Science will prove/discover God

Unless He existed before all of us. He may even be able to alter our D.N.A. As our parents created us, so He created humanity.
Unless He existed before all of us. He may even be able to alter our D.N.A. As our parents created us, so He created humanity.
How did he do that and how long did it take him to create Humanity?

Is he also the "parent" of the Universe. If so how did he create the universe. Cosmic DNA?
Where did he exist before he created the Universe?

After creating the universe did he placed a bunch of stars in the sky and blew them up to arrange the stardust into planets like earth in orbit around the stars?

Stay with Science to prove it, please.
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I cannot prove it with science, that's what this threads about. But I believe. I do not believe in the Bible fully, like where it says people used to live for seven, eight or nine-hundred years. Pfft! I do not believe now and nothing will ever convince me. I do believe some parts of the Bible though.

"If you don't have a dream, how are you going to have a dream come true?"-Martin Luther King.
I cannot prove it with science, that's what this threads about. But I believe. I do not believe in the Bible fully, like where it says people used to live for seven, eight or nine-hundred years. Pfft! I do not believe now and nothing will ever convince me. I do believe some parts of the Bible though.
Which parts? I also find some profound thoughts in scripture, but reject the scripture as a scientific instrument.
"If you don't have a dream, how are you going to have a dream come true?"-Martin Luther King.
A noble sentiment.
I would suggest hard work in the direction of realizing your dream. But what dream do you want to come true? Heaven?
I do believe it has been proven that praying to an invisible guy in the sky ain't gonna do it.
I do not believe in the Bible fully, like where it says people used to live for seven, eight or nine-hundred years.
Well JC was a myth... yet another rerun of the human god stereotype based on astrology and relatively common in ancient the New Testament is just one big lie.
The Old Testament is an attempt of early folk to present cosmology and lay down laws and useful proceedures and if one replaces the god with acknowledgement of littlr voices in the head its not so bad...certainly not a blatent lie as the New Testament can be fairly called.

Science does not prove things really but presents models that make testable predictions and to make those science would need to know what this God was thinking as to its next even if god were real which clearly it is not science would not be able to make testable predictions.
The universe can only be eternal and requires no creator.
Alex you're telling us!

Write4u, have you actually TRIED praying???

No, I think its rude. Praying for this and that. Millions of prayers.

If God has a master plan (God's Will). He thought about it a long time and saw that it was a good plan. Now you come along and ask him to change his plan?

Why should he change his plan for any smuck with a two dollar prayer book ?

And most people pray on Sunday, His day off! That's just rude and selfish.
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You haven't tried praying and write that it doesn't work? It's probably because you have nothing to pray for, because you are provided with all that you need.

As for God being an INVISIBLE man who LIVES IN THE SKY? Please!
You haven't tried praying and write that it doesn't work? It's probably because you have nothing to pray for, because you are provided with all that you need.

As for God being an INVISIBLE man who LIVES IN THE SKY? Please!
Please correct me. So far no theist has ever provided a decent definition of God other than some bland banalities.
Spare me!

Note I don't hold you responsible for the "mystery'. But you owe it to yourself to justify your belief.
As for God being an INVISIBLE man who LIVES IN THE SKY? Please!
Absolutely...there is no invisable man who lives in the sky no more than there is a mythical being who created humans in his image and loves them even though he would send them to hell for eternity.

No its all made evidence other than many humans tried to con other humans that they were laughable really...but it is just plain old astrology set up to take your money and tell you sweet lies that your miserable life counts for something such that you get a second go to continue your meaningless.

Get real and dont stand where the lightening will strike.

Why would one's belief in God require that science give a specific answer to this question, that we don’t yet know the answer to? I wonder if human life were to be found on other planets, if it would shatter the faith of believers, today. Considering that most ancient texts only discuss Earth, it would be interesting to see the reactions.