Theory of everything

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It seems that as u increase the number of neutrons the whole atom would absorb the space around it more leading to the Incapability of the slow neutron to get near the atom since it's aggressive and want space for itself like I was leading to it getting banned from the atom and also another thing the neutron if shot at very high speed to the 238 it would enter and would give more fission reaction since it would explode more as there is a lack of space if it would enter or not it depends on space really
Now the third question which has a little bit more detail on the second question of I go to learn so that u wouldn't say that u helped me with the theory lol just a question do u accept to help me by giving me information when u ask questions and not ask for a part of the prize? If u don't agree then don't give help lol I have ambitions lol it's funny the stupid kid has ambitions lols if I see unneeded support from ppl then I would split the prize 1/2 for meh and then rest on other three if they increase would give 2/5 for me and the rest on the other 5 that is of course if there was a prize unless of course the Nobel prize committee sees otherwise will decide who is in and who isn't fair deal right?will pick 5 max and will denote their name I will save thier names and the most asking for questions that helped me will get more points no pressure tho iam less educated than u if someone said something I didn't know (made me understand when I asked him) or wouldn't have known about the proposals of the theory then he gets 2 points
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Now the third question which has a little bit more detail on the second question of I go to learn so that u wouldn't say that u helped me with the theory lol just a question do u accept to help me by giving me information when u ask questions and not ask for a part of the prize? If u don't agree then don't give help lol I have ambitions lol it's funny the stupid kid has ambitions lols if I see unneeded support from ppl then I would split the prize 1/2 for meh and then rest on other three if they increase would give 2/5 for me and the rest on the other 5 that is of course if there was a prize unless of course the Nobel prize committee sees otherwise will decide who is in and who isn't fair deal right?will pick 5 max and will denote their name I will save thier names and the most asking for questions that helped me will get more points no pressure tho iam less educated than u if someone said something I didn't know (made me understand when I asked him) or wouldn't have known about the proposals of the theory then he gets 2 points
Also he needs to challenge my knowledge first then if I said that I couldn't have figured it out with my knowledge then he gets 2 points also pls mediocre physicists join coz if too smart I wouldn't understand from stupid physicist to mediocre
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Now the first question how do u know that a neutron won't be absorbed by a proton? As far as I have searched I found that no one was able to see the atoms
No one can see an atom. We can determine the weight of the protons and neutrons and they are never approximately twice the mass that they should be. So even with your flippant answer you are still wrong.
It seems that as u increase the number of neutrons the whole atom would absorb the space around it more leading to the Incapability of the slow neutron to get near the atom since it's aggressive and want space for itself like I was leading to it getting banned from the atom and also another thing the neutron if shot at very high speed to the 238 it would enter and would give more fission reaction since it would explode more as there is a lack of space if it would enter or not it depends on space really
Well, sorry this is just too stupid to continue.
No one can see an atom. We can determine the weight of the protons and neutrons and they are never approximately twice the mass that they should be. So even with your flippant answer you are still wrong.
That is exactly why it would absorb it since one is bigger than the other they would attract each other slowly that's why they fire it slowly or else it would go away when two particles of nearly the same mass are near each other they attract space nearly likely but not much they keep getting close to each other as much as the universe shrinks at the end of it all the skies will shrink (space) and matter will come all together and crest one big blackhole and then everything will collapse even before the mass of stuff would come all together
That is exactly why it would absorb it since one is bigger than the other they would attract each other slowly that's why they fire it slowly or else it would go away when two particles of nearly the same mass are near each other they attract space nearly likely but not much they keep getting close to each other as much as the universe shrinks at the end of it all the skies will shrink (space) and matter will come all together and crest one big blackhole and then everything will collapse even before the mass of stuff would come all together
Oh, the irony of one long, crazy run-on sentence with no punctuation even at the end! Sorry, but that is total garbage. Unlike most of the other crackpots here, I don't even believe that you are serious. The repeated "ask ask ask" posts imply you are just trolling.
One moment I might change what I said iam getting good at making garbage one moment till I complete the garbage
Space is decreasing in volume and! Decreasing it self like in density when this happens objects move to absorb more space like photons do where all particles moves at least around it self
This is supported by the following the explosions of stars and galaxies where they simply move thier particles to absorb as much space as thier space capacity by simply collecting the space
What are the fundamental statuses of matter in space?
1.the matter is standing still while having enough space
2.the matter is standing still while not having enough space
3.the matter is moving while having enough space
4.the matter is moving while not having enough space
Sorry will work solo now no contests or stupid me anymore so be happy :)will-develop it alone now
1.the matter is standing still
so initial velocity is zero it's having enough space so it won't move (what is inertia? It's the attract of space to the body of mass leading to stop of the body of mass)
The energy of it is relative to space since so the energy of space that carries a body of mass is equal to the energy of the body of mass what would make the body of mass have exertion of energy upon it? The momentary absorption of space which can simply noted as force =o since there is no gravitational field even tho there should be we would give it the energy of ma where a =0
2.the matter is standing still while not having enough space this is tricky tho it's just like the first even tho its attracting space more aggressively this kind of attraction is rather funny it attracts from all sides so it's unable to move all forces of pull of space is canceled by each other now the net velocity is 0 so again the force of it moving or work is equal to 0 where ma-ma is zero
3.the matter is moving while having enough space the body of mass has v1 there is an attraction in every second from the space it's in slowing it down but we need to picture the 2 or at least 3 pictures of 3 different spaces where the particle is in the first and for verification we will do 3 in the first pic is the body of mass has rest mass and inertia the added speed v1 then leads the body of mass to transfer to pic no 2 by the means of push or pull which is simply force ma where a has a value which is equal to ummm lets say it's just a the distance moved can be known by first what is the relation of force to distance? It's equal to? Force x velocity?
Where ur force is simply the pull of something or gravity x the mass and x v1 that would give us the distance it would move now the gravitation of stars galaxies and others has been drifting this way it's like the moon walker or something once something is consumed (space) the body of mass searches for another if the space doesn't give sufficient space for body of mass
It's interesting tho that I just read in wiki that an arrow need the air under it to move under it to carry it without speed decreasing which is the same effect talked about here where air is replaced by space and off u go if not agreeing with meh then consider this anything except god needs a place to be in and to be carried this is similar here now the total now the energy which is a frisky term is defined by according to Albert is the comparison by relativity so
Distance in work which is mav1 now since there is no loss in energy since there is only work done then mav1 equals e=mav1
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