Sex offenders? Can we trust?

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MetaKron i was just trying to clear up the missunderstanding. I knew it was my fault as soon as i read your post for using it rather than describing what i ment (its a hazed of associating with achademics rather than the general population:p, in our ethics classes that would have been clear)

My fault sorry:)

It's all right.
At what point do I start asking the police to destroy someone else's life? In my world a person has to have actually done something. That's ironclad. I don't do things to people in case they did or would do something even if that is to my child. I have a phobia about that because people used to set me up to be falsely accused, I deliberately learned what I was taught about the old Soviet Union, and I've watched movies and documentaries about people who were falsely imprisoned. I also hate the kind of people who find excuses to destroy the lives of others by pretending that those others are immoral or destructive. They make my life miserable even when they don't send me to jail.

See that little saying under my profile? That's how I see the guardians of morality.

I too believe this metakran. I live by the sword and die by it. My sword will always protect me. As someone should have protected you. I can't fix the problem but in my town I'm trying to bring a new kind of protection to thought. Killing in the name of something just so you can kill someone is wrong. I believe that a weapon should only be to keep peace and in that to protect you and those around you. In my case I could care less about me as long as what I have tought is passed on. In the making of these laws to deal with sex offenders in the most humain way can you really say that someone will be falsely accussed. I can see it happening, but that's why an in&out investigation should be done. I can see how false accusation can truly ruin someone life. My step-father was fired from his job ten years ago (maybe more) becuase a girl had a sour look and he said " you have a pretty smile don't let anyone take that away" I don't see how anyone could truely say that's sexual harassment is beyond me but so is stupid people. You could use that brian of yours to figure out a way to fix truely inosent people from getting charged. And make sure those who are guilty pay dearly. I know it's called a lawyer, but they only defend to the fullest extent of thier abilities. They have no sense of guilty or not, just thier job. I know that as you read this behind your desk your understanding what I'm truely saying dude. Don't go agianst it use it. You know that taking addvantage of a child is absolutly wrong but it seems that you have no care for what will happen mentally to the child. In fact you say that there nothing wrong as long as the child knows that's what thier getting into. I know you have a brain I've seen your other posts. You've got to let go of that past of yours to see the light, and the light is childen have no idea what they're getting into when they have sex. On top of that if it was forced sex the crime should be punishable to far more than 7 years tops. Oh! And 15ofthe19 that was funny as hell dude I give that an A++. HA! HA! HA! BULL SHIT, that's funny dude.
It's not that I don't care what happens mentally to the child. It's that I don't believe most of the hype. I also believe that just as much "sexual" abuse if not more can happen without touching the child in a way that is considered sexual.

I have to say what I witnessed, and if that looks like I can't let go of the past, so be it. My mother wants me to act as if those beatings never happened. I am over forty years old and if she even thinks I talk about them she still will fuck with me.
In the words of cartman " You need to tell that bitch to shut the fuck up and stop being a bitch, god damn it!" Though your smart you can learn alot from stupid shit dude. I love my brother (god rest his soul) but he used to beat me up bad until I smashed his head in with a wooden sword after that he never fucked with me. The same can be applied with words it's just not as fun.
At what point do I start asking the police to destroy someone else's life? In my world a person has to have actually done something. That's ironclad. I don't do things to people in case they did or would do something even if that is to my child. I have a phobia about that because people used to set me up to be falsely accused, I deliberately learned what I was taught about the old Soviet Union, and I've watched movies and documentaries about people who were falsely imprisoned. I also hate the kind of people who find excuses to destroy the lives of others by pretending that those others are immoral or destructive. They make my life miserable even when they don't send me to jail.

See that little saying under my profile? That's how I see the guardians of morality.

You have failed to anwser the question that I put, I think it is because the law is pretty rational [not always right](but the sex offenders list should be scrapped and a serious sex offenders list done in its place) If you find you cannot anwser "if the law is wrong what age should the line be drawn for sexual consent" then perhaps it is right (in most cases[i think 18 is ott])
I agree I've seen too many people with minor sex offences be portrade as a criminal when all they did was striek through a soccer game or played grab ass at work. So fucking what? There's a lot bigger fish to fry. The original list is mostly level 1&2 when it should be 2 and higher. And to clear it up more it should be filled with (completely) with those who are likely to offend again. And to add in to all that the legal age should be 16/18 in th area (you know what I mean[no pervertedness in tended] round off). But the legal age should be 18 it gives the once child time to really think things through so they don't screw up thier lives.
I agree I've seen too many people with minor sex offences be portrade as a criminal when all they did was striek through a soccer game or played grab ass at work. So fucking what? There's a lot bigger fish to fry. The original list is mostly level 1&2 when it should be 2 and higher. And to clear it up more it should be filled with (completely) with those who are likely to offend again.
But the legal age should be 18 it gives the once child time to really think things through so they don't screw up thier lives.

Well for me its 16, I am ok with 14 and 18 but think it is the extremity in the scale which is inclusive to the commital of crime,
I.E. (for me) 18 is too old and seems repressive wheras 14 is too cautious, yet the difference between a 15 and 17 yr old and 15 and 50 yr old is not something which i can condone (purely because i do not understand any connection other than dominant perverse) and should not have the same severity (if any at all) under the current sex offenders act.
I have just got done watching Dr.phil and I must say this has always been in the back of my mind huanting me. Can we trust that our government in telling us that there is a sex offender in the area. I know that there's sites that let us look into if there's a sex offender in the neighborhood but they request that you pay them money for info that should allow you to search for free. I have a 7 year old nephew who has just lost his father and the last thing I need is to find out that there is an offender in the house across the street. And I'm pretty sure that most would agree! What do you all think?

if people are told that there is a sex offender in they're road/street then they will panic, and that wont be any good for anyone, and there have been cases where the wrong person was lynched so in a way i dont think its a good idea to have the goverment/police tell us, but on the other hand having three kids of my own and if i lived in a road with an offender i would want to know, not to go and throtle that guy/woman but to make sure my kids stay away from them!
if people are told that there is a sex offender in they're road/street then they will panic, and that wont be any good for anyone, and there have been cases where the wrong person was lynched so in a way i dont think its a good idea to have the goverment/police tell us, but on the other hand having three kids of my own and if i lived in a road with an offender i would want to know, not to go and throtle that guy/woman but to make sure my kids stay away from them!

Would you want a sex offender to be treated by a qualified sex therapist?
Most cases would be thrown out if the law were required in each case to actually prove injury to be able to penalize someone.
if it dtoped them abusing young children and older children then why not? i would not however want one living in my road!

What if the sex offender status is for peeing on the wall?

What if it is for allegedly masturbating in public and not intentionally showing off for an audience?

What if the person he offended with was a 14 year old girl?

What if the alleged offender did it with a dog in the privacy of his own home and has never been proven to have touched children?

What if the alleged offender lived in Georgia and was dinged for having extramarital sex?
lucifers angel, I agree whole heartedly. To tell you the trueth people who lynch offenders should be prossicuted just as bad as the offenders. The government is trutsing the people of the nation with important info and to not abuse it. Info like that should not be use for anything other than protection of your self and family. And to be honest I frown upon those who act on sex offenders just as much as I frown on the sex offenders them selfs. Having childen and a child rapest in the neighborhood is not what I call easy living. The list is there to help us and our childen, not to go off on some vigilant man hunt. All I'm trying to say is that we need to know if someone is an offender. I'm not saying tatoo it on their head (though that would be pretty funny). I just want my nephew to be safe. And to be honest, if people didn't act so stupid when theyget info on an offender that the list would be more than useful. And those who act vigilant with this info and do something crazy are no better than the offender. The law is to protect us and that is why we have self deffence laws. If something happens to you than you can act on it, but vigilanyism is not covered for a reason.
I am new to this board and to this particular thread but I have spent the past hour reading this threat and the comments about sex offenders and I must say this is a very interesting thread and I look forward to sharing my views!
I am against sex offender registries and personally do not think that they actually work other than keeping track of where offenders live, registries do nothing to prevent offenders from actually reoffending.
I think registries should only be able to be accessed by law enforcement when investigating crimes or other police maters. (I could go into a hundred reasons why I personally think registries are meaningless and will over time share a few of my thoughts on this matter, some such thoughts as the 6 million illegal immigrants here that might have committed sex crimes in their home countries and are here illegally and have not even registered as a citizen much less as a sex offender, thus the registries only give us a false sense of security, (almost like trying to bucket brigade water from the Titanic), or how registries have hurt the values of homes in neighborhoods where sex offenders live where some sex offenders are not only required to register but also put a sign in their front yard, this punishes the entire neighborhood by diminishing the value of the homes and for something the neighbors had nothing to do with and the offender might not even be a real threat) What say you?
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