Space time is reality Pseudo

That's OK...This is pseudoscience afterall......
And what are you going to do with your proposal now?
Why not contact "mathworld/ and inform them of their grave error?

Can you refute the conclusions?

If not you are trolling.
OK, so you can't defend your statements.

You are a troll.

Yep, certainly my statements can and have been defended, as has everyone here that is refuting your anti SR/GR position, but your brain seems to be programmed not to accept anything that smells of logic or mainstream views.
Like I said, if the link I gave was false, why not approach them and/or expose them?
And as I have also said, if you had anything at all, reputable, that invalidated SR/GR to any degree, you would not be here....You would have it peer reviewed through the proper channels. You don't need any great prestige.
Why the great man, [Albert Einstein] submitted three papers in 2005, one being SR from a patent office in Bern and he did not have easy access to any complete sets of scientific reference materials, other then being a regular reader of Annalen der Physik.

Science forums are actually scraping the bottom of the barrel for conspiracy nutters, and pseudoscience pushers and is why even at this level, they are excluded from real and proper scientific discussion.
That's not to say that on occasions something good and reliable may not come from it, but certainly not in this particular case. Sorry about that.
Yep, certainly my statements can and have been defended, as has everyone here that is refuting your anti SR/GR position, but your brain seems to be programmed not to accept anything that smells of logic or mainstream views.
Like I said, if the link I gave was false, why not approach them and/or expose them?
And as I have also said, if you had anything at all, reputable, that invalidated SR/GR to any degree, you would not be here....You would have it peer reviewed through the proper channels. You don't need any great prestige.
Why the great man, [Albert Einstein] submitted three papers in 2005, one being SR from a patent office in Bern and he did not have easy access to any complete sets of scientific reference materials, other then being a regular reader of Annalen der Physik.

Science forums are actually scraping the bottom of the barrel for conspiracy nutters, and pseudoscience pushers and is why even at this level, they are excluded from real and proper scientific discussion.
That's not to say that on occasions something good and reliable may not come from it, but certainly not in this particular case. Sorry about that.

I am am not seeing your defense.
As many others have noted, you are being purposely evasive and dishonest.

I'll do it again.

In a metric space d(x,y) = 0 iff x = y.

Yet on the light sphere, d(x,0) = 0 with the Minkowski metric yet x !- 0.

So, you have it. Space-time is not a metric space.
chinglu said:
Space-time is not a metric space.
Have you informed NASA of this important discovery of yours (that no-one else has been able to figure out)?

I mean, they keep launching space probes and communicating with them (using electromagnetic radiation, aka "light spheres"). You really should tell them.
And make sure they spell your name right.
Have you informed NASA of this important discovery of yours (that no-one else has been able to figure out)?

I mean, they keep launching space probes and communicating with them (using electromagnetic radiation, aka "light spheres"). You really should tell them.

We had another pseudoscientific nut on a forum I was on [his name was Zarkov] and when it was asked of him, why he didn't present all his new physics and his cosmological model he called "Spin Gravity " to the establishment, his reply was and I quote, "The world is not ready for my genuise just yet and may never be" :)
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Have you informed NASA of this important discovery of yours (that no-one else has been able to figure out)?

I mean, they keep launching space probes and communicating with them (using electromagnetic radiation, aka "light spheres"). You really should tell them.
And make sure they spell your name right.

Sure they do. But, they do not use the Minkowski space-time. So, you are lost again.
We had another pseudoscientific nut on a forum I was on [his name was Zarkov] and when it was asked of him, why he didn't present all his new physics and his cosmological model he called "Spin Gravity " to the establishment, his reply was and I quote, "The world is not ready for my genuise just yet and may never be" :)

Hey can you prove Minkowski is a metric space?

Otherwise, confess you are a troll.
Hey can you prove Minkowski is a metric space?

Otherwise, confess you are a troll.

I don't need to prove anything. That onus is on you and as usual in all anti SR/GR threads you have started or participated in, you have failed miserably.
Uh, with much in this thread, can you prove space-time is a valid metric space with continuity?

The answer is no because I proved both are false about space-time.

No, you didn't, which makes you a liar and a fraud.
Answer the question or slink back into your oblivious state.
No, you didn't, which makes you a liar and a fraud.
Answer the question or slink back into your oblivious state.

It is all in this thread and I am not going through it again.

If you can take a post of mine which proves space-time is not a valid metric-space, then go for it.

Further, I have proven this to you now like 5 times and you continue to act like it has not been explained to you.

I do not know what is wrong that you cannot understand the many times it was explained to you.
chinglu said:
can you prove space-time is a valid metric space with continuity?

Can you prove it isn't a "valid" metric space? This would require that you also prove measurement of distances is impossible.

This is going to be very hard to do, since obviously we can measure distances. Even more obviously, you are borderline insane.