What is Death?

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Well I’m not sure you have captured my intention, but yes you are correct in a somewhat obscure manner.

Human death is the irretrievable loss of a cohesive organized biological matrix that held the cognitive essence of a sentient entity. Or in other words the maximization of entropy for a given individual.

Death could be seen as the transition from an organized state to a disorganized state with no hope of a return path.

I in no way implied that the transition is from an organized state to another but different organized state. Death involves a massive loss.

Death IS a Natural fact which belongs with life. It is ridiculous how humans now-a-days keep other humans alive as long as possible. When your time has come, let it be so. The inventions and technology to keep humans alive as long as possible is resulting in a crowded population of humans all over the world. You really think that is the purpose of human live? And I am talking humans here, no other life-forms, for they are not relevant in this picture. Humans are the only beings on Earth who do these kind of silly things.

Keep the human race alive at any cost.:confused: It is ridiculous. All the artificial garbage they invent. Just because they are afraid of death. I disagree totally with this science. They invent and invent. Don't humans have something better to do in life? Take care for the humans who dy of starvation for instance? With all the inventions they do, there is never taken care of the humans who really need some of these inventions.

What a rotten species the human race is...:(

Death IS a Natural fact which belongs with life.

It is ridiculous how humans now-a-days keep other humans alive as long as possible.
Before modern medical science, or rather let’s say 1000 years ago, you would be very lucky to reach the age of 30. The rich might make it. But remember there was no knowledge of bacteria and hygiene, so your life would have been miserable. Spots, boils, skin rashes, ticks, fleas, frequent vomiting and diarrhea, were all common parts of every day life. It was extremely rare to die of old age. Heart attacks virtually never occurred. Small pox (the pox) was one of the greatest killers, but simple flu, pneumonia, tuberculosis, polio, etc., etc, etc., were rife and killed billions.

Science has given you a quality of life that you now take for granted, and you dare to criticize it, are you mad?

When your time has come, let it be so.
Define ‘when your time has come’? Who decides? Why are you so fatalist? Do you not have a zest for life that makes you want to achieve and experience as much as you can? Why would any rational person welcome and accept death rather than fight for survival? I don’t understand you.

The inventions and technology to keep humans alive as long as possible is resulting in a crowded population of humans all over the world.
But the solution isn’t to kill them off or let them die. We have a vast universe around us, let’s find ways to leave this puny little planet and find more space for ourselves.

You really think that is the purpose of human live? And I am talking humans here, no other life-forms, for they are not relevant in this picture. Humans are the only beings on Earth who do these kind of silly things.
Life is the most precious and valuable thing we can possibly have. The alternative is non-existence and I have no intention of ever letting that happen if there is even the slightest hope that I can prevent it. Life is all we have and to simply give up and let it go is, to my mind, totally unacceptable.

Keep the human race alive at any cost. It is ridiculous. All the artificial garbage they invent. Just because they are afraid of death. I disagree totally with this science.
Why oh why do you want to die?

What a rotten species the human race is...
We are the most advanced species on the planet. We have achieved a quality of life for ourselves way beyond the abilities of any other living thing. And we are only just beginning to fathom the DNA codes and the structure of biological life. We have in our hands the solutions to achieving unlimited lifespans, and fabulous ever changing and advancing technologies that are going to make life more fun and enjoyable beyond imagination.

Don’t be frightened of change or progress, join in and make it happen, and embrace life and everything that it has to offer. The alternative is your permanent non-existence, and you can’t show me anything that shows that that isn’t true.

Actually you sound kinda depressed, hope you are OK.

Best wishes
They invent and invent. Don't humans have something better to do in life?

What do you suggest Banshee? Sit at the computer and whinge about it? Why not give up that 'artificial garbage' that 'they' have come up with, and go seek your light beams or whatever.
My aren't we all getting a little tetchy over a little thing like death.
I thought the whole point of this site was to put across our point of view for rational analysis, not to see who's queen bitch.

Anyhow, That's me !! :cool:

I think a million different people on the subject of death will give a million diferent answers. And we don't all have to agree. So Maybe we should try not to sprinkle so much piss on each others bonfire. Waddayasay?:D

Live long, never die and remember... If at first you don't succeed - bungee jumping may not be for you!

Because we are all Energy, beamed into our human body, straight from the Cosmos, that is where you go back and from where you return.

How do you rationalize with that, BBCBoy?

Maybe it's about acceptance.
Maybe it's about interpretation. The big bang. The cosmos.
We are all star stuff. And while there are facts we can see about the functions of the body and the way it ceases to be. No-one ever came back after being dead long enough to explain with any proof exactly what does happen. So we can't with any certainty say what happens to us.

Our bodies are a different matter, we can see that death makes us decompose and that's it.

Our essence, our individuality and what happens to it at the moment of death cannot be explained or with any certainty be simply ruled to cease along with our mortal coil.
So for some we change into another form through reincarnation.
For others we simply go to heaven or hell whichever is the most suitable and for some we return to the cosmos as a strand of individual energy.
Whatever belief system exists in that individual could be the truth or complete pants. This doesn't give you or anyone else the right to dismiss it so freely when you have no proof of an alternative.

Is that rational enough for ya?
Whatever belief system exists in that individual could be the truth or complete pants. This doesn't give you or anyone else the right to dismiss it so freely when you have no proof of an alternative.

Errr. Where did I dismiss anything bbcboy?

I refer you to your last post. Which seemed pretty dismissive to me. I could be wrong and indeed am happy to be if that is the case. It just seemed that your replies to Banshee were a little aggressive and more to the point, quite rude.

I'm sure as a mediator she can look after herself and needs no defending by me. You did ask me the question and so I answered it. Thing is with writing you can't hear any inflection so if your previous words were meant in a way other than my understanding accept my apologies. All I would ask is you make better use of the explanatory tools available to reduce any risk of the same mistake.

If on the other hand my interpretation was correct then I stand by my response. A little objectivity goes a long way.

bbcboy, you wrote:
I thought the whole point of this site was to put across our point of view for rational analysis

then you went on to say, after I had asked you to try to rationalize banshee's point of view:

Whatever belief system exists in that individual could be the truth or complete pants.

Which seems to negate the idea for rational analysis of anything anybody says.

Anyway. My point to Banshee is why he/she feels so negative towards the human race. I wonder how Banshee feels the human race would have gotten on without invention, and without the 'artificial garbage' we are so intent on creating.

If the point of this site is for everybody to give their opinion without those opinions being questioned, I think I must be in the wrong forum.

I certainly was not trying to 'piss on anyobody's bonfire'. If my posts appeared a little tetchy I apologise, but believe it or not, I feel quite offended when the whole human race is tarred with the same brush and called 'a rotten species'.

:D I'm all smiles this time!
My two quotes in your last post could be construed as contradicory I conceed. The point here is all encompassing. The context in which things are said cannot be truly displayed in this format. What we would really need to do is get together in the same room. Have eye contact, and probably something illegal to help us along. :cool:

I do have to question your motives on one point. You say that you feel uncertain as to Banshee's take on the world. That's fine you have every right to question what's said otherwise we wouldn't say it here. What you did was openly and seemingly prejudicially belittle the opinions and /or beliefs of a fellow user. This speaks volumes about your opinion of others whom you know little about and it seems you feel that amount of knowledge is sufficient to allow you freedom to make that judgement. Right back at ya what's your problem with the human race, that you can be so judgemental. :confused:

All that said (Because I can go on and on ask anyone with the stamina to love me!!) You seem to have a very strong personality. I like that :D let's be friends, no enemies, no friends, no enemies no.....


C Ya :D :D :D

bbcboy, you wrote:

I thought the whole point of this site was to put across our point of view for rational analysis

then you went on to say, after I had asked you to try to rationalize banshee's point of view:

Whatever belief system exists in that individual could be the truth or complete pants.

The purpose of the Forums is to rationalize ideas and thoughts.

That can only happen when those ideas and thoughts are not summarily dismissed or ridiculed.

And even if those thoughts or ideas are by popular discussion and concensus declared generally invalid;
People are entitled to beliefs.

You can disagree, but you don't need to attack. :)

let's be friends, no enemies, no friends, no enemies no.....




That's part of what this whole forums thing is about, surely!

On the point of us coming from and returning to the cosmos:

The universe began and all matter was scattered.
The first stars formed.
Before any of the stars that actually exist at the momet in the universe were here, those first stars went novae and supernovae.
The matter from those stars became the matter from which stella systems are made up.
This means that all of the matter on earth came from the same source.

We are all stardust.

Physically at least, every part of what you are, was a part of a stellar body.

You, we, us, everyone will die.

In billions of years, the sun will go nova.

We will become part of the next generation of stars.

Back to where we came from.

Thou art dust and to dust thou will return.

It's fair to say that we are all stars!! :)
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Cris ...

Re. "Science has given you a quality of life that you now take for granted ... "

Sorry, but it was the engineers and architects that gave us the 'quality
of life' that we now take for granted. Without the improvements in sani-
tation as early as 400 BC, 'science' (ex. Pasteur, 1822/95) might still
be down the road a ways.

Take care ;)
bbcboy ...

Re. "If at first you don't succeed - bungee jumping may not be for you!"

Definitely not skydiving!

Take care ;)
Re: Cris ...

Originally posted by Chagur
Re. "Science has given you a quality of life that you now take for granted ... "

Sorry, but it was the engineers and architects that gave us the 'quality
of life' that we now take for granted. Without the improvements in sani-
tation as early as 400 BC, 'science' (ex. Pasteur, 1822/95) might still
be down the road a ways.

Take care ;)

I bet you anything you like that those early architects and engineers did a lot of experiments before thay got something to work correctly. It may not have been the formal science of today but the process of trial and error and logical reason was basically the same then as it is now.

You may not recognize it as such but any process that builds on existing or discovers new knowledge is science.

Well you could call Death an "Absolute", as there is absolutely nothing more you can do once you've achieved it.
(*Watches everyone in a blind state of panic trying to achieve things before time forces it's own goal*)

From another perspective a person I know mentioned you about 1 second away from a parallel world, you could possible transfer to a parallel through some mantra.(waking up from a slumber after you survive an incident. etc)

Death shouldn't be feared, but not fearing it is scarier than death. (Due to the fact that you lose your natural insight into being concerned)
Cris ...

Re. "You may not recognize it as such but any process that builds
on existing or discovers new knowledge is science.

Goody! Just Science and Religion! Sure simplifies everything.

Ahh ... Just don't mention it to the mathematicians. Okay?

Thanx :D

Take care ;)
Re: Cris ...

Originally posted by Chagur
Re. "You may not recognize it as such but any process that builds
on existing or discovers new knowledge is science.

Goody! Just Science and Religion! Sure simplifies everything.

Ahh ... Just don't mention it to the mathematicians. Okay?

Thanx :D

Take care ;)

You think maybe my assertion was a little too broad huh? :D

Mathematicians? They don't count. Math is an entirely different universe, and largely beyond the comprehension of mere mortals.

I guess I can usually count on you for pulling me up when perhaps I go too far. My statement needs re-phrasing to express what I meant but I've run out of energy for today.
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