The God, it appears to me that your query pertains to whether or not the light path should or would be straight or geodesic(curved)?
Am I correct in that ?
If I am correct then it seems to me that the simplest answer is : The Path of Light is only being Curved or Bent while it is in the area of influence of the distorted or bent geodesic of whatever Mass is causing said Lensing. Once the area of influence is exited, any affected light will then resume a Straight Light Path.
The following Links are to some fairly decent articles/papers that should help you to better understand Gravitational Lensing :
- and from the Cornell University Search
(Below) -
I believe that these queries have been addressed, and do not seem to be of prime concern to you.
The God, as you must have surmised by your time on this Forum, very few of the most prolific Posters actually possess any extensive Academic credentials. It seems that many are Pop Science/Internet Educated (if that is an acceptable education!!??) only.
If some Members do not understand a query or cannot supply the answer, they seem to , at times, prefer to find fault with the Member positing the query...instead of simply stating that they do not understand or cannot answer the question.
The God, if you Honestly are truly interested in Learning and fully understanding the areas that this Thread is concerning, than I recommend that you begin by searching the on-line Libraries of any of a multitude of the Major universities.
For instance Cornell University has this Link : , where you can search its Archives.
Simply by typing (without the quotation marks, of course!) " Arthur Eddington " into the search box you can get access to the following .pdf
(FOR FREE!!) :
If you want to actually LEARN more than just regurgitated "pop science"...