11000 scientists warn re climate change

Xelasnave.1947 and other interested posters

A 51-year-old man has been charged with lighting an out-of-control fire in the NSW Northern Tablelands in order to protect a cannabis crop.

The fast-moving blaze at Guyra Road in Ebor, northeast of Armidale, was burning across more than 2000ha on Friday afternoon as it spread towards the Ebor township.

The fire was reported to emergency services at about 10.30pm on Thursday.

The man was arrested just after 2pm on Friday in Ebor and charged with intentionally cause fire and be reckless to its spread.

Police will allege in court the man lit the fire as an attempt at a backburn to protect a cannabis crop and made no attempt to control the blaze.

They also allege he hoped to benefit from government payments in the recovery after the fire.

He was refused bail to appear at Armidale Local Court on Saturday.


Had to copy and paste the above because unable to provide a link sorry

You should be able to get enough from the above to do a Google

Hint seems like on Channel 7 news


the nuclear waste land issue Vs clean & green mediation ...
its a tricky concept because if everything burns to the ground then the level of pollution is going to be probably more than had they used horrific fire retardants to prevent it.
the law of averages for limited damage tends to be applied as a normalcy to qualitative thought routines.
that is often assumed as common sense by simple minded/manipulative people.

no water no power usually.
so if the rain doesnt come there is no electricity to run the desalinator.
but they probably didnt want to commit to that reality when they wanted to tick boxes and rubber stamp their own efficiency and bonus targets.

Coal fired desalinator ? lol
probably better to have a mini nuclear reactor combined with foot ball stadium sized solar array.

but what person in their profession is going to be the person who spends their next 50 years of budget money on purchasing the land to put up the solar array to compete as a loss against the house market prices ?

designed to fail !
instances like this is where centralized government with its dictatorship powers are required to be the benevolent dictator.
though i would rate aussie close to 1st or second equal in the world when it comes to social policy for national betterment, along side Canada, until you add the refugee issue then it tends to all fall over on a human rights basis.

it is good to see the police being able to tackle arsonists.
very impressive, must be very difficult to catch them

if i was a farmer in assuie and saw someone on my land trying to start a fire...

urban neighborhoods could probably well do with setting up fire patrols of groups of 5 people patrolling together.

identifying piles of rubbish to be removed.
potential hot spots and helping people have the basic steps ready to evacuate
garden hoses fitted and ready to use.
etc etc...
but who wants to lose their wages to do a job no one is paying for when they have insurance ?

Capitalism is not always your friend

... why are rain water catchment tanks not made compulsory on all new builds ?


apartments & existing 2 bedrooms dwellings =



what are they waiting for ?
catastrophic fire risk ? combined with city and state wide massive water and electricity shortages looming ?

applied like the same vigor as superannuation
which you cant use if you burn to death or die from smoke inhalation
and if it all goes to pay for building your replacement house then you have no money to live on ... and you end up being old & poor and asking for charity to pay for food & electricity & air conditioning money ...

In some US states it is or was illegal to collect rainwater.
Colorado just relented, allowing up to 2 x 55 gallon rain barrels.
Xelasnave.1947 and other interested posters

A 51-year-old man has been charged with lighting an out-of-control fire in the NSW Northern Tablelands in order to protect a cannabis crop.

The fast-moving blaze at Guyra Road in Ebor, northeast of Armidale, was burning across more than 2000ha on Friday afternoon as it spread towards the Ebor township.

The fire was reported to emergency services at about 10.30pm on Thursday.

The man was arrested just after 2pm on Friday in Ebor and charged with intentionally cause fire and be reckless to its spread.

Police will allege in court the man lit the fire as an attempt at a backburn to protect a cannabis crop and made no attempt to control the blaze.

They also allege he hoped to benefit from government payments in the recovery after the fire.

He was refused bail to appear at Armidale Local Court on Saturday.


Had to copy and paste the above because unable to provide a link sorry

You should be able to get enough from the above to do a Google

Hint seems like on Channel 7 news



I suppose it is a start.
We need to get the folk who start the fire that forces folk to back burn.
I would back burn to save my house...I have many years ago with the main fire 100 MTRS away ... the time you get to that situation one rarely adds to the problem.
Thanks for posting.
In some US states it is or was illegal to collect rainwater.
In certain limited locales.
The water resources were owned, see - so collecting them for oneself was theft.
In places that have privatized their water supply, that kind of restriction is common.
water rights issues
the laws governing water rights are rather complex
the laws against catching runoff from your roof hinged on the concept of "diverting water" from those "downstream".
Thank you. A reasonable idea but you could think more water storage would be a good idea but I guess folk down stre may not get a stream.
So we start another week and still no further ahead as to if the list is a lie... So it's old news and probably this post the last of it...
Not a lie.
Not s problem saying that the list is a lie

Many people have seen the list

What it PURPORTS its contents to be ie
11,000 scientists

I am guessing the list is down for correction

Will be interesting what they come back with

XXXXX scientists warn re climate change and I am betting XXXXX will not be 11,000 and all in the new XXXXX will have their qualifications even morely (sic) :) scrutinised

Who cares what kind of scientists they are? It's a show of solidarity from the scientific community. Climate change is as good as a fact.
Not s problem saying that the list is a lie

Many people have seen the list

What it PURPORTS its contents to be ie
11,000 scientists

I am guessing the list is down for correction

Will be interesting what they come back with

XXXXX scientists warn re climate change and I am betting XXXXX will not be 11,000 and all in the new XXXXX will have their qualifications even morely (sic) :) scrutinised

How many scientists does it take to change a light bulb? ;)
Who cares what kind of scientists they are?

I do for one ... particularly as there is a strong indication that there are very few if any scientists on the list. Its disappearance strongly suggests the allegations re the list, are not foundless.

And I would expect that given any critism of any scientist who speaks against climate science is always..what would he know he is not a climate scientist...that the scientists on the list could be expected to be climate scientists.

It's a show of solidarity from the scientific community.

You must have missed it...the allegation is that those on the list were not scientists. So at most we witness the solidarity of folk on the issue who are not scientists.

Climate change is as good as a fact.

This is true so one wonders why the need to lie that you have a list of 11000 scientists when you do not have such a list.

Clearly there must be something to the allegation given the smoke screen.

You seem to be saying " who cares if it's a lie as the general proposition is correct" well you may think that way but if someone lies their credibility is gone not enhanced.

Your fondness for the cause should not allow you to overlook lieing.

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I think it would be a stretch to accuse the Oregon State University of lying.
We need the list, which we will get tidied up, but who to accuse of lieing should be easy..those who claimed to have a list when what they had was not what they claim...
And the damage...the damage has been done...and anyone who thinks otherwise is too entrenched to recognise belief in something does not give licence to lie...I guess my values are different..as it seems so many folk think lieing is ok for their side but not the other...
Anyways I am done here how can one get a point across when folk think lieing is ok.