UFOs (UAPs): Explanations?

How can one be mistaken by something so big and unusual sitting right in front of you for so long that you can even sketch it?
This thread as been through all that. Alcohol and/or drugs and/or mental illness can make people "see" all sorts of things in great detail just as if they were really there. The bottom line is that you choose to believe he really saw what you wish he had seen.

Never trust an eyewitness account.
This is another case of a ufo sighting so obvious and unmistakeable the guy is either lying or telling the truth. There is no mistake here, and there is no question of insanity. And the large circles left in the grassy field are trace evidence of their hovering. So you have to decide for yourself. Is this completely credible farmer from Saskatchewan Canada telling the truth, or is he a pathological liar? I think the answer is obvious.


"I prefer not to tell people whether or not I believe Fuhr. Part of what makes his story so enjoyable is deciding on that for yourself. The uncertainty is what makes it so intriguing. There is no concrete proof of UFOs landing in that field, just the account of a friendly farmer who did not have a reputation for making up stories.

The lack of hard evidence, but compelling account from a likeable person makes Fuhr’s sighting the quintessential UFO story. UFO enthusiasts want to believe him, and skeptics are incensed that Fuhr still won’t concede what he saw.

I guess that old X-Files slogan applies here too: The truth is out there."

I think the challenge with many of these alleged UFO sightings is the lone witness, out in the middle of nowhere, with evidence that could point to other things. That seems to be the common theme. I think Fuhr’s testimony seems genuine, in describing how he was thinking of leaving, his apparent terror, and the pressed “grass circles.” But, it’s not enough to say that what he witnessed was actually what he said he witnessed.

His story sounds like he saw space alien crafts, and my skepticism with these stories is that if alien life exists, it’s unlikely they are able to visit Earth.
Since everyone carries a smartphone with great image quality these days I'm sure we will get great images and video soon. Magical Realist, Wegs I'm counting on you two to do your part!
I’ll keep you informed! ;)

It’s funny you mention this because I’ve read that people who have witnessed these UAP’s are simply too awe-struck to grab their phones. Okay.

But…have you ever taken a pic of the moon on your phone? One night here recently, the sky was really clear, and the moon was so bright. I took a pic, and it looked like a blurry UFO. I was so disappointed. My point being, iphone pics often times, don’t turn out that great.
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Everyone is looking down at their cellphones, not up in the sky where the ufos are.
I went for a run today and during one of my breaks, I spent some time looking up at all the clouds moving, turning into different shapes. It's always mesmerizing to me, and a reminder of how small we are. No UFO's though, but there's still so much wonder to take in. :smile:
This thread as been through all that. Alcohol and/or drugs and/or mental illness can make people "see" all sorts of things in great detail just as if they were really there. The bottom line is that you choose to believe he really saw what you wish he had seen.

Never trust an eyewitness account.

We trust eyewitness accounts in news stories, history, criminal trials, and everyday interactions. I think never trusting eyewitness accounts is a bit extreme. People rarely experience halllucinations of what is right in front of them for 30 minutes.
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We trust eyewitness accounts in news stories, history, and criminal trials. I think never trusting eyewitness accounts is a bit extreme. People rarely experience halllucinations of what is right in front of them for 30 minutes.
1. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. School shootings on the news aren't exactly extraordinary. Nor are crocodiles on golf greens.

2. Eyewitness accounts in news, history and trials don't tend to connote the existence of things heretofore wholly un-existented, such as alien civilizations. If they did, eyewitness accounts would be deemed insufficient without evidential corroboration.

As always, you are welcome to set the naivete bar as low as you personally wish. I don't see a reason for you to object to the rest of us setting it at a level more in line with objective analysis.
Eyewitness accounts in news, history and trials don't tend to connote the existence of things heretofore wholly un-existented, such as alien civilizations.

Eyewitness accounts definitely include ufos, of which thousands have been witnessed for decades. Going on that, the plausibility that they exist and are seen is quite high.
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I’ll keep you informed! ;)

It’s funny you mention this because I’ve read that people who have witnessed these UAP’s are simply too awe-struck to grab their phones. Okay.

But…have you ever taken a pic of the moon on your phone? One night here recently, the sky was really clear, and the moon was so bright. I took a pic, and it looked like a blurry UFO. I was so disappointed. My point being, iphone pics often times, don’t turn out that great.

How do you Iphone pics generally turn out when you use it during the daytime? :)
How do you Iphone pics generally turn out when you use it during the daytime? :)
I find it strange reading some of the ads for mobile phones

The ads make I big deal about having 5 cameras with auto focus. Not much about the clarity of the speakers

Wonder if the opposite had happened. Buy our latest camera. It comes with a fully working mobile phone

I went for a run today and during one of my breaks, I spent some time looking up at all the clouds moving, turning into different shapes. It's always mesmerizing to me, and a reminder of how small we are. No UFO's though, but there's still so much wonder to take in. :smile:

Therein lies the problem. We are great at pattern recognition. We can distinguish many different faces, we also see faces in clouds and boogiemen in the trees. We tend to make more of this pattern recognition than needed in many cases.

People seem to have a camera when the object is far away and could be an optical artifact and never seem to have a camera when it's a spaceship that they went in or looked into.

To my knowledge, there is not one close-up picture of a "flying saucer" shaped craft. It's rare that such an object is seen close-up by an educated person and even rarer than it appears in a city with a lot of people around.

It's more common that it's a single guy, at night, on a farm in the middle of nowhere. No astronomer has ever seen a UFO, no pictures exist where one would have to say "that's an aircraft that we just can't identify" other than some blurry movement on radar or visually for a few seconds.

The record isn't looking good is it? :)
This is the general result of recording a ufo with a smart phone. The targets are so tiny they could be anything. Mylar balloons? Chinese lanterns? Son of a dick! lol

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How do you Iphone pics generally turn out when you use it during the daytime? :)

Well, actually…when I’ve taken pics of the sun, clouds, the moon at night, fireworks against the night sky…or anything “sky related,” the pics look nothing like the real thing. They’re usually just blah and sometimes blurry. I remember taking pics of the harvest moon last year and it looked like a semi-bright circle with zero detail.

Now, pics of people, animals, trees, the ocean, etc…those pics turn out great, much better detail and not at all blurry. Obviously, I’m closer in proximity to these things than the sun and moon, so capturing detail is easier, but still.

I’m assuming UFO’s will look blah as well in iPhone pics, and maybe mistaken for a blurry moon, so perhaps we shouldn’t dismiss these UAP claims so quickly.

Not really serious. Maybe a little serious.
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Well, actually…when I’ve taken pics of the sun, clouds, the moon at night, fireworks against the night sky…or anything “sky related,” the pics look nothing like the real thing. They’re usually just blah and sometimes blurry. I remember taking pics of the harvest moon last year and it looked like a semi-bright circle with zero detail.

Now, pics of people, animals, trees, the ocean, etc…those pics turn out great, much better detail and not at all blurry. Obviously, I’m closer in proximity to these things than the sun and moon, so capturing detail is easier, but still.

I’m assuming UFO’s will look blah as well in iPhone pics, and maybe mistaken for a blurry moon, so perhaps we shouldn’t dismiss these UAP claims so quickly.

Not really serious. Maybe a little serious.
The things is, there is no reason for UFO's to only appear at night so when a farmer sees a UFO in his field in the daytime, that should result in a great picture, should it not?

We're never going to put the UFO issue to rest as long at blurry blobs at night are all we get but why should all we get be blurry blobs at night if there are really UFOs?
The things is, there is no reason for UFO's to only appear at night so when a farmer sees a UFO in his field in the daytime, that should result in a great picture, should it not?

We're never going to put the UFO issue to rest as long at blurry blobs at night are all we get but why should all we get be blurry blobs at night if there are really UFOs?

The tic tac video while poor quality, is probably the most convincing UAP sighting out there, in my opinion. (Convincing in terms of it currently having no explanation, not that it’s other worldly.)