The Religion forum

That's just garbage. People only cared about his religious views, or lack of them, because of his fame as a scientist. That doesn't make him famous for his religious views.
If people are interested in his religious views, then he is famous for his religious views. Period.
I don't post on the religion forum, because as I've said I think it should be canned, but if I did I'd suggest a discussion about famous people other than Einstein, and their religious views. Take Tony Blair, who was partially responsible for killing 100,000 people in an illegal war, and is now a confirmed catholic. I'm sure everyone would like to discuss his contributions to the religious debate.
There is another thing that's annoying me about the religion forum at the moment. There's an extended discussion about what Einstein (and they can't even spell his name correctly) did or did not believe in terms of god. I mean, what's the point?

That discussion arose in the context of the 'atheist's preferred god' thread. Einstein was basically an atheist so his views on the subject do seem to be relevant to the topic.

His fame came from his scientific work not any religion he might have had, so what does it matter?

It's true that Einstein's impressive success as a physicist doesn't mean that he had any special authority when it came to religion. His views on that subject are no more authoritative than anyone else's. But it's also true that Einstein was a very smart and at times rather subtle thinker, so his ideas can be expected to have considerable interest.

It can only be that showing that he had some kind of belief in a god somehow validates their stupid superstitions. The mods should probably delete it as being disrespectful to a great man.

Thinking that Einstein's views about religion might be interesting and perhaps even instructive isn't disrespect. Just the opposite.

It's certainly far less disrespectful than your own attitude towards religion and religious people.
That discussion arose in the context of the 'atheist's preferred god' thread. Einstein was basically an atheist so his views on the subject do seem to be relevant to the topic.

It's true that Einstein's impressive success as a physicist doesn't mean that he had any special authority when it came to religion. His views on that subject are no more authoritative than anyone else's. But it's also true that Einstein was a very smart and at times rather subtle thinker, so his ideas can be expected to have considerable interest.

Thinking that Einstein's views about religion might be interesting and perhaps even instructive isn't disrespect. Just the opposite.

It's certainly far less disrespectful than your own attitude towards religion and religious people.

The point I was making, which you've ignored, is that trying to show that the great man had some kind of belief in god, which he really didn't, seems to be an attempt to validate their own views: great man believes in god, therefore it is correct to do so.

My whole point in this thread is that this is a science forum and not a religion forum; if you want to discuss religion you should go to a suitable forum.

I don't have any respect for religion and religious people, given their attitudes towards women and minorities.
I'm not sure how true that is. Most people have heard of E=MC2 and relativity, even if they don't understand the whole idea. He was only famous for his work, otherwise he would have been as grey as the rest of us.
I suppose it is possible to be famous because one is not understood by most people ...

It concerns me that some people on this science forum are using his name to in some way validate their beliefs.
Not just on this forum, it seems quite common in general to refer to Einstein as some kind of authority on pretty much any big issue.
Bah, that should be called reductio ad Einsteinii.
reports and infractions are useless indicators.
i believe a reported post should be voted on by the mod team.
a person that makes a sham report on another should be reprimanded somehow.
i've been given a shitload of infractions over a certain topic.
i'm positive quite a few of my posts have been reported.
but then again i don't believe in telepathy over 1000s of miles nor do i believe in an intelligence without substance.

To be honest, most "reported" posts do get discussed in depth before any action is taken, unless there is obvious and adequate cause for immediate action (spam, terrorist threats, child pornography, etc)
It's certainly far less disrespectful than your own attitude towards religion and religious people.
i'm thinking he's a paid lobbyest or some sort of shill.
he certainly doesn't want ANY type of religious discussion even though they are relevant and proper.

whether you like it or not, religion does indeed have a historical basis for discussions.
i can only hope syne can deal with you and others like you.
i'm thinking he's a paid lobbyest or some sort of shill.
he certainly doesn't want ANY type of religious discussion even though they are relevant and proper.

whether you like it or not, religion does indeed have a historical basis for discussions.
i can only hope syne can deal with you and others like you.

You're trolling again, which is all you can do. Meaningless insults, that's all. Do it again and I'll have you modded.

I don't want any religious discussions on a science forum: that's what I said at the start, remember. Like, it's a SCIENCE forum, nor a RELIGION forum, get it now?

Why don't you people clear off and find a religion forum where you can discuss your imaginary friends and persecute minorities?
You're trolling again, which is all you can do. Meaningless insults, that's all. Do it again and I'll have you modded.

I don't want any religious discussions on a science forum: that's what I said at the start, remember. Like, it's a SCIENCE forum, nor a RELIGION forum, get it now?

Why don't you people clear off and find a religion forum where you can discuss your imaginary friends and persecute minorities?

Sorcerer, stay thy tongue... do you honestly believe you can "have anyone modded"? For that matter, what power grants you the ability to determine that there should be no religious discussion upon this forum?

It is you, in my belief, that needs to clear off... if you don't like the religious conversation, stay out of the threads involving religion... t'would seem a simple enough concept.
Sorcerer, stay thy tongue... do you honestly believe you can "have anyone modded"? For that matter, what power grants you the ability to determine that there should be no religious discussion upon this forum?

It is you, in my belief, that needs to clear off... if you don't like the religious conversation, stay out of the threads involving religion... t'would seem a simple enough concept.

Yes, I can ask the mods to look at a post and make a judgement about it.
Because it's a science forum and not a religion forum.
I have no intention of clearing off.
This is a thread about the organisation of the site, not a discussion thread about religious dogma or attitudies.
I'll go wherever I want to go.

What are doing here? You have 5,000 posts on a science forum when you don't even accept basic scientific premises. Get lost.
Yes, I can ask the mods to look at a post and make a judgement about it.
Because it's a science forum and not a religion forum.
I have no intention of clearing off.
This is a thread about the organisation of the site, not a discussion thread about religious dogma or attitudies.
I'll go wherever I want to go.

What are doing here? You have 5,000 posts on a science forum when you don't even accept basic scientific premises. Get lost.

And you have 264 posts .... a great majority of them dealing with religion.
Post something about "science" for a change ... we dare you.

And you have 264 posts .... a great majority of them dealing with religion.
Post something about "science" for a change ... we dare you.


Well, to be fair, this thread is about getting rid of religion, not endorsing it, like most of my posts that 'deal' with religion. And I have contributed to many other threads here.

I am having a real problem since I came here expecting a science forum and seeing it dominated by religionists. I take exception to people highjacking science to make their religion appear sensible: look at the thread about Einstein's views on god.

Why don't you look at the point of the thread, and justify having a religious forum here?
Well, to be fair, this thread is about getting rid of religion, not endorsing it, like most of my posts that 'deal' with religion. And I have contributed to many other threads here.

I am having a real problem since I came here expecting a science forum and seeing it dominated by religionists. I take exception to people highjacking science to make their religion appear sensible: look at the thread about Einstein's views on god.

Why don't you look at the point of the thread, and justify having a religious forum here?
I have been looking at it since the topic was first generated.

How does discussing Einstein's views on god in a threaded titled as such in the religion forum constitute a "hijacking of science"?

In short, if you try to "hijack religion" via the authority of science, it kind of follows that religious topics will ensue.
And furthermore, if you *actually* was to exclusively discuss something in science that is bereft of any religious underpinnings, it begs the question why you are not taking advantage of that opportunity.

IOW for someone who doesn't want to discuss religion, you are certainly displaying poor skills of self control.

I have been looking at it since the topic was first generated.

How does discussing Einstein's views on god in a threaded titled as such in the religion forum constitute a "hijacking of science"?

In short, if you try to "hijack religion" via the authority of science, it kind of follows that religious topics will ensue.
And furthermore, if you *actually* was to exclusively discuss something in science that is bereft of any religious underpinnings, it begs the question why you are not taking advantage of that opportunity.

IOW for someone who doesn't want to discuss religion, you are certainly displaying poor skills of self control.


Doesn't show much.

If you don't understand what I've said then study English.

I'm trying to get rid of the religious nonsense on this site, not hijack it.

I have taken advantage, and I will do so when and where I wish to.

I don't discuss religion, except for the damage it does.

And what are you doing here, with 16,000 posts on a science forum and supporting religionists?
Doesn't show much.

If you don't understand what I've said then study English.

I'm trying to get rid of the religious nonsense on this site, not hijack it.

I have taken advantage, and I will do so when and where I wish to.

I don't discuss religion, except for the damage it does.

And what are you doing here, with 16,000 posts on a science forum and supporting religionists?

The more you insist on discussing religious topics, the more will end up discussing religious topics.