A God We Know Nothing About

So you don't think the degree of faith that a patient has in a surgeon plays any part in the likelihood of them undergoing surgery?

If it were me then all of my faith is on the surgeon. So the answer is I do.

I guess I over estimated you when I assumed you would find expression in the standard (gross materialist) channels of name, fame, adoration, distinction, etc

Just because you assign them doesn't mean they're true. I think you need to rethink that one.

I need to get back on topic. You can give me any purpose you want, it's irrelevant. My concern is with God assigning me some purpose in life. Am I as Shakespeare says, merely a player on the world's stage?
If it were me then all of my faith is on the surgeon. So the answer is I do.
okay then
glad we cleared that up

Just because you assign them doesn't mean they're true. I think you need to rethink that one.
Practically everyone works out of models of self aggrandizement - the only quibbles are whether it is direct (I am the greatest etc etc) or extended (My family/country/people is the greatest etc etc)
I need to get back on topic. You can give me any purpose you want, it's irrelevant.
You can pretend you don't have any purpose, it's irrelevant

My concern is with God assigning me some purpose in life. Am I as Shakespeare says, merely a player on the world's stage?
Because we are possessed of the same quality (but different quantity) of god, our purposes are identical - namely to seek happiness. The "world's a stage" thing only comes into it when we have political issues with the status quo of god, and thus require a world that can house the illusion of his non-existence in order to be happy.
Practically everyone works out of models of self aggrandizement - the only quibbles are whether it is direct (I am the greatest etc etc) or extended (My family/country/people is the greatest etc etc)

Is that a bad thing? If, for instance, you have a parent that puts his children first and foremost, are we saying that's a negative?

P.S This is a question, not a statement. Kindly treat it as such and provide a straightforward answer. Many thanks.
Because we are possessed of the same quality (but different quantity) of god, our purposes are identical - namely to seek happiness. The "world's a stage" thing only comes into it when we have political issues with the status quo of god, and thus require a world that can house the illusion of his non-existence in order to be happy.

Oh boy:(... I think you're saying that is the purpose God assigned to me, to be an atheist. God's purpose for me is to rail against His existence. I'm touched by this, I've never felt so close:rolleyes:. My plane crashes so you can live...what irony:D.

too tired to continue on tonight... later
Is that a bad thing?
not at all

its simply the default position amongst even those who adamantly claim to be purposeless
If, for instance, you have a parent that puts his children first and foremost, are we saying that's a negative?
we're saying they have a purpose

P.S This is a question, not a statement. Kindly treat it as such and provide a straightforward answer. Many thanks.
happy to oblige
Oh boy:(... I think you're saying that is the purpose God assigned to me, to be an atheist.
You are assigned the purpose to be happy. The means you take to fulfill that propensity are more the issue of investigation however

God's purpose for me is to rail against His existence. I'm touched by this, I've never felt so close:rolleyes:. My plane crashes so you can live...what irony:D.
Getting down to the brass tacks of spiritual merit, it basically boils down to dealing with the consequences of our choices in the pursuit of happiness.

too tired to continue on tonight... later
its simply the default position amongst even those who adamantly claim to be purposeless

I see. I wouldn't actually say it was a 'default' position - merely one of many. If they claim to be 'purposeless', it probably refers to some objective purpose as opposed to subjective purpose.

we're saying they have a purpose

Self defined, but ok. I agree with you. For all it's worth, they have a 'purpose' - one that they didn't have 9 months before the childs birth. Anything else?
ad you are assuming that the sense of "he-ness" is fully within the realm of genitals (and your experience of them)

It is pretty much a defining characteristic of the human word 'he', yes. You're using the non-human definition or what?
There is a huge effective difference between not knowing the particular details of a Transcendent God, and not knowing the details of Spirituality and True Religion. If it is impossible to know the Very Center Point, that does not exclude the Knowledge of the entire rest of the Circles -- The Spiritual Realms, the Angels, the Saints, Bliss, Ananda, blah blah blah.

The problem with Atheists is that their focus on a too finely defined Transcendent God blinds them to the relatively very accessible Spiritual Realm.

Is there anybody here who believes in God(s) and yet is quite prepared to leave it at that. IOW, admit that it is impossible to speculate on God's existence or non-existence, thus eliminating anything religiously associated with a god or gods as the case may be. All you have is a belief that a God exists.

Would atheists be more receptive to a believer that does not try to expand their beliefs.... i.e. philosophies, bibles, churches, rites, etc.? Would atheists/theists be less inclined to argue? Would such a belief be seen as too close to being atheist for most theists and vice versa? Would society benefit or be constantly muddled in the belief/non-belief controversy?

Personally I can accept someone's belief in a god if only they were willing to leave it at that. Does the willingness of both sides to accept the other become greater if both parties agree to disagree?

For atheists, is it possible that it isn't the belief in a god that we find most perturbing but how all the trappings eventually become integrated with everyday life's decisions and policies?
There is a huge effective difference between not knowing the particular details of a Transcendent God, and not knowing the details of Spirituality and True Religion.

Not so far.

The problem with Atheists is that their focus on a too finely defined Transcendent God blinds them to the relatively very accessible Spiritual Realm.

Oh THAT's their problem. Here I thought it was their lack of desire to let other people's fantasies rule their lives.
There is a huge effective difference between not knowing the particular details of a Transcendent God, and not knowing the details of Spirituality and True Religion. If it is impossible to know the Very Center Point, that does not exclude the Knowledge of the entire rest of the Circles -- The Spiritual Realms, the Angels, the Saints, Bliss, Ananda, blah blah blah.

The problem with Atheists is that their focus on a too finely defined Transcendent God blinds them to the relatively very accessible Spiritual Realm.

Absurd. I am blinded to nothing.
A problem with theists is they obfuscate rather than present evidence.
I & some others never said it's impossible to know.
If you have evidence of a spiritual realm, present it.
There is a huge effective difference between not knowing the particular details of Spirituality and True Religion... blah blah blah.

The problem with Atheists is that their focus on a too finely defined Transcendent God blinds them to the relatively very accessible Spiritual Realm.

It used to be accessible, but now there's always a huge lineup at the door.