Maths to explain time.

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Suggest you wind up or replace clock battery

You hope in vain over your ageing sorry :(


Sorry you are wrong I have choosen not to age and so I dont...Jan knows what he is talking about...I think and I conceive and presto it becomes real.
I hope you dont question Jans conviction that if you can imagine something that it must be real.
And to make sure I move my birthday to 35 th of January which means no more birthdays hence I can not age...check with me in one hundred years and you will see I was right.

The clock just started again..was that you?

My notion states time is the change of age , a change of age that is a variate for all observers.

Time and space are concepts, not phenomena, because they have no physical properties. Their physical non-existence throws their traditional representations and their usual applications into disarray


Time is not:
• A heavenly occult force; a mysterious Uranian flow.
• Something discovered in Nature or in the Universe.
• The cause of events, including aging.
• An active phenomenon provided with physical properties.
• A physical component and property of the Universe.
• A category of thought.
Time is:
• A mental interpretation of alternations.
• An invention of thought.
• An intermediate parameter for assessing changes.
• A scientific and sociocultural archetype.

The Invention of Time and Space by Patrice F. Dassonville


I'd love it if someone would provide a definition of "aging" that does not invoke time to do so.

Ageing is a PROCESS. AGE is a numerical representative of accumulated arbitrary numbers indicating changes detected between arbitrary NOWS

A sort of adding up of the changes

From above
Time is not:
The cause of events, including aging

I'd love it if someone would provide a definition of "aging" that does not invoke time to do so.

yesterday, you looked older than today and tomorrow you will look younger than yesterday. substitute with stronger/weaker or fatter/thinner etc. will that do?

evidently entropy can go in either direction, to a certain degree as you can speed it up or repair.
Ageing is a PROCESS. AGE is a numerical representative of accumulated arbitrary numbers indicating changes detected between arbitrary NOWS
So, how do you define 'process', 'accumulation', 'changes' and 'now' without invoking the passage of time?
AGE is slowed by speed not TIME

so, whenever i'm traveling at 60mph in my vehicle, i'm not aging as fast as when i'm not in motion?

ridiculous. unless that speed is affecting/distorting gravity and my own internal clock/rate of entropy then there is no change.
evidently entropy can go in either direction, to a certain degree as you can speed it up or repair.
Sort of, yes. Entropy can be temporarily reversed in a local environment. But it is always at the cost of entropy in the surrounding environment.
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so, whenever i'm traveling at 60mph in my vehicle, i'm not aging as fast as when i'm not in motion?
There's a few caveats but, technically, yes.

It is measurable.

ridiculous. unless that speed is affecting/distorting gravity and my own internal clock/rate of entropy then there is no change.
It is. It's just a very small change.

When someone observes you, moving at 60mph with respect to them, you are aging slightly slower.

This has been irrefutably demonstrated using aircraft and accurate clocks.
Entropy can be temporarily reversed in a local environment. But it is always at the cost of entropy in the surrounding environment.

right, Life has the fortunate ability to do that, create order of the highest sort, by unskilled labor. but time, age itself is not reversible, we measure it in orbits around the sun, revolutions of the moon, the earth. Only Joshua achieved a change in that. stories of the lowest order. ha ha.
right, Life has the fortunate ability to do that, create order of the highest sort.
Life is the middleman. It's the sun that gets ultimate credit.

The sun's influx of energy is what drove the chemistry of Earth toward more and more complex molecules.

No sun = no life. Add sun's energy, get life.
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