Unable to start new threads

Original: The difference of the past, present and future
Modification 1: The difference of the past, present and future (Previously blocked by error 500) -> Fail
Modification 2: The difference of the past and future (Previously blocked by error 500) -> Fail

Result: Internal server error: web page cannot be displayed
error 500
Original: The difference of the past, present and future
Modification 1: The difference of the past, present and future (Previously blocked by error 500) -> Fail
Modification 2: The difference of the past and future (Previously blocked by error 500) -> Fail

Result: Internal server error: web page cannot be displayed
error 500

I've sometimes had to modify 3 or more times to get it to take. That's why I said to make a note inside your post and include your original title. By the time you get it to take, the new title might not be close to what you hoped for. Generally the shorter the title the better chance it will work the first time (just my guess).

Also, some sub-forums seem to be more prone to the problem than others, but again maybe it just seems that way to me because I use Free Thinking the most.
I've finally able to post it

Using your advice, I reduced the title to t=S (i.e. time=entropy)
I also include an N.B. to show the original title

N.B. The thread is related to the pseudoscientific thread "timelines: twisted"
Both are an attempt to ask about insights and nature of time (especially the arrow of time)
Last edited:
Start the thread with the modified title, then immediately edit it with the title you originally wanted. I know this works because I've done it myself.
Mod Note — Morning Hack

Mod Note — Interim suggestions

Rav said:

Start the thread with the modified title, then immediately edit it with the title you originally wanted. I know this works because I've done it myself.

If you can make that work, more power to you. I've actually never known it to work that way, but maybe it happens inside what I call, for the sake of being mysterious and silly, the "magic window". Sounds better than "magic period". Bloody rainbows and unicorns ... and besides, there are times I can't even change my nifty red briefs—er, I mean, the thread title using my super mod powers.

Er, right. Never mind.

Anyway, I don't have anything useful like a status report, but thought it worth reminding members that it is to your benefit if you compose your messages in a separate application, such as a text editor. Like Notepad or Word Pad for Windows users. Apple users do have their Text Editor (isn't that a creative name), and yes, for that and Notepad you do need to specifically select word wrap.

I mean, you can use a word processor if you want; it just seems like overkill.

Okay, I'll spell it out because I know somebody will eventually ask: Because you're human. Because it's a computer. Because sometimes shit gums up and then you're left without a post. It's 2011, and we still know the collective groan of a system error that erases your paper, post, or porno.

I ... uh ... damn.

And no, I can't help you poor bastards stuck doing this by phone. I've posted from my BlackBerry before, and it's awful. I haven't any good recommendations.

Lastly, everyone needs to come to grips with the fact that bad comedy exists so that people can know it's comedy.

(What? You see how I did that? I put one suggestion, that might be useful to the one clown left on the planet who hasn't figured it out, right, and tacked it up between a bunch of really awful jokes because I'm middle aged and lonely, and looking for something to do before going to the gym this morning because I'm insecure about my manhood as I contemplate the fact of actually starting an exercise regimen to maintain my appearance of vitality, and if you say anything about my mother, I'll ... I'll ... I'll .... Oh, for .... Really? Did I just say that out loud?)
Anyway, I don't have anything useful like a status report, but thought it worth reminding members that it is to your benefit if you compose your messages in a separate application, such as a text editor. Like Notepad or Word Pad for Windows users. Apple users do have their Text Editor (isn't that a creative name), and yes, for that and Notepad you do need to specifically select word wrap.

I mean, you can use a word processor if you want; it just seems like overkill.

Download Openoffice 3.3 for free. When you select the word processor and open a window just leave it on the bar when not using it. It works great, it's free and it does spell check for those of us who are challenged in that area.

If you have an old system that is short on resources, I'm sorry about that.
You may not be the only person having this problem.

Could anybody who is getting an error message when you try to start a new thread please post the details here?

Tell us what error message you get (if any), what happens etc. Also, please include what operating system and browser you are using.

Sometimes when I try to make a new thread and submit I get the following:
1) A blank screen. With Firefox 3.* and 4, Chrome (latest version), WinXP & Win7.
2) php500 error with IE (latest version).
Original title: Will it work
Fail (Error 500)
New title: a

Someone please fix the server
(Insert title here)

Secret said:

Original title: Will it work

I am unable to correct the title for you, simply hitting the blank screen hangup.
Bowser, that's what happens for me. I find that the thread won't preview if I make the title more than about 15 characters long, regardless of what the post content is. It's been going on for a few weeks now.