We are in danger


Registered Senior Member
as most you already know, the antics of the "president" and other frivolous subjects of the pop culture are not really important compared to the threat of world ending asteroid impact or nuclear strike from a unhinged leader of a rogue nation, possibly cause by the aforemented "president", therefore I suggest that someone with the technical know how put up a YouTube video demonstrating how to build device which focuses reflected sunlight anywhere in the sky. Make it be able to link up and sync with other devices like it.
If people start to build these on the world wide scale we could, harness the vast unused energies of the sun and creat a planetary death ray array. We could use it for obvious things like burning off missiles fired by rogue nations, but it could also be used for other things like burning a picture on the moon or possibly weather control. Every act of the array has to be approved by each indivual device and if we could really be fun and bring the world closer together. What do you guys think?
as most you already know, the antics of the "president" and other frivolous subjects of the pop culture are not really important compared to the threat of world ending asteroid impact
A crazy president is a far, far more imminent threat - by many orders of magnitude - than an asteroid.

If people start to build these on the world wide scale we could, harness the vast unused energies of the sun and creat a planetary death ray array. We could use it for obvious things like burning off missiles fired by rogue nations, but it could also be used for other things like burning a picture on the moon or possibly weather control. Every act of the array has to be approved by each indivual device and if we could really be fun and bring the world closer together. What do you guys think?
I think you've described a weapon that would be a far, far more imminent danger to life on the planet than all the other threats put together. Crazy presidents and rogue asteroids would pale in comparison to the threat of this weapon.

So, your suggestion on how to make things better is actually a suggestion on how to make things much, much worse.
Why would it be dangerous? Everyone would have to agree on how it's used, and and each individual device is not powerful by itself
Everyone would have to agree on how it's used
Yes. Because that is working so well with our current weaponry.

I'm sure Japan gave a big ol' thumbs up to dropping an atom bomb on their cities when America asked them if it was all right.

Just like America gave a thumbs up before N.Korea fired a missile at America.
as most you already know, the antics of the "president" and other frivolous subjects of the pop culture are not really important compared to the threat of world ending asteroid impact or nuclear strike from a unhinged leader of a rogue nation, possibly cause by the aforemented "president", therefore I suggest that someone with the technical know how put up a YouTube video demonstrating how to build device which focuses reflected sunlight anywhere in the sky. Make it be able to link up and sync with other devices like it.
If people start to build these on the world wide scale we could, harness the vast unused energies of the sun and creat a planetary death ray array. We could use it for obvious things like burning off missiles fired by rogue nations, but it could also be used for other things like burning a picture on the moon or possibly weather control. Every act of the array has to be approved by each indivual device and if we could really be fun and bring the world closer together. What do you guys think?
You do know that the Archimedes Mirror is a joke, right?
How can this device be misused? It can't be
Blinding pilots.
Shooting down planes.
Shooting down satellites.
Shooting it at orbiting mirrors that can deflect it to shoot at cities.
Re-engineering it so it can shoot at the ground.

And those are just a few off the top of my head.
Why would people who build these kinds of devices agree to do that sort of thing? They won't these people will be educated engineers
Lol that's your retort? Yeah weapons have been made of thing intended for better things bleh bleh. History doesn't repeat it rhymes and it just keeps getting better.
Why would people who build these kinds of devices agree to do that sort of thing?
That's one of the questions people were trying to answer after WWII.

There never was an answer to it regarding Auschwitz's ovens. The best answer I ran across regarding Nagasaki was from Richard Feynman: "We just didn't think, Ok?"
That's one of the questions people were trying to answer after WWII.

There never was an answer to it regarding Auschwitz's ovens. The best answer I ran across regarding Nagasaki was from Richard Feynman: "We just didn't think, Ok?"

Yeah and we learned from that duh! I believe in the humanity! We can do this