it is wrong .

Are you really trying to say that these symbols I am using from the internet and good sources are gibberish and meaningless?
hf is the energy (it can apply to electrons, photons...). Merely saying "it's a photon" does nothing.
OK , try it this way because it is what I mean



Saying hf divided by a entropy is the same as saying energy divided by an entropy in my opinion.

=ΔT where T in this is temperature?

P.s Thank you for your help and helping me correct my notion to be more accurate and conforming to your standards. I have got to put hf because the software will not let me put a E or pE (c).

I believe my notion gives time a physicality in an absolute space. Objects age and time is real for the object, space does not age and is not an object, things age in space relative to space.
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This could also define time to be a quantifiable measurement directly proportional to ageing. This definition would also show the true genius behind Einstein and show how his work was such brilliance.
Hows is it gibberish? Please explain, it looks correct to me.
Well, because "high-frequency" is an adjective. It's not a variable, and it's not a unit for anything - it's not even a noun.

You are talking about things of which you know nothing, just to get a reaction.

That's trolling.
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