Why is it selfish to not want children?

I seem to get this charge levelled at me a lot.


What is selfish about not wanting to reproduce?

I can see why being focused more on your own life and career to take care of it could be seen as selfish, but, why is not wanting one in the first place selfish?

I don't believe I owe the world a little Visceral Instinct. There are enough humans destroying the place as it is.
That sort of thinking implicitly assumes that someone having children is a benefit to the world/society, and that a person who decides not to have children is thus depriving everyone else of that supposed benefit. I suspect most people would have a very hard time actually supporting that proposition if pressed.
That sort of thinking implicitly assumes that someone having children is a benefit to the world/society, and that a person who decides not to have children is thus depriving everyone else of that supposed benefit. I suspect most people would have a very hard time actually supporting that proposition if pressed.


This is generally speaking true:
That sort of thinking implicitly assumes that someone having children is a benefit to the world/society, and that a person who decides not to have children is thus depriving everyone else of that supposed benefit.

I suspect most people would have a very hard time actually supporting that proposition if pressed
There is little pressing to do regards that issue.

Consider that as an alternative sure and really all you ARE left with is the relevance of having a child.
I seem to get this charge levelled at me a lot.


What is selfish about not wanting to reproduce?

I can see why being focused more on your own life and career to take care of it could be seen as selfish, but, why is not wanting one in the first place selfish?

I don't believe I owe the world a little Visceral Instinct. There are enough humans destroying the place as it is.
I do not think it is selfish if you decide not to have children .
The world has around 6 billions of people and some are getting their dinners from garbage dumping sites .
Also the family structure changed tremendously with single mothers , gays marriages , schools and officials interference in the family life.....etc .
I am sure that some people will be happier without the headaches of having kids around .
Because you're talking nonsense and you won't stop.

What nonsense? I'm saying we all have different opinions; thus, what matters most is power, in the sense that morality without might is useless

This is the simple truth.
I seem to get this charge levelled at me a lot.


What is selfish about not wanting to reproduce?

I can see why being focused more on your own life and career to take care of it could be seen as selfish, but, why is not wanting one in the first place selfish?

I don't believe I owe the world a little Visceral Instinct. There are enough humans destroying the place as it is.

I would say not. Most of the time its the opposite that's true and its selfish to have a child, like when the person isn't prepared for example or when they have them for the wrong reasons.
This thread seems to be a good example of why no one should have any children :bugeye:
This thread seems to be a good example of why no one should have any children :bugeye:

lol.That's kinda .......rude....... Wouldn't you think...

I don't think it's selfish to not want children... I think it's more derrogitory. Many people don't want to have children so that is their decision and most of the time it has a reason- of which they are disfunctional or will wait later when someone can show them how they feel about each other.
I seem to get this charge levelled at me a lot.


What is selfish about not wanting to reproduce?

I can see why being focused more on your own life and career to take care of it could be seen as selfish, but, why is not wanting one in the first place selfish?

I don't believe I owe the world a little Visceral Instinct. There are enough humans destroying the place as it is.

Also in your case you are too young to know what you want as yet in terms of children. Most women I know didn't want children at your age and then later went on to change their mind and have them. You don't yet have a career to focus on VI never mind children. :p
Also in your case you are too young to know what you want as yet in terms of children. Most women I know didn't want children at your age and then later went on to change their mind and have them. You don't yet have a career to focus on VI never mind children. :p

To have or not to have children is a personal issue based on one's experience and thoughts . It has nothing to do with selfishness . Some folks can not stand the noise and work involved with kids.....etc .
You're just jealous, since you've sown you vagina shut yesterday.

I was just kidding:mad:.

I like children, just in small doses and preferably belonging to other people so I can leave them there.
To have or not to have children is a personal issue based on one's experience and thoughts . It has nothing to do with selfishness . Some folks can not stand the noise and work involved with kids.....etc .

Did you read my posts? Because what you are saying has nothing to do with the two posts I left.
lol.That's kinda .......rude....... Wouldn't you think...

I don't think it's selfish to not want children... I think it's more derrogitory. Many people don't want to have children so that is their decision and most of the time it has a reason- of which they are disfunctional or will wait later when someone can show them how they feel about each other.

Amittedly this ttthhhrrreeaaaddd ccoooouuulllddd actually have much more profound regards (of which it likly will not) abot he scientific in hs statement (whch there islittle imo as thre is not much more to really spek of frmmypersctive)
It is selfish not to have children because it narrows the stream of your family strain ... a stream which took generations of toil and labour from your ancestors to make aflow. But more stupid than selfish is it not to have children for those concerned with the global standing of whatever national, religious, racial, or ethnic group they identify with.
I seem to get this charge levelled at me a lot.


What is selfish about not wanting to reproduce?

I can see why being focused more on your own life and career to take care of it could be seen as selfish, but, why is not wanting one in the first place selfish?

I don't believe I owe the world a little Visceral Instinct. There are enough humans destroying the place as it is.
A common way of analyzing the moral correctness of an action is to consider what would happen if everyone did what it is that you want to do. So, if everyone choose to not have kids (they are expensive and very time consuming); the human race woujld go extinct. Unless you, like Enmos, believe that the human race going extinct would be a good thing, it's selfish to not have children.

Furthermore, there's nothing parents enjoy more than grandchildren. They raised you and see it as your duty to raise the next generation. When or if you decide that you don't want the responsibility and the expense of children, they see you as selfish.