Cottontop3000 said:
The U.S. will live so long as we continue to assimilate. That's all.
Holy crap, we're like the Borg...we assimilate, assimilate, and kill...and resistance is futile when we begin to kick ass.... :eek:
Hapsburg said:
Holy crap, we're like the Borg...we assimilate, assimilate, and kill...and resistance is futile when we begin to kick ass.... :eek:

Until we try to kick too much ass at once. God, I hate our leaders.
android said:
Those are two different problems.

The "German problem" was a political concern during war with Germany.

The Italian, Irish and Slavic problem (1840-1920) was primarily a genetic concern, as many at the time considered those populations to lag behind Northern Europeans.

Among those who read history, many still do.

Not only genetic (if you refer to the eugenics of the time), but also economic, religious (Catholics were not.. liked), ethical (Irish were despised for their drinking - this would lead to Prohibition), and whatever one I have forgotten.
Oh, the coming "crisis" of "Mexicans" taking over the U.S. You forgot that one. Where will all the racist whites go?
Political boundaries are real as long as there are enough people who say they are real. And there are one hell of a lot of people saying that right now.

Come one, come all. Come to the great melting pot that is America. You and perhaps your children may stay as you are, but by the third generation you are ours. You will speak our language, give praise to our flag, and add in all that makes you special into the whole. With each so called invasion, we only become stronger.

So bring me those huddled masses.
Clockwood said:
Political boundaries are real as long as there are enough people who say they are real. And there are one hell of a lot of people saying that right now.
Your definition of America, and the definition that the other half of the country gives America, are two very different definitions of America. I guess we will just "wait" for the results of next years elections to see which one actually has more sway.
Come one, come all. Come to the great melting pot that is America. You and perhaps your children may stay as you are, but by the third generation you are ours. You will speak our language, give praise to our flag, and add in all that makes you special into the whole. With each so called invasion, we only become stronger.
No. With each "so called invasion," we become weaker, from here on out. We have past a point of no return. Get ready for it, all you middle class. The "lower" class already knows what it is going to be like. Am I trying to scare you middle class? Hmmm. Maybe. I actually have a good reason for trying to scare you though, as opposed to the neo-cons, who don't.

So bring me those huddled masses.
Huddled, but not quite so huddled, anymore.
Clockwood said:
give praise to our flag
The day I praise the american flag is a day three-eyed unicorn-pigs fly out of my ass, on fire, shooting lightsaber-wielding ninjas out of an assault rifle.
Hapsburg said:
The day I praise the american flag is a day three-eyed unicorn-pigs fly out of my ass, on fire, shooting lightsaber-wielding ninjas out of an assault rifle.

But do you benefit from all that America has provided you?

And if so, which I assume that it is, then you're no different to those who live in multi-million $$ mansions and propose that "others" help feed and care for the poor! I.e., hippo-fuckin'-crits!

Baron Max
Cottontop3000 said:
The U.S. will live so long as we continue to assimilate. That's all.
"So long as WE continue to assimilate"?

Do you think that the people that are coming here should assimilate too?

It is clear, one only needs to look at Mexico to see the future of America.
Hapsburg said:
The day I praise the american flag is a day three-eyed unicorn-pigs fly out of my ass, on fire, shooting lightsaber-wielding ninjas out of an assault rifle.
Sounds like a great day, I will pray your words come true.
Is their any other group then "whites" who try harder today to help other "cultures"? Is there any other "culture" other then "whites" who have made laws (affirmitive action) against themselves in order to TRY to help another "culture"? What "culture" other then whites adopt and raise children from another "culture"?

Shit, their are MANY jobs in America where you MUST speak spanish to have.

Whenever I see a part of the world that is suffering it has always been "whites" leading the way to help.

Is any other culture in the world trying better to "assimilate" with other cultures?

If so who?

Check out the love for America:
Baron Max said:
But do you benefit from all that America has provided you?
Yes, but this country is still a nation ruled by dumbfucks and rich assholes. That pisses me off, and makes me hate this country.

for anybody who even cares about it, (and i don't. i find hispanics less sketch percentage-wise than most other ethnic groups. but that may just be the immigrant population in my area.) this can't really be seen as anything but ironic justice. the decendants of the indigenous population of this continent are steadily assuming a dominant role in the affairs of their native land, largely by taking on work that most Americans consider themselves too good for. and this scares the shit out of the people who wring their hands about this kind of thing, oddly enough the kind of people that established this great nation.
esoterik_appeal said:
this can't really be seen as anything but ironic justice. the decendants of the indigenous population of this continent are steadily assuming a dominant role in the affairs of their native land,
What you say here is so true, would it be wise for people of lighter color (whites) to start to take a stand against this?
J.B., How are you going to take a stand against it? Are you gonna get you a $5.00/hour job? Got one already? :)