Magic meaning, trickery, illusions, etc. Not voodoo/witchcraft, per se, no.
Spirituality is not magic. Believing in God is not ‘magical thinking,’ however, some here might accuse me of such…praying to a ‘magic man’ in the sky. Hehe
Hope that clears up ‘’my’’ definition of magic.
Regardless, spirituality cannot be proven through physics. If you believe in God, then you believe God was the ‘creator’ of the laws of physics—those of which man would eventually discover. But, I digress because honestly this topic doesn't belong in the general science section. It's not something that science can prove, and I respect that there are other areas here to discuss these types of alternative or spiritual 'ideas.'
@ Mazulu--Have you read this: ? You will enjoy it, me thinks.

It's about how Aristotle argued that eternal. Check it out.