Sexual Desire male/female

Depends on your conditioning, I think. I've seen some very sexually aggressive women in the Arabs for example, they can really make the guys sweat. Most women are not obsessed with sex because they can get it more easily when they want it.

Is it obsessive to want it more than 2x a month?
i do tend to get irrated if im doing something else and she wants sex
Wow! No matter what I was doing, I'd never be irritated about my wife/girlfriend/some hot chick wanting to have sex! Really, the only time I'd not want to have sex is for about 20 minutes after I've just had sex. Even then, I can be convinced. But that's the one time she'd have to take the initiative.
All around the world, in culture after culture, men desire sex with women more than women desire sex with men. All over the world men are willing to pay prostitutes for sex. If the drive were balanced between the sexes, prostitution would be nearly non-existent. A quick look at the difference between male and female homosexual behavior really tells the tale.
Is it obsessive to want it more than 2x a month?
Good question. What is normal for a female?

Personally, I'd like to have sex every day. At least every other day. I'd guess that's pretty typical for a male.

What about you? Can we quantify the difference in sexual desire?

A good follow up question, when sex isn't available, how often do you masturbate? I started a thread on this question once with a poll, but it was immediately cesspooled by Bells so we never got any results.
madanthonywayne...I understand this being internet and all, but don't you think your questions are being extremely over the border of what would be considered appropriate?
mad im not sure maserbation is a good measure of desire because there are alot of people who refuse to do it for religious reasons.

My partner for example choses not to masterbate simply because it doesnt get her off EVER. However she would have sex twice a day if i was willing (which im NOT:p)
My partner for example choses not to masterbate simply because it doesnt get her off EVER. However she would have sex twice a day if i was willing (which im NOT:p)

your partner? is telling you to have sex twice a day? and you are refusing?

madanthonywayne...I understand this being internet and all, but don't you think your questions are being extremely over the border of what would be considered appropriate?
This is a serious discussion of sexual desire in males/females. There's no need for anyone to be embarrassed, as we are all anonymous here and can choose which threads to read/which questions to answer.

Anyone uncomfortable discussing issues of human sexuality shouldn't be reading a thread on that topic.
mad im not sure maserbation is a good measure of desire because there are alot of people who refuse to do it for religious reasons.

My partner for example choses not to masterbate simply because it doesnt get her off EVER. However she would have sex twice a day if i was willing (which im NOT:p)
Are you serious about playboy bunny wanting it twice a day? Nice.

You're correct that masturbation isn't a perfect measure of sexual desire, but what is? I say it's worth throwing into the mix.
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Asguard is your girlfriend a cave man? I know she looks like a cave man, and this could explain her non-sapien female sexual aggression. I would look into it, many cavemen, or "maggers", live amongst humans largely unnoticed.
Does she shave a lot?

Women do enjoy sex, I think once they're doing it they actually enjoy it more than men, but they're instinctually inhibitted from fucking a lot because it is detrimental for the species. This is also why men, despite being open to fucking sluts, ultimately look down on them. There has to be this multi-pronged measure ingrained into the species to discourage women from wreckless fucking.

It's a test of a woman's character to refrain from getting too much dick, the more dick she can turn down the better she is at being a woman. Women are helped along with an instinctual reluctance to fuck. There's always a constant battle within women between this instinct and the base desire to feel sexual gratification. In lesser specimens of the female the former noble and important instinct is losing out to the latter shameful piggish lust.

Men don't have this inhibitor, because it in no way negatively affects them to impregnate many random women. It's up to women to be selective, and desirable in such a way that encourages men to stay with them for an extended period of time, willfully supporting and protecting the female long enough for her to successfully raise well adjusted offspring. The two are connected, probably the main consideration a man ponders when thinking about entering a serious long term committment (as opposed to a sexual encounter) with a woman is how good she is at turning down dick. It is at least comparable to the female's consideration of how good a man's potential is to provide for a family.

So it's really not about women not liking sex, it's about being instinctually sound and quality specimens of female homo-sapiens who, maybe on a sub-conscious level, understand that it is of great importantance to not fuck around.

People talk about contraception and fucking for fun and blah blah blah, but "condoms" aren't taken into consideration by the primal instincts of humans, so a woman who is comfortable, or even enjoys, fucking guys for fun, is still exhibitting the fact she is a poor quality human being.
Good question. What is normal for a female?

Personally, I'd like to have sex every day. At least every other day. I'd guess that's pretty typical for a male.

What about you? Can we quantify the difference in sexual desire?...

I average about 4-5x a week. But sometimes its once in the morning and then again that night, so if you're getting laid 2x a day, it adds up quickly.
So why is it obsessive for a women, but normal for a man. That's sexist, isn't it?:confused:
Dr Lou Natic,

Placing morality on evolutionary behavior is wrong, saying a women that has alot of sex is naturally immoral is like saying war, murder and tribalism is alright as these are natural mechanism for competition of genetics within a species.

Has anyone ever read this (or seen the show)
Basically sexual behavior between males and females is extremely variable, but common themes are females are secretly promiscuous and male try to inhibit this and males or openly promiscuous but females try to keep them monogamous. The level of promiscuity among the females determines the size and virility of the males genitalia, for example male gorillas have tiny balls (and a penis), while chimpanzees have huge balls, humans males testicals are in between which suggest our females don't fuck 12 men in under an hour like chimps are known to do, but that our females most certainly aren't as faithful as gorillias who stick with one man in a harem for several years.
Placing morality on evolutionary behavior is wrong, saying a women that has alot of sex is naturally immoral is like saying war, murder and tribalism is alright as these are natural mechanism for competition of genetics within a species.
I believe those things are alright, so I disagree.
I think it's wrong to say things which are natural are wrong, like you are doing.
The only difference between you and me is my moral code at least appears to be supported by the nature of the universe, while yours doesn't. Your pro-slut anti-war stance seems to have randomly materialised out of thin air and I personally see no reason to respect it at all. It holds as much sway as scientology as far as I'm concerned.
I believe those things are alright, so I disagree.
Then your a racist nazi.

I think it's wrong to say things which are natural are wrong, like you are doing.
I not saying things that a natural are wrong, only that they have no wrong or right.

The only difference between you and me is my moral code at least appears to be supported by the nature of the universe, while yours doesn't.
Yes I'm a egalitarian, oh the horror!

Your pro-slut anti-war stance seems to have randomly materialised out of thin air and I personally see no reason to respect it at all. It holds as much sway as scientology as far as I'm concerned.

Did you not read the evidence I presented?, humans are moderately promiscuous, hence the nature of women is more promiscuous then you claim , if this is right or wrong is not and should not be the issue, we are simply asking how man and women's desires differ.
Sex is like going to the movies, just a random indulgence, not a need?

I wish. I could do without said need that everyone insists I do not have.

Shorty a combination of two things

naturally low sex drive and depression. Also the anti depressants lower it further so we tend to have sex around once or twice a month unfortunatly:(

Drink Red Bull, I'm not sure what's in it but it makes your sex drive hit the ceiling. :D:D
I'm pretty sure the desire is the same but it manifests differently. Males are more expresive in it while women are quit introvert abouth it... I think

It think this is the most likely explanation.
Women are guarded and cautious with their sexual experiences. It can easily cause them pain and trauma. Men being the dominant gender, the opposite sex and the most violent of the genders is obviously a contributing factor to the greater less than observations of sex.
Good question. What is normal for a female?

Personally, I'd like to have sex every day. At least every other day. I'd guess that's pretty typical for a male.

What about you? Can we quantify the difference in sexual desire?

A good follow up question, when sex isn't available, how often do you masturbate? I started a thread on this question once with a poll, but it was immediately cesspooled by Bells so we never got any results.

Sex every day sounds good to me. I guess I'm just abnormal. *kicks the wall*
Who pays for sex? Men. Even male prostitutes have mainly male patrons. Who consumes the vast majority of porn? Men. Who commits the most rapes? Men. Which sex is it that turns to homosexuality and even homosexual rape when sent to prison? Men.
On the other hand, who uses sex as a way to manipulate people? Women. Ever hear a man tell a women she'd not be "getting lucky" due to her misbehavior? Ever hear of a man sleeping his way to the top?

Here is my theory: If woman had as much sexual desire as men, the world would end. OR if men had less like women, that scenario would also end the world, or at least mess it up a great deal. I think its a sort of "energy flux drive" that the human race is functioning on.

Too much sexual desire in too many women would create far too many children in the world with no one really knowing whos kids are who's. If all the men of the world became with less of a desire for sex, what would drive relationships between men and women?

I'm not saying that would completely obliterate the "energy flux" that causes people to get married and what have you. It would appear to me, that the world functions on some "cosmic balance."

I once heard of a flower in some distant rainforest, where if the flower became extinct, a specific butterfly would also die off, or the other way around, if the butterfly died the flower would also die. Its like the female and males of the world are a single organism but with separate conciousness.
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Too much sexual desire in too many women would create far too many children in the world with no one really knowing whos kids are who's.

There's a little thing called a condom...

I'm not saying that would completely obliterate the "energy flux" that causes people to get married and what have you. It would appear to me, that the world functions on some "cosmic balance."

Why do you think it necessary for there to be a difference in sexual drive? Surely it would make for better relationships if there were not, because you wouldn't have one partner getting frustrated because they weren't getting any and the other partner being pissed off and saying they had headaches because they didn't want to have sex?
Sex every day sounds good to me. I guess I'm just abnormal. *kicks the wall*

No its not. We've just been raised to think it is. A man gets laid every day and its high fives all around and pats on the back. A woman does and peopel wonder why she's so obsessive and over sexed.

Women are taught to want sex less. Its how they remain 'good girls'.
On, my god. I didn't read this

It's a test of a woman's character to refrain from getting too much dick, the more dick she can turn down the better she is at being a woman. Women are helped along with an instinctual reluctance to fuck. There's always a constant battle within women between this instinct and the base desire to feel sexual gratification. In lesser specimens of the female the former noble and important instinct is losing out to the latter shameful piggish lust.

That makes me fucking sick. Your logic is a piece of shit. Impregnating random women does not help a man's chances of having offspring that survive. Whose kid has a better chance of surviving, a man who randomly fucks all over the place then leaves the women to bring up the kid alone, or one who stays with one woman so they can look after the kids together?

So if it makes me a poor quality human being it also makes you a poor quality human being.