What evidence would work?

No, you haven't.
please show how i have not-- simple.
There are no goverment reports, so far as I can see,
exactly, the element being "you(as in yourself)."
in the Google link you posted. All there is is a handful of second hand claims, by doubtful media outlets,
i have already address that. :) (shrugs)
of what some government employees seem to be alleged to have said.
so why would it not be evidence?
That is quite different and no good as far as I'm concerned.
yes, exactly: " that is not evidence because i say it is not "-- comical.
I'm not reading shit just to make you happy.
i have clearly stated that, it was for you to have a clue of what you are spewing about since you have clearly claimed that you are unaware of all this. :) (shrugs)
If you are serious you will do better than this.
i could of sworn that i made a clear comment that i am. :) (shrugs)
If not, I'm out of this discussion with you.
perfect.. this topic does not need the pathetic shenanigans of the argumentative-ers. be honest, this is the only reason why you stepped in this conversation-- which is made obvious by your own admissions.
Yes. Why?
uh-huh-- simply because you have claimed that government documents are fake. which you have shown me that you are clueless, simply from your previous post, hence, "(i already know the answer. :) )."
again, the whole argument is simply: " if the public is unsure of the reality, then the reality must not exist," and "that is not evidence because i say it is not. " :) (shakes head)

secluded, anthropocentric thinking and nothing more.. :) (shakes head)
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again, the whole argument is simply: " if the public is unsure of the reality, then the reality must not exist." :) (shakes head)
That isn't nor has it ever been the position of the skeptics here. What we are interested in is what can be proven. It should neither be shocking nor disappointing for you to hear that people require proof (quality evidence) before believing things. You may be who you say you are and if so, it is too bad, but since you are unable to provide quality evidence to back your claims, there is no reason for us to believe them.
uh-huh-- simply because you have claimed that government documents are fake.
No. I said that I tend to disregard outlandish claims unless they have some backing other than an illegible photocopy of a vaguely related government document.

It looks like you have trouble reading what is written, and prefer to substitute what is in your imagination for what is on the screen in front of you. No wonder you believe in UFO's. (Shakes head.) If that's how you want to live, that's your choice. (Shrugs.)
That isn't nor has it ever been the position of the skeptics here. What we are interested in is what can be proven.
to whom though-- what is the deciding element? and also how has any of this NOT HAVE BEEN PROVEN ?
It should neither be shocking nor disappointing for you to hear that people require proof (quality evidence) before believing things.
it is not shocking at all-- what is shocking is that everyone is saying that there is no proof/evidence, when in fact there is an abundance of-- and also the ones whom are saying that there is no proof are simply insignificant public individuals, as they puff there chest out with confidence-- which is odd since they have no access to such things nor the experience.
You may be who you say you are and if so, it is too bad
your opinion is just fine, but i have no clue as to why this would be " it is too bad"-- :) (shakes head)
but since you are unable to provide quality evidence to back your claims,
for the umpteenth time now-- according to whom though?
there is no reason for us to believe them.
what would be the significance if you did ? :) (shrugs)
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No. I said that I tend to disregard outlandish claims unless they have some backing other than an illegible photocopy of a vaguely related government document. [...] It looks like you have trouble reading what is written, and prefer to substitute what is in your imagination for what is on the screen in front of you.
quit initiating your pathetic shenanigans, it is massively obvious that you are claiming that they are fake.
and prefer to substitute what is in your imagination for what is on the screen in front of you.
ahh, we now have entered hypocrisy.
No wonder you believe in UFO's. (Shakes head.) If that's how you want to live, that's your choice. (Shrugs.)
except i have stated that i am briefed on such things in order to continue with my career :) (shrugs)
again, the whole argument is simply: " if the public is unsure of the reality, then the reality must not exist," and "that is not evidence because i say it is not. " :) (shakes head)

secluded, anthropocentric thinking and nothing more.. :) (shakes head)
pad, bells--- regarding your injuries--has karma crossed your minds?
Not at all, speaking for myself...Purely an accident and me not paying sufficient attention to where I'm walking.
You actually remind me of a religious nut I know, who often suggests similar as God's punishment. :rolleyes:
er Evidence for what?
if you are going to step in this conversation, at least understand the conversation-- or better yet, cease the pathetic shenanigans and actually initiate an actual discussion if you truly are interested in the topic.
if you are going to step in this conversation, at least understand the conversation-- or better yet, cease the pathetic shenanigans and actually initiate an actual discussion if you truly are interested in the topic.

Very few are Krash661 ; very few are . Interested in this topic . Krash .

They read little or nothing at all . They have no idea and quite frankly ; it challenges their understanding of this Universe . Because we are in this bubble of Earth . Which gives a myopic perspective of this Universe .

But some of us know better .
if you are going to step in this conversation, at least understand the conversation-- or better yet, cease the pathetic shenanigans and actually initiate an actual discussion if you truly are interested in the topic.

The only evidence that works ; is from the fifties and early sixtes.
The thing is pad there is conclusive evidence that ETL has visited Earth ; ancient history.

So, I asked.
please show how i have not-- simple.

exactly, the element being "you(as in yourself)."

i have already address that. :) (shrugs)

so why would it not be evidence?

yes, exactly: " that is not evidence because i say it is not "-- comical.

i have clearly stated that, it was for you to have a clue of what you are spewing about since you have clearly claimed that you are unaware of all this. :) (shrugs)

i could of sworn that i made a clear comment that i am. :) (shrugs)

perfect.. this topic does not need the pathetic shenanigans of the argumentative-ers. be honest, this is the only reason why you stepped in this conversation-- which is made obvious by your own admissions.
Very few are Krash661 ; very few are . Interested in this topic . Krash .

They read little or nothing at all . They have no idea and quite frankly ; it challenges their understanding of this Universe . Because we are in this bubble of Earth . Which gives a myopic perspective of this Universe .

But some of us know better .
you would think they would be energized by the challenge, but a lot of them take the ego deflation very hard when they find out not only how much they do not know, but how much they are not capable of understanding.