My recent personal experience wit a unsolved mystery.!!!

Sorry... but the page that came up when i clicked that link looked scary so i backed out :O
Ha ha ha ha. What was that you wrote earlier - ah yes - "but so far i ant livin in fear.!!!" Well I suppose a scary moment doesn't qualify.
Do let us know if anything weird happens again.:eek:
Could it had been an old friend??
On a bright sunny day when i was about 6 i walked into the kitchen an saw a ghost... it was almost 8 feet tall... had a dark smoky appearance that you coud see thru an had a human-like form... i screamed bloody murder while runnin out the front door.!!!
Just so you know... i ant a celeberty an i ant lookin for fame... thats just what i saw.!!!
Ha ha ha ha. What was that you wrote earlier - ah yes - "but so far i ant livin in fear.!!!" Well I suppose a scary moment doesn't qualify.
Do let us know if anything weird happens again.:eek:
The salt movin was the only weird thang in around 70 years so the nest weird thang might be a while.???
Could it had been an old friend??
Coud be… somtimes old “frinds” do come back -- in a different form :D
But I'm guessing you have never experienced anything like that before. Correct? Assuming a yes, then from your admirable account of careful scientific style checks - I'd say paranormal indeed best fits the account.
Critical thinker Q-reeus goes to work! LOL! I couldn't write this comedy better myself.
Have you dabbled in any occult stuff like using ouiji board 'games' before?
I have, as a kid. Then I grew up.
That kind of thing anecdotally at least tends to invite repercussions.
Oh dear! What will happen to me? Please save me, Q-reeus!
PS: You could try taking some of that paranormal energized salt out of that container - and throw it over your right soldier. RIGHT SHOULDER!
Or the witches will come for you in the night!

Beware the bogeyman. It's after Q-reeus already, and you don't want it coming after you!
Critical thinker Q-reeus goes to work! LOL! I couldn't write this comedy better myself.

I have, as a kid. Then I grew up.

Oh dear! What will happen to me? Please save me, Q-reeus!

Or the witches will come for you in the night!

Beware the bogeyman. It's after Q-reeus already, and you don't want it coming after you!
And you expect anyone else to believe that piece of personal vindictiveness? You are unhinged James R.
And you expect anyone else to believe that piece of personal vindictiveness? You are unhinged James R.
Sorry, Q-reeus, I was just having a laugh about you going full woo there. I mean, you try to keep up this pretence when you're talking about UFOs that you're like a critical thinker on that topic. But even there you've let it drop that really you think UFOs are paranormal ghosts or spirits.

Then here, we find out that you believe in the full gamet of ghostly woo: sceances, Ouija boards, poltergeists, vengeful spirits, and more. And all in just one short post.

I'm actually interested, though. Do you seriously live your life believing that you need to throw salt over your shoulder to be safe from evil spirits? And that only a particular shoulder will do? We could plonk you back into the 1300s and no doubt you'd feel right at home with the witch burners and alchemists.

How much of your time and energy does your fear of devils and ghosts and witches take up? How many little superstitious rituals do you have to follow to keep yourself safe? I'm intrigued to find out. Want to share? One so rarely meets somebody so superstitious.

More importantly: what would it mean to you if you could let the fear go? How much of your time and energy would that free up for more productive pursuits?
Sorry, Q-reeus, I was just having a laugh about you going full woo there. I mean, you try to keep up this pretence when you're talking about UFOs that you're like a critical thinker on that topic. But even there you've let it drop that really you think UFOs are paranormal ghosts or spirits.

Then here, we find out that you believe in the full gamet of ghostly woo: sceances, Ouija boards, poltergeists, vengeful spirits, and more. And all in just one short post.

I'm actually interested, though. Do you seriously live your life believing that you need to throw salt over your shoulder to be safe from evil spirits? And that only a particular shoulder will do? We could plonk you back into the 1300s and no doubt you'd feel right at home with the witch burners and alchemists.

How much of your time and energy does your fear of devils and ghosts and witches take up? How many little superstitious rituals do you have to follow to keep yourself safe? I'm intrigued to find out. Want to share? One so rarely meets somebody so superstitious.

More importantly: what would it mean to you if you could let the fear go? How much of your time and energy would that free up for more productive pursuits?
Sigh. The thing is - you KNOW everything written there is distortion at best, malicious misrepresentation, or outright lying. And it's been that way across many threads for many years here. And yet here you are, still in a notionally responsible position as forum admin level mod. Such a sad state of affairs. But in a way, just a reflection of the larger world political corruption situation.

Try not to completely derail this thread also.
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Sigh. The thing is - you KNOW everything written there is distortion at best, malicious misrepresentation, or outright lying.
Don't be silly, Q-reeus. You just seriously advised somebody to watch out for ghosts and to protect themselves by throwing salt over their shoulder.

If you now recognise that to be a silly superstitious belief, you should own that. On the other hand, if you want to stand by your belief and your advice, then you should equally own that, rather than trying to pretend that I somehow told a lie about you.

Which will it be?
Don't be silly, Q-reeus. You just seriously advised somebody to watch out for ghosts and to protect themselves by throwing salt over their shoulder.

If you now recognise that to be a silly superstitious belief, you should own that. On the other hand, if you want to stand by your belief and your advice, then you should equally own that, rather than trying to pretend that I somehow told a lie about you.

Which will it be?
See my previous post. And my one before that. You are indeed both desperate and unhinged. Especially if you really start believing your own BS like that displayed for all to see here.
See my previous post.
Already saw that, and responded to it.
You are indeed both desperate and unhinged.
Ha! Like you're qualified to judge.

Do you think you can stop with the babyish insults, or not?
Especially if you really start believing your own BS like that displayed for all to see here.
I asked you a question. Try to answer it honestly.
Already saw that, and responded to it.

Ha! Like you're qualified to judge.

Do you think you can stop with the babyish insults, or not?

I asked you a question. Try to answer it honestly.
NOBODY believes your lying intentionally mischievous twisting my OBVIOUS humor in #5 into your BS 'seriously'. Nobody. Stop digging yourself deeper and deeper into a hole of your own making. It's both pitiful and irritating to deal with. Now please - stop your derailing of this thread!
NOBODY believes your lying intentionally mischievous twisting my OBVIOUS humor in #5 into your BS 'seriously'. Nobody.
Oh, I see! It was all a big joke!

The issue then, Q-reeus, is that if there are no signs in your posts that you aren't being serious, people are likely to take your posts to be an honest expression of your opinions. People on the internet can't see your smirk; all we see are your words on the screen.

Besides, you're on the record as believing in exactly the kind of paranormal woo that you now claim you were obliquely joking about there.

The upshot of all that is that I'm left with a sort of "boy who cried wolf" dilemma. Am I now to take your claim that it was all a joke you were having at cluelusshusband's expense seriously, or could it be that this latest claim of yours is a dishonest evasion on your part? There's no way to tell.

So what about the UFOs, Q-reeus? Is your belief that UFOs are paranormal ghost-like manifestations also a big joke, or is that a real opinion you hold? If it's the former, then you could have clarified your humourous intent months, if not years, ago. That would have saved us both a considerable amount of time.
Oh, I see! It was all a big joke!

The issue then, Q-reeus, is that if there are no signs in your posts that you aren't being serious, people are likely to take your posts to be an honest expression of your opinions. People on the internet can't see your smirk; all we see are your words on the screen.

Besides, you're on the record as believing in exactly the kind of paranormal woo that you now claim you were obliquely joking about there.

The upshot of all that is that I'm left with a sort of "boy who cried wolf" dilemma. Am I now to take your claim that it was all a joke you were having at cluelusshusband's expense seriously, or could it be that this latest claim of yours is a dishonest evasion on your part? There's no way to tell.

So what about the UFOs, Q-reeus? Is your belief that UFOs are paranormal ghost-like manifestations also a big joke, or is that a real opinion you hold? If it's the former, then you could have clarified your humourous intent months, if not years, ago. That would have saved us both a considerable amount of time.
Give it up James R. No-one here will believe you are actually blind to not only the obvious humor of my wording and word emphasis in #5, but it's ending with what any normal sincere person would unmistakably recognize as humor - viz :eek::eek::eek:
And now you seek to draw me into discussing UFOs in a non-UFO related sub-forum. Knowing full well my position there has always been serious and sincere. You KNOW it!
Again - quit the derailing campaign. You of all people here should know and behave better!
No-one here will believe you are actually blind to not only the obvious humor of my wording and word emphasis in #5, but it's ending with what any normal sincere person would unmistakably recognize as humor
The problem is, Q, we have no way to tell when you are serious and when you are j0king; they look the same.

See previous discussion about thinking SyFy Channel TV shows are valid, fact-based source material.
That was humorously naive, yet you claim you were dead-serious.

This time, you talk about throwing salt over your shoulder.
This too is humorously naive, yet now you claim you were joking.

Look up 'credibility'.

Let's get back on-topic, shall we?
The problem is, Q, we have no way to tell when you are serious and when you are j0king; they look the same.

See previous discussion about thinking SyFy Channel TV shows are valid, fact-based source material.
That was humorously naive, yet you claim you were dead-serious.

This time, you talk about throwing salt over your shoulder.
This too is humorously naive, yet now you claim you were joking.

Look up 'credibility'.

Let's get back on-topic, shall we?
Nice bit of sycophantic backup. Sling some fake argument mud - then urge 'STOP IT ALL RIGHT NOW'! Fine - if there's anything left to discuss on OP topic - let's actually do that.
It's interesting to me how Q-reeus is unable, or unwilling to address direct questions that are put to him about his views. This man is not worth interacting with, since he is seemingly incapable of posting without evasion.
It's interesting to me how Q-reeus is unable, or unwilling to address direct questions that are put to him about his views. This man is not worth interacting with, since he is seemingly incapable of posting without evasion.
That you keep gunning with such venom for me in particular is in a way flattering. Kind of unique - likely without precedent here at SF. Noted too the signalling of support for both you and DaveC426913 elsewhere.
Anyway, after WRECKING this thread with your nasty minded entry in #24 and following - do you have anything relevant and positive to contribute to the OP topic? So far not.
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Run along now, Q-reeus.
Damn it. James R keeps acing me with his clever and poignant quips. It's just not fair! Ha ha ha ha. Only kidding. Certified not-nervous laughter btw.
I can only hope at this point cluelusshusbund has something further of significance to add here.