Valued Senior Member
I am a 72 year old semi retired builder trying to find answers to what is happening to me...
at the risk of sounding a little insensitive, which i do not.
after a long and productive career building, you would have spent a great deal of time outdoors.
this outdoor exposure does stuff to your eyes.
depending on your diet and if you wore proper sunglasses and protective glasses this would be minimized.
however, given your age, it was not the done thing in those days to look after yourself in modern concepts of safe work practice.
i hope your eyes are ok
i expect you go to have regular exams etc ... ?
given your age i gather your skills on video editing are not as polished as the average YouTube blogger with an editing suite for video at your disposal.
thus editing and adding videos from cel phones is not an easy task.
i am not up with such software programs but there may be some free ones that might give you better easier editing and video production.
see if you can find the raw video
upload that raw video to your you-tube page, then drop the link in here.
preferably loss-less and on maximum detail possible without any rendering to large aspect ratios
preferably same aspect ratio if possible.
it can get very tricky and easy to get lost in one part of the video production and conversion etc.
try and keep it as simple as possible.
this seems a little out there