The Human Brain Is Incapable Of Volition Or Free Will

And what do human brains execute? Are you saying that article I quoted in post # 59 is wrong?

The brain does not "execute" anything at all, there are no instructions, no registers, none of that, the only "algorithms" are human invented.

I must have read a hundred articles like this over the years, they are often about models of intelligence implemented as algorithms in a computer but these are models, brains are nothing like computers.

It is pure assumption that what the brain accomplishes can be accomplished by a symbol manipulating computer, there is no proof that the system comprising the brain can be treated as being logically equivalent to an algorithmic system.

This is not controversial, what I say here is well known, established and covered in the literature.
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I must have read a hundred articles like this over the years, they are often about models of intelligence implemented as algorithms in a computer but these are models, brains are nothing like computers.
I suggest you read some of the literature I have posted here.

I don't care what you call it . The brain processes data provided by the senses in the form of electro-chemical bits. It does so in very specific ways that allows for the integration or orchestration of parallel "tokens" (qualia) from memory and results in a best guess of the brain as to what the body's senses are seeing, hearing, tasting, feeling. The process rests on mathematical electro-chemical laws and is not random. i.e. it employs some form of natural physical electro-chemical algorithms . The brain has no control over the process itself.

It just has learned to make "sense" of it all. That is the function of evolution via natural selection. The evolution from responding to data from a light sensitive patch in a single celled organism, to a painting by Rembrandt.

This form of computational processing is accomplished via several trillion microtubular processors feeding 250 trillion synaptic exchanges.

The OP asks if this allows for the brain to exercise Free Will, or a more restrictive volitional Choice from possible alternative action.

This problem is an extension of the evolutionary result of the fight or flight response. Prey evolved a flight response, predators evolved a fight response. Do human have a choice between the two? Did Rembrandt have a choice of colors in his painting. What if he painted a color , looked at it and decided to change it? FW, or Choice (volition), or purely Deterministic?
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river said:

But never come up with neither . Because GPT3 can't think in terms of 100 millions of yrs. In evolution .

It doesn't need to. We can effect evolution by artificial selection much faster than nature.

That may not always be advantageous in the long run, but we can cheat nature. And if we can do it, we do it... :eek:

It misses the Experience Write4U . That is the thing , that it misses Experience . It by passes Physical Experience . The Complications of the Experience would have a computer running for infinity .

There is knowledge in experience .

The verification of any mathematical theory is based on physical evidence . Experience .
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It misses the Experience Write4U . That is the thing , that it misses Experience . It by passes Physical Experience . The Complications of the Experience would have a computer running for infinity .

There is knowledge in experience .

The verification of any mathematical theory is based on physical evidence . Experience .
I agree with all of that. But IMO, that 's not relevant here.
GPT3 is not a biological species, where cell biology and memory play a major parts in the existence of the organism.

(You know my enchantment with MT, which is responsible for any and all evolutionary processes of Eukaryotic organisms).

AI does not need any of that. Robots do not grow, they are assembled.
river said:
It misses the Experience Write4U . That is the thing , that it misses Experience . It by passes Physical Experience . The Complications of the Experience would have a computer running for infinity .

There is knowledge in experience .

The verification of any mathematical theory is based on physical evidence . Experience .

I agree with all of that. But IMO, that 's not relevant here.
GPT3 is not a biological species, where cell biology and memory play a major parts in the existence of the organism.

(You know my enchantment with MT, which is responsible for any and all evolutionary processes of Eukaryotic organisms).

AI does not need any of that. Robots do not grow, they are assembled.

MT means , again what ? Not just for me but for everybody .
Is this book less True .
Well, science always advances in knowledge.
I'll take the most current knowledge by a reliable source over old knowledge by a reliable source.

From post # 59:
Our brains have a basic algorithm that enables our intelligence
Date: November 21, 2016

Source: Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University
Summary: A new Theory of Connectivity represents a fundamental principle for how our billions of neurons assemble and align not just to acquire knowledge, but to generalize and draw conclusions from it.

Moreover, GPT3 is not like an old computer, it is a new evolved species, that uses Qualia (tokens), which is very much like what biological brains do.

Fundamentally all data processing uses the same principle, i.e. Input <--> Function <--> Output. The human brain is not exempt from the mathematics (physics) of the universe, much as we would like to think so.
Well, science always advances in knowledge.
I'll take the most current knowledge by a reliable source over old knowledge by a reliable source.

From post # 59:

Moreover, GPT3 is not like an old computer, it is a new evolved species, that uses Qualia (tokens), which is very much like what biological brains do.

Fundamentally all data processing uses the same principle, i.e. Input <--> Function <--> Output. The human brain is not exempt from the mathematics (physics) of the universe, much as we would like to think so.

Write4U said:
I'm sure his posit is well considered.
Except the book he used for reference is 50 years out-of-date

Is the book less true , today . ( From post#72 )
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Explain .
Apparently Sherlock Holmes did read the book and based his statement that the human brain does not employ algorithm on what he learned from that book.

50 years later the more advanced science declares that the human brain does use algorithms , in effect falsifying the older book.

No deceit from anyone. Just a gradually evolution of scientific knowledge.
Apparently Sherlock Holmes did read the book and based his statement that the human brain does not employ algorithm on what he learned from that book.

50 years later the more advanced science declares that the human brain does use algorithms , in effect falsifying the older book.

No deceit from anyone. Just a gradually evolution of scientific knowledge.


What advanced science ?

What advanced science ?
Contrary to the Biblical scripture Science does not stagnate, it is ever advancing, due to ability for more precise measurements and general understanding of how things work.

A few centuries ago, the earth was flat and evolution was heresy. Since then Science has allowed us to go to the moon and down to nanoscale observation.

You see, there is no practical application of biblical scripture, where all advancing technology rests on the practical application of advancing science.
Contrary to the Biblical scripture Science does not stagnate, it is ever advancing, due to ability for more precise measurements and general understanding of how things work.

A few centuries ago, the earth was flat and evolution was heresy. Since then Science has allowed us to go to the moon and down to nanoscale observation.

You see, there is no practical application of biblical scripture, where all advancing technology rests on the practical application of advancing science.

What are you on about ?

Biblical scripture ? What has this have to do with anything ?