Zero Tolerance Week

What do you think of Zero Tolerance Week?

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James R

Just this guy, you know?
Staff member
This thread is for feedback relating to zero tolerance week.

For details about zero tolerance week, see the announcement posted at the top of each forum.
If I say something against the Zero tolerancy policy on a Zero tolerance thread during a Zero tolerancy times...James Kim Jong-IL might have me been banned to Zero tolerance of national traitors gulag
I meant to click on ambivalent.
I'd like to complain about the poll: there's no "Other - see my post" option :D

I'm mostly against it, unless (and I realise this is probably futile from the start, due the workload it would impose on the mods*/ **), some sort of record is kept of WHO is doing the reporting, and the frequency of "false alarms".
SciForums to me has always had a pretty free-wheeling "be an adult or go away" attitude and feel to to it - unlike most other fora I frequent, and it's not only refreshing it's a good part of Sci's appeal for me.
IMO this new initiative has been triggered by a recent proliferation of mummy's boys - "I don't do it or like it and therefore no one should".
No one here (so far as I know) had their arm twisted or their family held hostage to make them join, we are all here by choice (well at least until the insidious SciForums addiction takes hold).
If you don't like it, go elsewhere... (and yes, I'm aware this applies to me should ZTW prove popular and be implemented as standard policy. And sad though it would be, I'll either learn to fit in - something the mummy's boys have singularly failed to to do - or even attempt - , or leave).

* I'm not seriously suggesting that track be kept of "serial reporters" but certain names/ reporting patterns may well make themselves evident.
For my two penn'orth it's certain individuals not fitting in with the SciForums spirit, rather than "offensive" posts that's the real problem.

**Maybe cutting down on the number of cocktails taken leisurely in the Moderators' Executive Lounge would give you the required time :D
Zero tolerance week will, of course, have no impact on members who abide by the posting guidelines.

What are the posting guidelines? Just to be clear that everyone is following the same guidelines?

When James says:

"Es ist Zeit für Rache!"

Then you say:

"Wir müssen die Juden ausrotten!"

Got it? :p

Oh, and someone should create a graph to see if there's an increase in sockpuppets for the next week.
Do the rules apply to mods as well? Can they be banned?
If it isn't for sockpuppets James may very well have the forum to himself by next week.
I think you misunderstand the intent of this exercise.

Its called "Beware of what you want, for you will get it"

Note that its driven entirely by reporting by non-moderators.
I'll love it until I get banned. In that event you can change my vote to "Hate it!".. :p

Edit: S.A.M. you didn't vote yet.
I think you misunderstand the intent of this exercise.

Its called "Beware of what you want, for you will get it"

Note that its driven entirely by reporting by non-moderators.

The point is that virtually everyone here has done something worthy of a warning at some point, which can now escalate into bannings for this week, and those who have upset others will be reported out of revenge for the slightest offensive remark. Either little will be said this week, or the forum will be empty. I don't think most people are even aware this is happening.
I don't recall anyone asking for this either.:shrug:
There is no: "this is yet another social experiment by moderators" option.

Don't say that, I might have the agree with you.
Then I'd have to burn my eyes out, perform a lobotomy, and get myself permabanned. :p