What evidence would work?

you two are simply bandwagon-ing, and seriously do not have any argument nor a clue.

explain this, why does reality care what 5-7 insignificant individuals on an insignificant site claims ?
Agreed, what lay people say or think and promote on forums such as this, is just pissing in the wind...that of course includes yourself.

The official reputable professional feelings are as I say: Extraordinary claims requires extraordinary evidence, and as of this date. we have no conclusive evidence, that the Earth has ever been visited, nor any direct evidence that life even exists elsewhere at any level
that of course includes yourself.
LIM-- according to whom?-- the pathetic piss-ant that has a female teenager mentality, that typed that?--comical.
The official reputable professional feelings are
and yet, none so far has even established whom or what this would be, as they side-step it with some kind of manipulation spin.
which no one even cares to hear let alone of what you say. :) (shrugs)
Extraordinary claims requires extraordinary evidence,
which, simply, you have not established why this would be an extraordinary claim, while side-stepping my question of this.
and as of this date. we have no conclusive evidence, that the Earth has ever been visited, nor any direct evidence that life even exists elsewhere at any level
for the endlessly time now(since none can even establish this), according to whom?-- whom or what is the deciding element of?--you?--the 5-7 individuals on this site(with their personal belief only and nothing more)?-- the public as a whole?-- again, whom or what is the deciding elements?
again, we are right back to my statement of: " if the public is unsure of the reality, then the reality must not exist," and "that is not evidence because I(insignificant individuals of the public only) say it is not. "whom or what is/are the deciding element?"
LIM-- according to whom?-- the pathetic piss-ant that has a female teenager mentality, that typed that?--comical.
According to everyone that frequents this forum and have seen you in action.
:) Speaking of piss ant female mentality, you absolutely take the cake! ;)

and yet, none so far has even established whom or what this would be, as they side-step it with some kind of manipulation spin.
Of course they have: It's just something you with your agenda, refuse to accept.
which no one even cares to hear let alone of what you say. :) (shrugs)
which, simply, you have not established why this would be an extraordinary claim, while side-stepping my question of this.
No side stepping: All your questions have been answered, again, the answers just don't align with your fanatical preconceived mind set.
for the endlessly time now(since none can even establish this), according to whom?-- whom or what is the deciding element of?--you?--the 5-7 individuals on this site(with their personal belief only and nothing more)?-- the public as a whole?-- again, whom or what is the deciding elements?

According to most all scientists, according to the general public that takes the time to think about the subject, according to the vast majority in other words.
According to the scientific method, which establishes that any extraordinary claim, requires extraordinary evidence: Certainly not for the reasons and false claims that you and MR like to try and force upon people.
And of course that is evident by this subject being in the fringes.
People on face value are obviously fascinated by all these claims, UFO's, Alien kidnappings, ghosts, goblins, the paranormal in general......But in near all cases, it is no more than a passing fad and quickly forgotten about when they realise that what was seen, could easily have been explained by any number of other events including atmospheric disturbances and phenomena, illusions, mirages, over active imaginations, dreams, trickery, light playing tricks in a dusty atmosphere, etc etc etc etc the list is endless.
As of this date. we have no conclusive evidence, that the Earth has ever been visited, nor any direct evidence that life even exists elsewhere at any level.
If the public considers the evidence to be untrustworthy, then the public is justified in being skeptical of the claim.
according to whom though ?
To the US Government.

If you do have a clearance, ask the person who administers clearances for your organization if you should be posting on Internet forums about it. (This is something that is covered when you get your clearance - if you ever got one at all, that is.)
so in other words " US(whomever the ffuck they are :) (shrugs) ) " is the deciding element for humanity as a whole(whether they are actually correct or not?)?
No, not in other words. I said no such thing.

You are aware as well as I that no one speaks for "humanity as a whole". So why even say that, except to inflame?

There is no consequence to being on the "right" or "wrong" side of the issue (of whether the evidence is compelling), so there is no "deciding element" to be concerned with.
Those who wiish to believe, believe.
Those who are skeptical, are skeptical.
And those who wish to have their beliefs validated on a public forum full of critical thinkers had better have solid arguments to defend their beliefs or they'll be soundly trounced.

Why are you looking to make it more than that?

:tongue: lol :tongue: carry on :tongue: comical :tongue: shrugs :tongue:
Pro tip: if you want to say something in every single post you write, consider putting it in your sig. That's what it's designed for.
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According to everyone that frequents this forum and have seen you in action.
:) Speaking of piss ant female mentality, you absolutely take the cake! ;)

Of course they have: It's just something you with your agenda, refuse to accept.

No side stepping: All your questions have been answered, again, the answers just don't align with your fanatical preconceived mind set.

According to most all scientists, according to the general public that takes the time to think about the subject, according to the vast majority in other words.
According to the scientific method, which establishes that any extraordinary claim, requires extraordinary evidence: Certainly not for the reasons and false claims that you and MR like to try and force upon people.
And of course that is evident by this subject being in the fringes.
People on face value are obviously fascinated by all these claims, UFO's, Alien kidnappings, ghosts, goblins, the paranormal in general......But in near all cases, it is no more than a passing fad and quickly forgotten about when they realise that what was seen, could easily have been explained by any number of other events including atmospheric disturbances and phenomena, illusions, mirages, over active imaginations, dreams, trickery, light playing tricks in a dusty atmosphere, etc etc etc etc the list is endless.
As of this date. we have no conclusive evidence, that the Earth has ever been visited, nor any direct evidence that life even exists elsewhere at any level.
so in other words--which is exactly what I have been saying-- is that " if the public is unsure of the reality, then the reality must not exist," and "that is not evidence because I(insignificant individuals of the public only) say it is not. and you still not have determined why it is an extraordinary claim(science clearly shows that any EBE life can exist and it can visit earth through their AVs(alien vehicles))--actually you have said nothing except the same thing i have been continuing to challenge.
" According to everyone that frequents this forum and have seen you in action.
:) Speaking of piss ant female mentality, you absolutely take the cake! "-- explain why they and this is actually significant.
" Of course they have: It's just something you with your agenda, refuse to accept."-- actually no, this is simply just another manipulation spin. :) (shrugs)
If the public considers the evidence to be untrustworthy, then the public is justified in being skeptical of the claim.
so, if the public is unsure of the reality, then the reality must not exist?
To the US Government.
ahh, i see-- well then, lets explain why you believe them on this matter and not others. and also what about other world governments whom claim that they do exist and have visited, what about them?
If you do have a clearance, ask the person who administers clearances for your organization if you should be posting on Internet forums about it. (This is something that is covered when you get your clearance - if you ever got one at all, that is.)
how do you know that my superior and colleagues are not here with me at times reading this?
and also i already know that you do not have any sort of a clue of clearance, so your empty words about it are simply insignificant.
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It seems that intellect and knowledge is not required on this thread other than , me , krash and a few others.

Evidence is there .
A content-free assertion.

It seems that putting one's money where one's mouth is is not required in this thread.

Now, are we almost done with the posts that contain nothing but meta-argument?
Because if there's nothing left to say about the topic, we should close it.
No, not in other words. I said no such thing.

You are aware as well as I that no one speaks for "humanity as a whole". So why even say that, except to inflame?
no i just ,simply, want to know whom or what decides that evidence is true or not for humanity and reality as a whole-- simple correct?
There is no consequence to being on the "right" or "wrong" side of the issue (of whether the evidence is compelling), so there is no "deciding element" to be concerned with.
so you accept inaccurate evidence as reality then?
Those who wiish to believe, believe.
Those who are skeptical, are skeptical.
that is fine.
And those who wish to have their beliefs validated on a public forum full of critical thinkers had better have solid arguments to defend their beliefs or they'll be soundly trounced.
whom cares, society does not. what are the significance of individuals on this forum believing or not?-- this still does not validate their empty claims that evidence is not conclusive and that such things are extraordinary-- which are answers that i am still waiting for.
Why are you looking to make it more than that?
why were they picking on MR and now why are they flaw-ly attempting to pick on me, by any means necessary, as pathetic as it is.
Pro tip: if you want to say something in every single post you write, consider putting it in your sig. That's what it's designed for.
i guess you cannot comprehend my " sig"
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