My theory 1 step at a time

Why don't you post your code up on here so people can run it on their own machines, or would that make it obvious to everyone that the answer to James' questions is always "I pulled it out of my ass?"

It's worth 1 Billion. I don't really want to post it. Anyway, what happens if it shows certain people certain things?
What all you can simulate through your simulator(coding) ? ... Is it " EVERYTHING " ? ... or ... there are some limitations ?

It simulates the Universe, and everything in it, but no computer could run all of it. That's so long as I haven't forgotten something, or have a missing ingredient. It starts at the beginning of time, and should do what the universe did.
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You pulled it out of your ass then...

1 billion what?

Don't you know what I am making? A universe in a computer that self builds. Do you know what that means? It means just watching... no formulas. All I am programming is a particle. It has a shell.. it has 1 + -1 = 0. Then it scales. And hopefully builds the universe from the quantum world up. It's worth money because it not only make all of the quantum particles, but you can see what they all do. You can travel around the Galaxy, go inside a sun, travel to the centre of a planet.. whatever you want. That's if everything is there, and I haven't missed anything out. But the problem is that no computer could run much of it.
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It simulates the Universe, and everything in it, but no computer could run all of it.

How big a computer you need to run all of your coding ?

That's so long as I haven't forgotten something, or have a missing ingredient.
Can your coding simulate Higgs-Boson or GOD-particle ?

It starts at the beginning of time, and should do what the universe did.

Can it predict future ?
How big a computer you need to run all of your coding ?

Can your coding simulate Higgs-Boson or GOD-particle ?

Can it predict future ?

If the Higgs Boson exists it will make it. It should make everything. Future as well.. not our future though. I don't know which Universe we are in. So I'm just making the first Universe. There is no computer capable of running a whole universe at this time. But the code will be there to do it, because it should be a repeating pattern... unless I'm wrong, and there is some magic in the Universe.

But I only think there is 1 particle. So all I have to do is program it.
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So you cannot predict Higgs-Boson .

Only mass and energy or life as well ?

So, it has a limitation for astrology .

Is your universe in real-time or simulated-time ?

It simulates a particle. That's all it does. If my theory is right, and a single particle created the Universe, then it only needs to simulate 1 particle to build the whole universe.

It will be running as fast as my computer can run it.. which will get to about 600000 particles, and then slow down to a crawl. So all I will see is a Quantum pattern of some sort. A NASA computer might get as far as making a Sun or something.
Is your programme completed yet or you still working upon it ?

It's still not finished yet. I need to carefully plan the rules. Positioning the particles must be exact. But there are rules that you can figure out. Particle stacking rules of how the universe uses locations.
It simulates a particle. That's all it does. If my theory is right, and a single particle created the Universe, then it only needs to simulate 1 particle to build the whole universe.

It will be running as fast as my computer can run it.. which will get to about 600000 particles, and then slow down to a crawl. So all I will see is a Quantum pattern of some sort. A NASA computer might get as far as making a Sun or something.

If you make a programme , anyway it will run . But how much it matches with the reality , that is to be seen .

Have you already test-run your programme ?
If you make a programme , anyway it will run . But how much it matches with the reality , that is to be seen .

Have you already test-run your programme ?

Well I can only think of 2 ways to make a universe. One uses X/Y/Z, and the other has us on a single point in space-time. I'm hoping that the X/Y/Z version works, but action at a distance might require the other version. I don't know how you would be able to watch the other version on a TV screen.
It simulates the Universe, and everything in it, but no computer could run all of it. That's so long as I haven't forgotten something, or have a missing ingredient. It starts at the beginning of time, and should do what the universe did.

. . . contact Los Alamos National Laboratory . . . their computer system can simulate entire nuclear explosions . . . that might come close to meeting your programming capacity needs . . .of course they will likely have to 'buy-off' on your theory. . . .
Well I can only think of 2 ways to make a universe. One uses X/Y/Z, and the other has us on a single point in space-time. I'm hoping that the X/Y/Z version works, but action at a distance might require the other version. I don't know how you would be able to watch the other version on a TV screen.

Try to make it a real-time simulation ; so that it can be cross-checked .
You need to look at the efficiency of your code.
Basic can be made to speed up. I turned a macro that would take a simulation from 1 per minute to one that did 50 per second.
Yours looks rather simple you should be able to do it at 1 million per second. :)

I doubt it. Even if I changed it to 2D I don't think I could get it to go that fast.