Maths to explain time.

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I believe my notion gives time a physicality in an absolute space

If if if (means I doubt it very much) your notion gives time a physicality then please show a photo of time

Or of the equipment used to detect this physicality

Thank you

= $$t_2-t_1$$

What two times did you want to measure?

The Δt for a 60 mile trip, at 60mph is $$t_2-t_1$$ (for example) 2:57 - 1:57 = 1 hour.

Or you could use it in a formula:

Δt = 1/Δv

I want to state the frequency/rate of time, I do not want to measure time. I want to state that the change of time is equal to the rate/frequency of change of entropy of a system.
If if if (means I doubt it very much) your notion gives time a physicality then please show a photo of time

Or of the equipment used to detect this physicality

Thank you

You want a photo of time and to see what it looks like, do you have any child photos of yourself?
You want a photo of time and to see what it looks like, do you have any child photos of yourself?
Can't see the connection

My first wife took all the photos I had of me as a child when we divorced

But back to time having a physicality. Perhaps if you can point me to where I can see this physical time and I can take my own photo

Wrong - it's nothing to do with "my misunderstanding" it's about your sloppy (or ignorant) definition.

Still wrong. Go back and read my posts that state what hf is.

That's right, it doesn't alter the fact the equation is made up bullsh*t and is wrong.
Is this idiot really setting an entropy change equal to a change in EM energy?
And setting a time interval equal to an entropy change?

How scientifically illiterate can you get? [rhetorical].
Can't see the connection

My first wife took all the photos I had when we divorced

But back to time having a physicality. Perhaps if you can point me to where I can see this physical time and I can take my own photo

It is a bit like gravity, you cannot see it but you experience it . You can film your everyday and play it back to yourself, you will see the time past. If you did a time lapse movie from birth, you would see yourself changing while experiencing the affects of time.
You can stop physical time by freezing things, they are froze in time .
You can stop physical time by freezing things, they are froze in time .
You can't freeze things, and it does not stop time.
You can make a simulacrum (such as a photo) of a thing that (humans) can interpret as a conceptualize as a moment in time.
But that simulacrum is not the the thing. And even the simulacrum ages.
You can't freeze things
I have some beef burgers in the freezer that says you can freeze things. If you were to chop your hands off at the age of 20 and froze your hands, then 50 years later defrosted them and sewed them back on, you would have the hands of a twenty year old.

(technology availability an issue of course).
It is a bit like gravity, you cannot see it but you experience it
You cannot see gravity - correct ✓

You can detect gravity ✓

Point me to the equipment which can detect time please

I have some beef burgers in the freezer that says you can freeze things. If you were to chop your hands off at the age of 20 and froze your hands, then 50 years later defrosted them and sewed them back on, you would have the hands of a twenty year old.

(technology availability an issue of course).
You would have hands that have spent 50 years in a freezer.

There's no question that dropping the temperature of things tends to result in much slower chemistry, but that does not affect time.
You can detect gravity ✓
How, exactly?

Explain how we can detect gravity without having to observe its effect some intermediate physical object - such as one mass being attracted to another, or light being bent around a mass.

Because, if we can detect gravity only by how it affects physical objects, then please see Amber's post about detecting time, below.
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You can stop physical time by freezing things, they are froze in time .
Since my stance on time may not be known to you as it is to others here this is a brief run down

Time does not exist

Things age

Age is not the same as time

Frozen hands continue to age the same as the body and when reunited are the same age as the body

Since my stance on time may not be known to you as it is to others here this is a brief run down

Time does not exist

Things age

Age is not the same as time

Frozen hands continue to age the same as the body and when reunited are the same age as the body

That would be contradictory , if you state things age, you are stating time does exist, because an age has a numerical value and in that value there as been physical change.

So how can say things age but time does not exist?
Caesium atomic clock detector.
No clock NO clock ABSOLUTELY no clock detects time

From the stick in the ground sundial to the Caesium atomic clock

They record changes taking place in things, with various degrees of accuracy, from one arbitrary NOW moment so a further arbitrary NOW moment and give the result as AGE

The Caesium clocks detect a change in time.
Detection of change is not the same as detecting time.
If I had a box of time you could detect it.
You need to see the difference between the two.
Well so far so good for you.
The thing to do now is rather than attempt to grind your axe would be to carefully consider all the replies you have recieved and what people are trying to tell you.

Other than that I can not comment.

Detection of change is not the same as detecting time.

Other than that I can not comment.

Time dilation only works if we define time as a change in entropy , if we define time is its measurement, all we are proclaiming is there is a change in the measurement of time. Which then of course would mean there isn't any actual time slowing down.
I have a question ,

Does the Caesium atom indirectly measure time or directly measures time?
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